pectin in Vietnamese

@pectin /'pektin/
* danh từ
- (hoá học) Pecti

Sentence patterns related to "pectin"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pectin" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pectin", or refer to the context using the word "pectin" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Jam, and jelly both contain pectin.

2. Pectin is removed from clarified juice.

3. Thus pectin and glucose has good interaction effect.

4. Alcohol-precipitated pectin is then separated, washed and dried.

Kết tủa bằng cồn pectin sau đó được tách, rửa sạch và sấy khô.

5. In cigars, pectin is considered an excellent substitute for vegetable glue and many cigar smokers and collectors use pectin for repairing damaged tobacco leaves on their cigars.

Trong ngành công nghiệp xì gà, pectin được xem là một thay thế tuyệt vời cho keo thực vật và nhiều người hút thuốc xì gà và các chủ nợ sẽ sử dụng để sửa chữa hư hỏng pectin lá wrapper thuốc lá trên xì gà của họ. .

6. That Crispness comes from the vegetable’s natural pectin--the same pectin that we extract from apples and citrus to make jams and jellies

7. The cell walls are made up of cellulose and pectin.

8. An old technique of precipitating pectin with aluminium salts is no longer used (apart from alcohols and polyvalent cations, pectin also precipitates with proteins and detergents).

Một kỹ thuật cũ của kết tủa pectin với các muối nhôm không còn sử dụng (ngoài rượu và các cation polyvalent, pectin cũng sẽ kết tủa với protein và chất tẩy rửa).

9. " Grape juice, corn syrup, fruit pectin, citric acid, sodium citrate. "

10. The technological condition of spray - drying premna microphylla pectin was studied.

11. To be sure of a good set, use preserving sugar with added pectin.

12. The pectin-containing material may be treated with an alkali treatment composition.

13. Sugar, orange peel, corn syrup, concentrated orange juice, fruit pectin, citric acid.

14. Pectin is one of the main components of the plant cell wall.

Pectin là một trong những thành phần chính của thành tế bào thực vật.

15. AIM: To investigate the synthesis and colon targeted characteristics of pectin ketoprofen prodrug.

16. Red Currants are high in pectin, making them ideal for jams and jellies

17. They will help the other fruit gel (Bunchberries have high natural pectin levels)

18. 4 cups, Chokecherry juice; 4 cups, Sugar; 1 package, Powdered pectin; Yield: Half-pint jars

19. This paper studied the methods of extracting pectin from the cactus by salting-out agent.

20. 5 cups, Chokecherry juice; 7 cups, Sugar; 1 package, Powdered pectin; Yield: Half-pint jars

21. In this study, native pectin (Na-Pe) was Acylated with gallic acid through enzymatic method

22. Or is blueberries, basically what we did was we used blueberry, sugar and, um, pectin.

23. Bergamot pectin, a powerful gelatinizing agent, also finds a place in hemostatic and antidiarrheal preparations.

Chất keo trong trái bergamot, một chất làm đông rất nhanh, cũng được dùng trong các loại thuốc cầm máu và trị tiêu chảy.

24. Acidity decreases as does the ratio of Colloids (large pectin type molecules) and aging potential.

25. To be sure of a good set when making the jam, use preserving sugar with added pectin.

26. Arabinose (plural Arabinoses) ( biochemistry ) An aldopentose that occurs most often in polysaccharides such as hemicellulose and pectin

27. Bullaces are high in pectin anyway but as they have been soaking in the alcohol for a while I would suggest adding a little extra natural pectin to aid the setting or you could use some of the comercial stuff ,also works well

28. Black currants are naturally high in pectin, which makes them a great choice for homemade jams and jellies

29. Isolated pectin has a molecular weight of typically 60,000–130,000 g/mol, varying with origin and extraction conditions.

Pectin Isolated có trọng lượng phân tử thường 60-130,000 g / mol, khác nhau với điều kiện xuất xứ và khai thác.

30. Blackcurrant jam is one of the easiest jams to make as it doesn’t need pectin, and sets really well on its own

31. viscosimetric method based on a decrease of viscosity produced by action of polygalacturonase on the pectin-containing substrate, polymethylgalacturonic acid.

