parishioner in Vietnamese

@parishioner /'pæriʃənə/
* danh từ
- người dân trong giáo khu; người dân trong xã

Sentence patterns related to "parishioner"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "parishioner" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "parishioner", or refer to the context using the word "parishioner" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Boorishnesses bearishness vaporishness parishioner prosinesses parishioners foreignness bearishnesses fibrousness foreshowing

2. The High Adjudicator periodically summons forth a Ghastly Parishioner to move towards a random player

3. McCarthy, then a parishioner at Holy Trinity, was well-known for his liberal and pacifistic views.

4. 25 He once led half the congregation through the streets of Georgetown to bring the Eucharist to a bedridden parishioner.

5. • He once led half the congregation through the streets of Georgetown to bring the Eucharist to a Bedridden parishioner

6. On another some one told him that an irate parishioner had threatened to punch Ray in the nose.

7. For it is obvious that, among other results of the primitive doctrine of the Apostolical Succession, thoroughly considered and followed up, it would make the relation of Pastor and Parishioner far more engaging, as well as more awful, than it is usually considered at present.

8. For it is obvious, that, among other results of the primitive doctrine of the Apostolical Succession, thoroughly considered and followed up, it would make the relation of Pastor and Parishioner far more engaging, as well as more aweful, than it is usually considered at present.