payload (of a cell, packet, etc.) in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-trọng tải

Sentence patterns related to "payload of a cell, packet, etc."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "payload of a cell, packet, etc." from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "payload of a cell, packet, etc.", or refer to the context using the word "payload of a cell, packet, etc." in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Apparatus and method for dual-cell high-speed uplink packet access

2. Headers are generated for the destination addresses and at least one descriptor is generated addressing the at least one packet entry in the packet memory including the payload to transmit to the destination addresses.

3. A network interface architecture for a packet/fast packet switch is described.

4. a packet of wild flower seeds.

5. Packet of gravel.

Một gói đá cuội.

6. Its only scientific payload would be a camera.

Phụ kiện duy nhất của ông là chiếc máy ảnh.

7. A system and method of operating a payload from a high altitude platform.

8. Bad packet at packet # (stream byte offset %

9. Packet of Drooble's and a Licorice Wand.

Cho con một gói kẹo Drooble và một que Cam thảo.

10. The Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SRMS), or Canadarm (Canadarm 1), was a mechanical arm used on a space shuttle it was used to maneuver a payload from the payload bay of the orbiter to its deployment position and then release it.It can also grapple a free-flying payload, maneuver it to the payload bay of the orbiter and berth it in the orbiter

11. The helicopter is designed to carry a payload of 2640 pounds.

12. We actually have a very interesting payload on there.

13. I've never caught a packet.

14. He had smoked half a packet of cigarettes.

15. He bought a jumbo packet of washing - power.

16. A packet of photographs arrived with the mail.

17. A gold packet of king size a regal insignia.

18. Out of this he drew a Cellophane packet.

19. None of the payload is used for header information.

20. In the cell, the Cytoplasm is embedded, while other cell organelles such as endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, ribosomes, vacuoles, etc

21. The shuttle's main payload will be a 300-pound satellite.

22. A Cloning in the biological sense, therefore, is a molecule, single cell (like bacteria, lymphocytes etc.) or

23. That house cost me a packet.

24. The mailman brought a small packet.

25. Packet Loss: If an echo Canceller is placed on the opposite side of a packet network with respect to the hybrid, a lost packet causes an interruption in the echo path