path of government spending in Vietnamese

@Path of government spending
- (Econ) Mô hình cách thức chi tiêu của chính phủ.

Sentence patterns related to "path of government spending"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "path of government spending" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "path of government spending", or refer to the context using the word "path of government spending" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The budget deficit is the excess of government expenditures over government spending.

2. Or public spending: all European leaders adamantly want to reduce government spending.

3. He's a staunch supporter of controls on government spending.

4. He became apoplectic about wasteful government spending.

5. Double government spending on renewable energy research.

6. The government is spending more, or the government will lower taxes.

Chính phủ chi tiêu thoáng hơn, hoặc chính phủ giảm thuế.

7. 2005-06 Status on Performance Planned Spending Actual Spending Strategic Outcome: Alignment to Government of Canada Outcomes:

8. Schools will bear the brunt of cuts in government spending.

9. The government followed a policy of restraint in public spending.

10. The Government has cut back on defence spending.

11. More government spending is needed to buttress industry.

12. McCain has pledged to rein in government spending.

13. The government has announced savage cuts in spending.

14. Taiwan government curtail public spending for buying weapons.

15. 22 The government followed a policy of restraint in public spending.

16. The government has softened its stance on public spending.

17. The Government are planning further cuts in public spending.

18. - Increase and reorient government spending in the housing sector.

- Gia tăng và tái định hướng chi tiêu chính phủ trong lĩnh vực nhà ở.

19. There has been an increase in total government spending.

20. The government says that local authority spending is excessive.

21. The Government still has a myopic attitude to spending.

22. This additional spending could hurt demand for government bonds.

Điều này có thể gây ảnh hưởng xấu đến nhu cầu trái phiếu chính phủ.

23. The government has put a brake on further spending.

24. 2 The government is committed to freeing discretionary spending.

25. • The value of government spending should be measured by what it achieves.