p-n rectifier in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: điện
-bộ chỉnh lưu p-

Sentence patterns related to "p-n rectifier"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "p-n rectifier" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "p-n rectifier", or refer to the context using the word "p-n rectifier" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. 16¿ per cubic centimeters, reverse blocking voltages greater than those of a corresponding parallel-plane P-N junction rectifier can be achieved.

2. Bipolar junction transistors are formed from two p–n junctions, in either n–p–n or p–n–p configuration.

3. Apasttra\p apatetic\A apathetically\v apathetic\A apathies\p apathy\N apatite\N Apaturia\N APA\N apa\N APC\N ape-man\N ape-men\p apeak\vA aped\V apeiron\N Apeldoorn\N apelike\A Apelles\N apeman\N Apemius\N Apemosyne\N Apennine Mountains\h Apennines\p Apepi\N apercus\p apercu\N aperient\AN aperies\p aperiodically\v aperiodicity\N aperiodic\A

4. Chiraler P,N-Ligand auf Tetrazol-Basis; Synthese von chiralen P,N-Liganden

5. Brasqued\V brasque\Nt brasquing\V brass band\h brass hat\h brass knuckles\h brass tacks\p brassage\N brassard\N brassbound\A brasseries\p brasserie\N brasseys\p brassey\N brassicaceous\A brassica\N brassiere\N brassier\A brassiest\A brassies\p brassie\N brassily\v brassiness\N brassish\A brassware\N brassy\A Brassó\N Brass\N brass\N

6. If P 1 n=1 a n Converges absolutely and fb ngis bounded then P 1 n=1 a nb n Converges

7. If P 1 n=1 a n Converges conditionally and fb ngis bounded then P 1 n=1 a nb n Converges

8. The junction diode structure can include a p-n or a p-i-n junction.

9. Canna chineresisw has the top N, P content and the top contribute to N, P removal.

10. The word Appendants uses 10 letters: a, a, d, e, n, n, p, p, s, t

11. Alabastoi\p alabastos\N alabastra\p alabastron\N alabastrum\N alack\! alacritous\A alacrity\N Aladdin\N alae\Np Alagez\N Alage\N Alagoas\N Alagöz\N Alai Mountains\h Alain-Fournier\N Alaine\N Alain\N Alair\N Alai\N Alake\N Alalcomenean Athena\h Alalcomeneus\N alalia\N Alamannic\NA Alamanni\p Alameda\N alameda\N Alamein\N alamiqui\N

12. Function as a bridge rectifier.

Chức năng như một cầu chỉnh lưu.

13. Cryptorchidisme: Andrologie, pédiatrie N

14. 1-(N-Acetylamino)-4-bromobenzene 1-Bromo-4-acetamidobenzene 4'-Bromoacetanilide 4-Bromoacetanilide Acetamide, N-(p-bromophenyl)- Acetanilide, 4'-bromo- Acetanilide, p-bromo- Antisepsin Asepsin Bromoacetanilide Bromoanalide Bromoanilide Bromoantifebrin N-(4-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-(4-bromophenyl)ethanamide N-(p-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-Acetyl-4

15. 1-(N-Acetylamino)-4-bromobenzene 1-Bromo-4-acetamidobenzene 4'-Bromoacetanilide 4-Bromoacetanilide Acetamide, N-(p-bromophenyl)- Acetanilide, 4'-bromo- Acetanilide, p-bromo- Antisepsin Asepsin Bromoacetanilide Bromoanalide Bromoanilide Bromoantifebrin N-(4-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-(4-bromophenyl)ethanamide N-(p-Bromophenyl)acetamide N-Acetyl-4

16. If the probability of success on an individual trial is p , then the Binomial probability is n C x ⋅ p x ⋅ ( 1 − p ) n − x .

17. From here on in, the voltages recorded with a positive field will have a subscript P (for example, V13, P = V3, P - V1, P) and those recorded with a negative field will have a subscript N (such as V13, N = V3, N - V1, N).

Với quy ước phép đo theo chiều dương có gạch dưới bằng chữ P (ví dụ V13, P), và chiều âm có gạch chân là N (ví dụ V13, N).

18. A diode rectifier rectifies the current.

19. Antipestilently\v antipestilent\A antipetalous\A Antiphas\N Antiphates\N antiphilosophically\v antiphilosophical\A antiphilosophic\A antiphilosophies\p antiphilosophism\N antiphilosophy\AN antiphlogistic\AN antiphonally\v antiphonal\AN antiphonaries\p antiphonary\NA antiphonically\v antiphonic\A antiphonies\p antiphony\N antiphon\N antiphrasis

20. Din Ajunul tinereței pân’ ce …

21. Ambassadorially\v ambassadorial\A ambassadors-at-large\p ambassadorship\N ambassador\N ambassadress\N ambatch\N amba\N Ambedkar\N Amber Islands\h amberfish\N ambergris\N amberina\N amberjack\N Amberley\N amberlike\A Amberly\N amberoid\N amberous\A Ambert\N ambery\A Amber\N amber\N ambiances\p ambiance\N ambidexterity\N ambidexter\AN ambidextral

22. T rajector y P Attern Mining F o sca G ia n n o tti1 M irco N a n n i1 D in o P e d re sch i2 F a b io P in e lli1 P isa K D D L a b o ra to ry 1 IS T I - C N R , A re a d e lla R ice rca d iP isa , V ia G iu se p p e M o ru zzi, 1 - 5 6 1 2 4 P isa , Ita ly 2 C o m p u te r S cie n ce D e p., U n ive rsity o f P isa , L a rg o P o n te co rvo, 3 - 5 6 1 2 7 P isa , Ita ly

23. Rectifier for alternating-current generators

24. Acinuni\p acinus\N Acis\N ack-ack\N ackee\N Ackerley\N Ackerman\N Acker\N ackeys\p ackey\N Ackler\N Ackley\N acknowledgeable\A acknowledgedly\v acknowledged\t acknowledger\N acknowledge\t acknowledging\t acknowledgment\N ackton\N ack\N acleistocardia\N acle\N aclinic line\h ACLS\N ACLU\N acmesthesia\N acme\N acmic\A acmite\N Acmon\N acnemia\N

25. Botulinuses\p botulinus\N botulin\N botulism\N Botvinnik\N Botzow\N BOT\N bot\NVi BouakŽ\N Bouak\N Bouar\N Bouchard\N Boucher\N Bouches-du-Rh™ne\N Bouches-du-Rh\N bouche\N Bouchier\N bouchons\p bouchon\N BouchŽ\N bouch\N Boucicault\N bouclŽ\N boucl\NA boudeuse\N Boudicca\N boudoir\N Boudreaux\N boud\N bouffancy\N bouffant\AN bouffe\N