32. After filtering, the extract is concentrated in a vacuum and the pectin is then precipitated by adding ethanol or isopropanol.

Sau khi lọc, chiết xuất được tập trung trong chân không và các pectin sau đó kết tủa bằng cách thêm ethanol hoặc isopropanol.

33. Pectin is used in confectionery jellies to give a good gel structure, a clean bite and to confer a good flavour release.

Pectin được sử dụng trong các loại thạch, bánh kẹo để cung cấp cho một cấu trúc gel tốt, một vết cắn sạch và để trao một thông cáo hương vị tốt.

34. In ruminant nutrition, depending on the extent of lignification of the cell wall, pectin is up to 90% digestible by bacterial enzymes.

Trong dinh dưỡng gia súc nhai lại, tùy thuộc vào mức độ của lignification của vách tế bào, pectin là lên đến 90% tiêu hóa bởi các enzym của vi khuẩn.

35. This test distinguishes alginic acid from agar, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, carrageenan, de-esterified pectin, gelatin, locust bean gum, methyl cellulose and starch

36. In addition, it contains a number of mineral substances, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and others, as well as pectin and fiber.

37. Pectin with high molecular weight can be used to prepare supersonic centrifuge membrane and electric osmotic membrane because of its better gelatification.

38. Currants for cooking and making jelly should be harvested slightly underripe (they contain more pectin at that stage); unripe Currants retain some acidity

39. Observations indicate that these narrow spaces are filled by Anamorphous compounds rich in pectin (gels), secreted outside the tyloses in the vessel’s lumen

40. During the Industrial Revolution, the makers of fruit preserves turned to producers of apple juice to obtain dried apple pomace that was cooked to extract pectin.

Trong cuộc Cách mạng công nghiệp, các nhà sản xuất trái cây ngâm nhanh chóng chuyển sang sản xuất nước ép táo để có được dịch nhão táo khô được nấu nướng để trích xuất pectin.

41. Ruthenium red, 6+, is a biological stain used to stain polyanionic molecules such as pectin and nucleic acids for light microscopy and electron microscopy.

Rutheni đỏ, 6+, là chất biến màu sinh học được sử dụng để biến màu các phân tử nhiều anion như pectin và các axít nucleic cho kính hiển vi quang và kính hiển vi điện tử.

42. Why, according to the Commission, must pectin be treated differently from gum arabic, carrageenan, guar gum, agar agar, locust bean seed gum, alginate and carboxymethylcellulose?

43. Pectin and hemicellulose are the dominant constituents of collenchyma cell walls of dicotyledon angiosperms, which may contain as little as 20% of cellulose in Petasites.

44. Methods The Soxhlet extractor method was adopted for the extraction of pigments, and acid extraction and ethanol precipitation method was used for the preparation of pectin.

45. The influence of experimental conditions, which were taking the pectin out by means of soaking the sugar-beet bagasse with dilute hydrochloric acid liquid was studied.

46. In high-ester pectins at soluble solids content above 60% and a pH-value between 2.8 and 3.6, hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions bind the individual pectin chains together.

Trong pectin cao-ester ở chất rắn hòa tan nội dung trên 60% và pH giữa 2.8 và 3.6, liên kết hydro và tương tác kỵ nước ràng buộc các chuỗi pectin cá nhân với nhau.

47. To form an interfacial Coacervate, β-lactoglobulin (β-lg) from whey protein and the anionic sugar polymer pectin (with methoxylations to control the number of anionic charges) were used

48. The calcium-pectin coating functions to significantly impede the absorption and adsorption of frying oil, increases the moisture content, the crispness and heat lamp stability of the food composition.

49. DOI: 10.1016/j.Anaerobe.2010.03.005 Abstract The effects of apple intake on the fecal flora, water content, pH, and metabolic activities in eight healthy volunteers and the utilization of apple pectin in vitro were investigated

50. Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies Maximum Strength 1,000mg Plus Ginger, ACV With The Mother Dietary Supplement, Supports Immune Health, Detox, Cleanse, Weight loss & Digestion-Pectin Gummy [60 Count-2 Pack] 4.5 out of 5 stars 85