patriotism in Vietnamese

@patriotism /'pætriətizm/
* danh từ
- lòng yêu nước

Sentence patterns related to "patriotism"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "patriotism" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "patriotism", or refer to the context using the word "patriotism" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. There are three kinds of patriotism, genuine patriotism, sham patriotism, and half - genuine and half - sham, vacillating, patriotism.

2. True patriotism doesn't exclude an understanding of the patriotism of others.

3. 4 True patriotism doesn't exclude an understanding of the patriotism of others.

4. Have you no patriotism?

Anh không có lòng yêu nước sao?

5. Anna's patriotism was profound.

6. Their patriotism equals our profit.

Lợi nhuận của chúng ta sẽ bằng với lòng yêu nước của họ.

7. Excessive patriotism can lead to xenophobia.

8. They're just voicing their patriotism.

Họ chỉ bày tỏ lòng yêu nước.

9. Canadianism or Canadian patriotism refers to a patriotism involving cultural attachment of Canadians to Canada as their homeland

10. There is no contradiction between patriotism internationalism.

11. Patriotism was then at fever pitch.

12. They showed patriotism to their country.

13. Military honour and patriotism were powerful motivators.

Chủ nghĩa yêu nước và tinh thần dân tộc là một động lực to lớn của đất nước.

14. His opponents cast aspersions on his patriotism.

15. Internationalism and patriotism also belong to this realm.

16. Chinese Communists must therefore combine patriotism with internationalism.

17. Patriotism is a pernicious, psychopathic form of idiocy.

18. The proletarian patriotism is combined with internationalism.

19. Patriotism is every politician's stock-in-trade.

20. (Laughter) They were not enthusiastic about my patriotism.

Họ chẳng hứng thú gì với lòng yêu nước của tôi cả.

21. 24 Yet patriotism is the easiest of declamatory prejudices.

22. That's about as deep as your patriotism goes.

Sâu như lòng yêu nước của anh bạn vậy.

23. Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

24. A strong sense of patriotism pervaded his writings.

25. Chauvinism, excessive and unreasonable patriotism, similar to jingoism

26. Republicanism and patriotism is keynote of his thoughts.

27. 5 Patriotism can turn into jingoism very quickly.

28. They also put forward proletariate internationalism and patriotism.

29. Americanism Fostering Patriotism and Pride in America 2020-2021

30. Americanism: 10 Ideas to Promote Patriotism in the Classroom

31. 1 Yet patriotism is the easiest of declamatory prejudices.

32. His new book is a demonstration of his patriotism.

33. " It's a shame the general traded in patriotism for careerism. "

" Thật xấu hổ khi một vị tướng đổi lòng yêu nước để lấy danh vọng. "

34. Patriotism was taught as a virtue to Japanese children.

Lòng ái quốc được dạy như một đức tính cho thiếu nhi Nhật Bản.

35. No reason why we shouldn't be charged for patriotism.

Chẳng có lí do gì không nên trả tiền cho lòng yêu nước.

36. She is to this day unabashed in her patriotism.

37. Patriotism can turn into jingoism and intolerance very quickly.

38. I know that there's something about " patriotism " and " liberty "

Tôi nhớ nó có nói tới gì đó về " lòng yêu nước " và " sự giải phóng "

39. 1 Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.

40. They went eagerly, swept along by a wave of patriotism.

Họ hăng hái ra đi, kéo theo làn sóng ái quốc.

41. When it comes to talking about patriotism, he's an extremist.

42. 1 Patriotism can turn into jingoism and intolerance very quickly.

43. Paparrigopoulos extols Demosthenes's patriotism, but criticises him as being short-sighted.

Paparrigopoulos ca ngợi lòng yêu nước của Demosthenes, nhưng chỉ trích ông đã thiển cận.

44. Rolling Stone commented that "her singing stirs such strong patriotism.

Rolling Stone bình luận rằng "giọng hát của cô đã khơi dậy lòng yêu nước mạnh mẽ.

45. Undeniably , this is the root of Chinese patriotism and nationalism .

Rõ ràng đây là cội nguồn của lòng yêu nước và chủ nghĩa dân tộc của Trung Hoa .

46. I think patriotism is like charity —— it begins at home.

47. “Most took the easy way out and equated Christianity with patriotism.

Hầu hết chọn cách dễ nhất, xem Ki-tô giáo đi đôi với lòng ái quốc.

48. 29 Patriotism is a arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.

49. The night before her execution, she said, "Patriotism is not enough.

Vào đêm trước cuộc hành hình, bà nói: "Lòng yêu nước là chưa đủ với tôi.

50. This is a man with a history of duty and patriotism.

Đây là một người với một lịch sử đầy trách nhiệm và lòng yêu nước.