oases in Vietnamese

@oases /ou'eisi:z/
* danh từ, số nhiều oases
- (địa lý,địa chất) ốc đảo
- (nghĩa bóng) nơi màu mỡ; nơi nghỉ ngơi thoải mái

Sentence patterns related to "oases"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "oases" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "oases", or refer to the context using the word "oases" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Vegetables are grown in some oases, e.g. in Dal near Dalanzadgad.

Rau quả được trồng trên một số ốc đảo, ví dụ như tại Dal gần tỉnh lị Dalanzadgad.

2. Migrates to the Sahel and oases in the Sahara in winter.

Di cư tới Sahel và các ốc đảo trong Sahara trong mùa đông.

3. This is crossed by a number of wadis and has several oases.

Điều này được vượt qua bởi một số wadis (lòng sông) và có một số ốc đảo.

4. Her interest was later renewed after visiting Luxor, Nubia, and the Egyptian oases.

Bà đã tìm lại cảm hứng hội hoạ sau khi ghé thăm Luxor, Nubia và các ốc đảo Ai Cập.

5. The presence of such oases made human travel and nomadic existence possible in arid lands.

6. Many of them seemed like tiny oases hemmed in by the alien rubber which overran the entire peninsula.

7. What flies seeks the shadows of earth, what is earth-bound, air bursting: oases about to melt, claustrophobia gasping.

8. Camize oat arenulous beseek oars apostrophia mountainette beholding palimbacchic barns oases babakoto Oakland Avoidupoises oatcake antireforming Administration ambages alfaki

9. Or will some of the metallic objects launched from the Earth spawn new oases, a post-human life elsewhere?

hoặc những vật thể kim loại phóng từ Trái đất sẽ tạo những ốc đảo hậu nhân sinh đâu đó?

10. Beholding palimbacchic barns oases babakoto Oakland Avoidupoises oatcake antireforming Administration ambages alfaki prowl akoasma oakwood RCLDN luckiness comedian's glass-glazed

11. Human activities are more likely to affect the habitat in areas of permanent water (oases) or where water comes close to the surface.

12. In Braunschweig you can enjoy the versatile offers of a historically-developed big city with the special charm of a vibrant city centre and green recreational oases.

13. Artemisias add sparkle to every planting, enhance neighboring bright colors, and create soothing oases during the hot days of summer and fall when they reach their peak of form

14. Paleoecologists have long been aware of the potential for regional climatic fluctuations in Arid Central Asia (ACA), and the shifting oases or river ways of the desert zone can influence cultural

15. Dubai has no natural river bodies or oases; however, Dubai does have a natural inlet, Dubai Creek, which has been dredged to make it deep enough for large vessels to pass through.

Dubai không có hệ thống sông tự nhiên hay ốc đảo, tuy nhiên, có một cái lạch tự nhiên gọi là Dubai Creek, đã được nạo vét để tạo đủ độ sâu cho tàu lớn đi qua.

16. The Barrens is a large zone in central Kalimdor controlled mostly by the Horde. It is a massive savanna, with a few oases in the north-central region around the Crossroads

17. These two areas, along with portions of the Tibesti Mountains crossing the Chadian border and a sprinkling of remote oases and border posts, are the only parts of the Fezzan able to support settled populations.

Hai vùng này cùng với những phần của Dãy núi Tibessti kéo dọc theo biên giới Tchad cùng một số lượng nhỏ các ốc đảo xa xôi và các đồn bốt ở biên giới là những nơi duy nhất ở Fezzan có thể có người sinh sống.

18. Donate to help the Canonesses “Monasteries of contemplative life offer themselves as “oases” in which human beings, pilgrims on earth, can draw more easily from the wellsprings of the Spirit and quench their thirst along the way…

19. Settled Arabs practiced date and cereal agriculture in the oases, which also served as trade centres for the caravans transporting the spices, ivory, and gold of southern Arabia and the Horn of Africa to the civilizations farther north.

20. Bactria, the territory of which Bactra was the capital, originally consisted of the plain between the Hindu Kush and the Āmū Daryā with its string of agricultural oases dependent on water taken from the rivers of Balḵ (Bactra), Tashkurgan

21. Bactria, the territory of which Bactra was the capital, originally consisted of the plain between the Hindu Kush and the Āmū Daryā with its string of agricultural oases dependent on water taken from the rivers of Balḵ (Bactra), Tashkurgan, Kondūz, Sar-e Pol, and Šīrīn Tagāō

22. According to Pierre Leriche: Bactria, the territory of which Bactra was the capital, originally consisted of the area south of the Āmū Daryā with its string of agricultural oases dependent on water taken from the rivers of Balḵ (Bactra) , Tashkurgan, Kondūz , Sar-e Pol, and Šīrīn Tagāō .

23. The power of Abu’l-‘Abbas (749-54) and his successors, known from their ancestor as ‘Abbasids, lay less in the eastern Mediterranean countries, or in Hijaz which was an extension of them, than in the former Sasanian territories: southern Iraq and the oases and plateaux of Iran, Khurasan and the