pelting in Vietnamese

@pelting /'peltiɳ/
* tính từ
- trút xuống, đập mạnh rào rào (mưa)
=pelting rain+ mưa như trút

Sentence patterns related to "pelting"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pelting" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pelting", or refer to the context using the word "pelting" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The rain came pelting down.

2. It's pelting with rain.

3. Hailstones of abuse were pelting him.

4. The pelting rain soaked his clothes.

5. We drove through pelting rain.

6. The rain was pelting down.

7. It was pelting with rain.

8. It's pelting down out there.

9. The rain now was pelting down.

10. Three huge dogs came pelting into the street.

11. The rain [ It ] is really pelting down.

12. By now the rain was pelting down.

13. The cloulds began pelting rain on us.

14. You must put on a raincoat;it's pelting down now.

15. The blacksmith was pelting away at the hot iron.

16. Demonstrators were pelting rocks and bottles at police.

17. Stop those boys pelting stones at the poor dog!

18. We saw rioters pelting police with bricks and bottles.

19. 2 Shepherds was pelting through the gloaming their sheep and goats.

20. There was a roll of thunder , and the rain started pelting down.

21. We were thoroughly satisfied even though the rain was now pelting down.

22. A shower of heavy rainfall was pelting on the roof of my house.

23. Outside the rain was pelting down, you listened, and soon you started itching with excitement

Bên ngoài mưa như trút nước và ngay lập tức anh bắt đầu ngứa ngáy và bị kích thích

24. Outside the rain was pelting down, you listened and soon you started itching with excitement.

Bên ngoài mưa như trút nước và ngay lập tức anh bắt đầu ngứa ngáy và bị kích thích

25. Apart from pelting the huntsmen with eggs and potatoes, there were few reports of violence.

26. We bellowed our Yuletide toasts over the hail that had started pelting the corrugated iron roof.

27. You'd think the appeal of pelting the same person with fruit would wear off after a while, but, oh, no!

Ông có thể nghĩ là sự hấp dẫn của việc ném mưa trái cây vào người khác sẽ bớt đi sau một dạo, nhưng, ôi, ko!

28. So why was she sitting here now, moodily watching the rain pelting down outside the patio doors?

29. The boys sat in the back of the class, pelting each other with pieces of rolled up paper.

30. That vision of the finish line helped me to finish that marathon in a pelting, cold New England storm.

Tầm nhìn xa thấy rộng được mức đến đó đã giúp tôi hoàn tất cuộc chạy đua đường dài trong cơn mưa bão lạnh lẽo tầm tã của vùng New England.

31. The rain was now pelting down, covering the windows with a coat of water as thick and opaque as glycerine.

32. Finally she spat angrily at the door of the building and shambled on her way, oblivious to the pelting rain.

33. Jimmy halted between the two policemen when he saw Cardiff sitting behind a desk, rain pelting against the outside window.

34. 19 The rain was now pelting down, covering the windows with a coat of water as thick and opaque as glycerine.

35. The Antlion resumes the frenzy of flipping sand into the air, pelting the sliding ant and facilitating the ant’s slide to the bottom

36. ‘Others set up massive Ballistae some distance from the defenders, and began pelting them with heavy bolts of solid iron.’ ‘It was during an unfortunate incident that involved a ballista.’ ‘Another was a hover tank chassis with a ballista mounted on top.’