nuclear physics in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-vật lý hạt nhâ

Sentence patterns related to "nuclear physics"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nuclear physics" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nuclear physics", or refer to the context using the word "nuclear physics" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Here comes the nuclear physics.

Phải kể đến vật lý hạt nhân.

2. Physics Letters B: nuclear physics, theoretical nuclear physics, experimental high-energy physics, theoretical high-energy physics, and astrophysics.

Physics Letters B: vật lý hạt nhân, vật lý hạt nhân lý thuyết, vật lý năng lượng cao thực nghiệm, vật lý năng lượng cao về mặt lý thuyết, và vật lý thiên văn.

3. 5 He's very interested in nuclear physics.

4. For related reasons, lithium has important uses in nuclear physics.

Cũng lý do tương tự, liti có mối liên lệ quan trọng với vật lý hạt nhân.

5. I think penguins might as well speculate about nuclear physics.

Tôi nghĩ chim cánh cụt cũng có thể đưa ra ý kiến về vật lý hạt nhân.

6. This is called the microscopic or ab initio approach of nuclear physics.

7. He invented calculus, a branch of mathematics used in computer design, space travel, and nuclear physics.

Ông phát minh phép tích vi phân, là một khía cạnh của toán học, được dùng trong thiết kế máy vi tính, du hành trong vũ trụ và vật lý hạt nhân.

8. Compton Backscattering is a well‐established method to produce high‐energy photons (γ rays) for nuclear physics experiments

9. Synonyms for Atomology include nuclear physics, atomics, atomistics, nucleonics, particle physics, quantum mechanics, atomic physics, quantum physics and …

10. 2 It has been widely used in the fields of cosmography physics, geophysical studies, biomedical research and nuclear physics.

11. Bevatron: see particle accelerator particle accelerator, apparatus used in nuclear physics to produce beams of energetic charged particles and to direct them against various targets

12. Nuclear physics became a powerful force as all governments of the world began to realize the strategic and political power that came with nuclear weapons.

Vật lý hạt nhân trở thành một thế lực hùng mạnh khi tất cả các nước trên thế giới bắt đầu nhận ra sức mạnh chính trị và chiến lược đi kèm với vũ khí hạt nhân.

13. The history of nuclear physics as a discipline distinct from atomic physics starts with the discovery of radioactivity by Henri Becquerel in 1896, while investigating phosphorescence in uranium salts.

Lịch sử của vật lý hạt nhân như là một môn học khác với vật lý nguyên tử bắt đầu với việc phát hiện ra phóng xạ bởi Henri Becquerel năm 1896, trong khi điều tra hiện tượng lân quang trong muối uranium.

14. Other titles in the research infrastructures series currently available include: - Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers; - High-Performance Computing; - Energy; - NMR in Biological Research; - Airborne Environmental Research; - Earthquake Engineering; - Frontiers in Nuclear Physics.

15. 23, 2021—A complex high-energy nuclear physics experiment, aiming to measure the contributions of Antiquarks to the structure of the proton and neutron, has produced results that are the opposite of what had previously

16. The USSR Academy of Sciences established this award on February 9, 1960 in honour of Igor Kurchatov and in recognition of his lifetime contributions to the fields of nuclear physics, nuclear energy and nuclear engineering.

Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học Liên Xô thành lập giải thưởng này vào ngày 9 tháng 2 năm 1960 để vinh danh Igor Kurchatov cho những đóng góp của ông trong lĩnh vực vật lý hạt nhân, năng lượng nguyên tử và kỹ thuật nguyên tử.

17. The two sides also praised collaborative research and development under the India-US Civil Nuclear Energy Working Group, which will meet in Mumbai in July 2013 to discuss advancing cooperation in accelerator technology and other nuclear physics research projects.

18. The aim of this school is to provide students with a grounding in the application of lAttice gauge theory methods to strongly interacting systems, and in particular to nuclear physics, together with lectures describing the latest advances in the field.

19. - Significance: The Bevatron was among the world's leading particle accelerators during a forty-year period from 1954 to 1993 and is associated with significant contributions in the fields of particle and nuclear physics, thus helping to establish American leadership in scientific research.

20. Significance: The Bevatron was among the world's leading particle accelerators during a forty-year period from 1954 to 1993 and is associated with significant contributions in the fields of particle and nuclear physics, thus helping to establish American leadership in scientific research.

21. A complex high-energy nuclear physics experiment, aiming to measure the contributions of Antiquarks to the structure of the proton and neutron, has produced results that are the opposite of what had previously been understood about proton structure and the dynamics of strong interacting Antiquarks

22. In April 1955, it decided to establish the Atomic and Nuclear Physics Research Institute at the 2nd General Meeting of the North Korean Academy of Sciences and dispatched six scientists from the Soviet Union Academy to the conference held in the Soviet Union in June 1955.

Vào tháng 4 năm 1955, nó quyết định thành lập Viện nghiên cứu Vật lý hạt nhân và nguyên tử tại Đại hội lần thứ hai của Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học Bắc Triều Tiên và phái sáu nhà khoa học từ Học viện Liên Xô đến hội nghị được tổ chức tại Liên Xô vào tháng 6 năm 1955.

23. 23, 2021—A complex high-energy nuclear physics experiment, aiming to measure the contributions of Antiquarks to the structure of the proton and neutron, has produced results that are the opposite of what had previously been understood about proton structure and the dynamics of strong interacting Antiquarks and gluons.

24. In 1946 he returned to England to take up the post of head of the nuclear physics division of the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell, though he also spent much of the next thirty years teaching at Cambridge where he was Jacksonian Professor of Natural Philosophy and a fellow of Trinity College.

Sau khi dự án kết thúc ông trở về Anh, đảm nhiệm chủ nhiệm bộ môn vật lý hạt nhân ở Cơ sở Nghiên cứu Năng lượng Nguyên tử ở Harwell, mặc dù phần lớn 30 năm sau đó ông chủ yếu giảng dạy ở Đại học Cambridge nơi ông giữ ghế Giáo sư Jackson về Triết học Tự nhiên và là một học giả ở Cao đẳng Trinity.

25. The early history of the Bevatron is the well-documented in the attached HAER including the Bevatron’s early research work associated with four Nobel prize winners and their important contributions in the research areas of high-energy particle physics, heavy-ion nuclear physics, medical research and therapy, as well as space-related studies

26. A Barn (symbol: b) is a metric unit of area equal to 10 −28 m 2 (100 fm 2).Originally used in nuclear physics for expressing the cross sectional area of nuclei and nuclear reactions, today it is also used in all fields of high-energy physics to express the cross sections of any scattering process, and is best understood as a measure of the probability of interaction between small particles.