open field in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "open field"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "open field" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "open field", or refer to the context using the word "open field" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The deer coursed the open field.

2. 23 The deer coursed the open field.

3. 1 A bad bush is better than the open field

4. Once the boundaries of the Curtilage are set, the area that is an open field also will be defined because an open field is simply that area that lies

5. The soldiers in the open field were exposed to the enemy's gunfire.

6. Cut flowers: ranunculus, anemone, paeonia and lily of the valley open-field

7. Put me in a black shroud... and bury me in an open field.

Quấn em vào vải liệm đen... và chôn ở 1 cánh đồng rộng.

8. Face Archer takes place in 3 different medieval Archeries: Open Field, Castle and Forest

9. Because Curtilage is given Fourth Amendment protection, and in all federal and most state cases an open field is not, it is important to know where the Curtilage ends and the open field begins

10. Like the middling farmers of open-field Wigston, they formed the backbone of the community.

11. You will fall on the open field, and you will not be gathered up nor be collected together.

Ngươi sẽ ngã giữa đồng hoang, không được gom lại hoặc thâu lại.

12. 5 “‘You will fall on the open field,+ for I myself have spoken,’ declares the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.

5 Chúa Tối Thượng Giê-hô-va tuyên bố: ‘Ngươi sẽ ngã xuống nơi đồng hoang,+ vì chính ta đã phán vậy’.

13. Instead, you were thrown into the open field because you were* hated on the day you were born.

Vào ngày ngươi sinh ra, ngươi bị quăng ra đồng hoang vì người ta ghét bỏ ngươi.

14. A moment or two afterward I was almost alone on horseback in the open field between the two lines of battle.

15. A Korean cavalry division took advantage of the open field at Songjin, and pushed the Japanese forces into a grain storehouse.

Một đạo kỵ binh Triều Tiên lợi dụng chiến trường mở tại Songjin, và đẩy quân Nhật vào một kho gạo.

16. …relics of tiny hamlets, or Clachans, show that peasant crofts once were huddled together and worked by kinship groups in an open-field system

17. For that reason, Gideon was threshing wheat, not in the open field, but in a winepress, where he could quickly hide the valuable grain.

Vì thế, Ghê-đê-ôn đã đập lúa mì tại bồn ép rượu thay vì ở ngoài đồng để ông có thể nhanh chóng cất giấu lúa mì.

18. Running; Jtf Atveen ftetdjf They were big assets for the Navy in last year's fgamm against the Army, Roberts par (ticularly elusive in an open field

19. As he watched over the sheep, David could observe Jehovah’s magnificent creative works: the starry heavens, “the beasts of the open field,” and “the birds of heaven.”

Khi chăn chiên, Đa-vít có thể quan sát các công trình sáng tạo tuyệt vời của Đức Giê-hô-va: bầu trời đầy sao, “các thú rừng” và “chim trời”.

20. Airfield (plural Airfields) An open field designated for the taking off and landing of aircraft, but which, unlike an airport, does not necessarily have terminals or paved runways

21. Further, there was an interaction between the Androgenized and the obese lineages in the open field, wherein the F 1 female offspring in the Androgenized lineage spent less …

22. 24 Methods Effects of subcutaneous injection of methyl scopolamine and pyridostigmine on stress-induced hyperthermia and motor activity were observed in rats by radio telemetry in an open-field chamber.

23. + 9 And the Amʹmon·ites went out and drew up in battle formation at the entrance of the city while the kings who had come were by themselves in the open field.

+ 9 Người Am-môn kéo ra dàn trận tại lối vào thành, còn các vua đã đến thì đứng ngoài đồng.

24. Was it in the fields around Bethlehem that he contemplated the productive land, the cattle and oxen, the birds and “the beasts of the open field”? —Psalm 8:3-9; 19:1-6.

Có phải trên những cánh đồng quanh Bết-lê-hem, chàng trai trẻ này đã trầm tư suy nghĩ về vùng đất màu mỡ, những con gia súc, loài chim và “các thú rừng”?—Thi-thiên 8:3-9; 19:1-6.

25. During the late 19th and early 19th centuries the open-field system ended when the Enclosure acts enabled weal their landowner to seize any land to which tenants could prove no legal title.

26. ‘CEOs, by nature Bullish, determined, and even arrogant, don't like to plan for their own retirements, let alone their deaths.’ ‘RB Warrick Dunn is tough to contain in the open field, and backup T.J

27. ‘CEOs, by nature Bullish, determined, and even arrogant, don't like to plan for their own retirements, let alone their deaths.’ ‘RB Warrick Dunn is tough to contain in the open field, and backup T.J

28. The French cannon may be useful to batter the gates of Rome, or to blow the walls of Lucca to the heavens, but meet them in the open field, and what use are their cannon there?

Người Pháp sẽ dùng đại bác để phá cổng thành Rome, hoặc đã thổi tung tường thành Lucca lên trời, nhưng khi chúng ở đồng trống, thì chúng sẽ bắn cái gì?

29. Bocage, in western France (e.g., Bocage Normand, Bocage Vendéen), a well-wooded district in distinction to the campagne, which denotes a hedgeless tract of farmland characteristic of old-established areas of open-field agriculture

30. Up to 10% cash back  · Weanling rats were treated with diazepam, Apomorphine, and haloperidol to study the influence of the dopamine (DA) system on the audiogenic immobility reaction and open field locomotory behavior

31. Statistical trend analysis on concentrations and fluxes of sulphur and nitrogen compounds, base cations and acidity parameters was carried out on data from open field and throughfall deposition and runoff/soil water quality by ICP Integrated Monitoring.

32. Statistical trend analysis on concentrations and fluxes of sulphur and nitrogen compounds, base cations and acidity parameters was carried out on data from open field and throughfall deposition and runoff/soil water quality by ICP Integrated Monitoring

33. Jeremiah 9:22 View whole chapter See verse in context Speak, Thus saith the LORD, Even the Carcases of men shall fall as dung upon the open field, and as the handful after the harvestman, and none shall

34. On October 21, 1907, Daniel Hartmann, a worker at a sand mine in the Grafenrain open field system of the Mauer community unearthed a mandible at a depth of 24.63 m (80.81 ft), which he recognized as of human origin.

Ngày 21/10/1907 công nhân Daniel Hartmann khai quật được một hàm dưới trong một mỏ cát ở cánh đồng Grafenrain của làng Mauer, ở độ sâu 24,63 m, mà ông thấy là di cốt của người.

35. Similarly, Psalm 8:6-8 says: “Everything you [God] have put under his [man’s] feet: small cattle and oxen, all of them, and also the beasts of the open field, the birds of heaven and the fish of the sea.”

Tương tự thế, Thi-thiên 8:6-8 nói: “[Chúa] khiến muôn vật phục dưới chân [con] người: Cả loài chiên, loài bò, đến đỗi các thú rừng, chim trời và cá biển”.

36. Looking at whether the barn was inside the Curtilage or rather in an open field, the Court stated: [C]urtilage questions should be resolved with particular reference to four factors: the proximity of the area claimed to be Curtilage to the home, whether the area is included within an enclosure surrounding the home, the nature of the uses to