omit in Vietnamese

@omit /ou'mit/
* ngoại động từ
- bỏ sót, bỏ quên, bỏ đi (một từ...)
- không làm tròn (công việc), chểnh mảng
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-bỏ đi
-bỏ qua
@Lĩnh vực: toán & tin
-bỏ qua, bỏ đi

Sentence patterns related to "omit"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "omit" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "omit", or refer to the context using the word "omit" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Omit the salt in this recipe.

2. Don't omit locking [ to lock ] the door.

3. Omit anything that is likely to offend people.

4. Most modern translations rightly omit this spurious verse.

Vì thế hầu hết các bản dịch tân thời loại bỏ câu giả mạo này.

5. What happened next ... Perhaps he should omit the details.

6. 19 The most limpid, which ( omit ) was always in the source.

7. To specify absolute paths, omit one of the slashes.

8. Many translators alter or omit portions of the Scriptures.

Nhiều dịch giả sửa đổi hoặc bỏ bớt những phần trong Kinh-thánh.

9. Variations: omit brandy and use your choice of liqueur.

10. Asyndeton is one of several rhetorical devices that omit conjunctions

11. If you are a student, you can omit questions 16

12. Please don't omit to lock the door when you leave.

13. 7 Please don't omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem.

14. Please do not omit any details, however trivial they may seem.

15. Its a language habit of the ancients to omit prepositional object.

16. I'll not wish to omit this valuable book from my reading.

17. Please don't omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem.

18. Any list of success stories is bound to omit some favourite voice.

19. Insist that I will not rationalise blunders, or omit details to camouflage motives.

20. When testing for abilities, it is much easier to omit knowledge in a certain area.

21. Dates must use W3C Datetime encoding, although you can omit the time portion.

Giá trị ngày phải sử dụng Chuẩn mã hoá ngày giờ W3C, mặc dù bạn có thể bỏ qua phần giờ.

22. Companies do sometimes give incorrect details or omit them altogether on their company stationery.

23. Or do they tend to omit specifics that could readily be verified or denied?

Hay thường bỏ bớt những chi tiết cụ thể mà người ta dễ kiểm chứng hoặc bác bỏ?

24. He withdrew it when it was agreed to omit the paragraph in its entirety.

25. We decided to omit the recitatives because, quite frankly, they are not very interesting.

26. Prepare as for SMSA selective agar medium but omit Bacto-Agar and 2,3,5-tetrazolium chloride.

27. In other words, to make a Caucasian just omit vodka from the recipe above.

28. Omit any mention of a short-term job that you left on poor terms?

29. Predictably, Communist historians omit any mention of this atrocity in their accounts of the period.

30. Local variations may replace yogurt with water and vinegar, omit nuts or dill, or add bread.

Biến thể địa phương có thể thay thế sữa chua với nước và giấm, bỏ qua hạt hoặc thì là, hoặc thêm bánh mì.

31. 30 For example, many soap operas omit older people entirely, as if we were all perpetually middle-aged!

32. There were also the exercises that included having students omit certain words from their speech, Wirk said.

33. However, recommended practice is to omit advertiser to ensure the winning bid response serves a creative.

Tuy nhiên, bạn nên dùng phương pháp bỏ qua nhà quảng cáo để đảm bảo giá thầu chiến thắng sẽ phân phát quảng cáo.

34. While they might seem simple, omit any one of these ingredients and the depth of flavor in your Bouillabaisse

35. Your editor should ask for your opinions, why you chose certain words or decided to include or omit information.

36. It is both wasteful and irresponsible to set experiments in motion and omit to record and analyse what happens.

37. A Celestial Anchorite will not lie, not omit any necessary details, and not seek to cheat you

38. The truck seems to omit a decent amount of Blueish white smoke when I and accelerate medium to hard

39. When they do utter word phrases, they tend to omit the verb endings, most pronouns, and the conjunctions.

40. To Contemn (also: to bypass, to defy, to neglect, to omit, to scout, to slight) volume_up пренебрегать [ пренебрега́лпренебрега́л бы ] {vb}

41. To refuse or to omit to leave is as much a trespass as to originally enter without any right.

42. In the search for approval, praise is everything, and when others omit to praise us we interpret this as rejection.

43. Recommended practice is to omit any advertiser (leave this field empty) to ensure the winning bid response serves a creative.

Phương pháp đề xuất là bỏ qua mọi nhà quảng cáo (để trống trường này) để đảm bảo phản hồi giá thầu giành chiến thắng có phân phát quảng cáo.

44. For whatever vehicle, chasis scanning is required; the scanner can tell the different chasis of vehicle and will not omit any critical point.

45. Indeed I piled up on my home bookshelf many more volumes than appear here and which I have regretfully had to omit.

46. Consortia should have the flexibility and ability to add new members (or omit existing members) when necessary to sustain their mission

47. However, when we measure global trade only in terms of currency-based transactions, we omit a portion of the market known as Countertrade

48. All Members may also, if they omit to sign the register, produce alternative proof, such as, for example, travel tickets or hotel bills.

49. No doubt that story contained many scientific theories which she had had to omit from her tale, being unable to comprehend them.

50. Additionally, Anthologically-structured horror shows often omit cliffhangers, allowing an entire storyline to be wrapped up in one season or even one episode.