peace corps in Vietnamese

@peace corps
* danh từ(Peace Corps)+Tổ chức Hoà bình Mỹ

Sentence patterns related to "peace corps"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "peace corps" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "peace corps", or refer to the context using the word "peace corps" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Vassar grad, Peace Corps, tennis All-American.

2. The change to Peace Corps Response allowed Peace Corps to include projects that did not rise to the level of a crisis.

Sự thay đổi này đối với Đoàn Hòa bình Ứng phó đã cho phép Đoàn Hòa bình kiêm nhiệm các dự án không lên đến mức khủng hoảng.

3. Peace Corps officials made no comment to the press.

4. The Peace Corps Volunteers were a study in contrast.

5. Sharrin closed out their service with the Peace Corps.

6. Congress through the Peace Corps Act of September 22, 1961

7. In 1995 she joined the Peace Corps working in Chad.

Năm 1995, bà gia nhập Quân đoàn Hòa bình làm việc tại Chad.

8. This is the place where the Peace Corps was started.

9. Former Peace Corps volunteer Jeff Rose heads the Full Belly Project.

10. His only real legislative achievement was creation of the Peace Corps.

11. One week three magazines hit the stands with Peace Corps stories.

12. And this for my money is what Peace Corps is all about.

13. An example of someone who is Altruistic is a Peace Corps member.

14. They are defeating the purpose of the Peace Corps and they are unhappy.

15. The judges thought that we, the Peace Corps volunteers, had turned these guys on.

16. All Peace Corps officials were considered potential screeners who had influence in the selection process.

17. The three Volunteers assigned to Huamanga had been carefully chosen by the Peace Corps staff.

18. In the formative stages of Peace Corps development, there were ample reasons for this imbalance.

19. The Peace Corps continues to monitor and assess the COVID-19 pandemic domestically and internationally

20. I met a couple of Peace Corps volunteers who walked a kilometre each morning to fetch water.

21. The Peace Corps goes to considerable expense to provide training programs involving the best qualified lecturers available.

22. 13 September: U.S. Peace Corps suspends operations and non-essential U.S. Embassy personnel are evacuated from Nepal.

Ngày 13 tháng 9: Quân giải phóng Hoa Kỳ đình chỉ hoạt động và nhân viên Đại sứ quán Hoa Kỳ không cần thiết được sơ tán khỏi Nepal.

23. Peace Corps service can be the first step toward a career or the continuation of a life's work

24. This is a training manual created for Peace Corps Trainees (PCTs) to aid in learning the Bemba language

25. This is why we have made available these Free US Peace Corps Bislama resources for you to use.

26. The program is called Code for America, and it's a little bit like a Peace Corps for geeks.

27. The Peace Corps began recruiting in July 1962; Bob Hope cut radio and television announcements hailing the program.

Đoàn Hòa bình bắt đầu tuyển mộ nhân viên vào tháng 7 năm 1962; Bob Hope cắt ngắn thông tin truyền hình và radio để cổ vũ chương trình.

28. A group of them discussed with a professor their plans to request that the Peace Corps leave Huamanga.

29. NYU Washington, DC, National Peace Corps Association and the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Washington hosted an evening film screening of Abrazos followed by a panel discussion with the filmmaker, Luis Argueta.The panel was moderated by Randy Capps, Director of Research for U.S

30. This year is also significant, as I said, because it marks the 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps.

31. So far, the IRS, the Peace Corps and the Small Business Association havejoined to provide jobs for older employees.

32. It also serves as a reminder that I am not recommending a domestic Peace Corps but a literate upheaval.

33. The Peace Corps provided an opportunity for an escape, a chance for further exploration, a moratorium before final commitment.

34. Finally, after deliberation, it was decided to initiate the Peace Corps program despite misgivings about working under a military regime.

35. 30 The Peace Corps provided an opportunity for an escape, a chance for further exploration, a moratorium before final commitment.

36. In its structure and methods, the program bears a strong and not accidental resemblance to the United States Peace Corps.

37. The Peace Corps defenders argue this harsh analysis underplays the potential benefits to civil society from computers and the internet.

38. For the first time, many students seemed to appreciate the contribution the Peace Corps could make to the development of Ayacucho.

39. Although the earliest volunteers were typically thought of as generalists, the Peace Corps had requests for technical personnel from the start.

Mặt dù các tình nguyện viên ban đầu chính yếu được nghĩ đến là những người am tường nhiều khía cạnh khác nhau nhưng Đoàn Hòa bình có các yêu cầu về nhân sự kỷ thuật từ lúc khởi đầu.

40. As part of an economic stimulus package in 2008, President Barack Obama proposed to double the size of the Peace Corps.

Như một phần của gói kích thích kinh tế năm 2008, Tổng thống Barack Obama đề nghị tăng gấp đôi qui mô của Đoàn Hòa bình.

41. The impact of the Peace Corps has inspired requests from communities and government agencies for well over five hundred more Volunteers.

42. When I first arrived in Zambia and witnessed the Zambians that work for Peace Corps practicing Cousinship, I was completely taken back.

43. And this is a really momentous occasion because we’re celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps and you are part of that 50th Anniversary group.