normal cost pricing in Vietnamese

@Normal cost pricing
- (Econ) 'Định giá theo chi phí định mức; Định giá theo chi phí thông thường.
+ Là giả thiết cho rằng quá trình định giá được căn cứ trên chi phí của mức sản lượng giả thiết chứ không dựa trên những chi phí hiện tại hay mức dư cầu.

Sentence patterns related to "normal cost pricing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "normal cost pricing" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "normal cost pricing", or refer to the context using the word "normal cost pricing" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Cost per Unit: quickly solve unit cost and total pricing .

2. The first three— cost- based pricing, value- based pricing, or volume- based pricing — are all examples of fixed pricing tactics.

3. The proposed transmission pricing method divides transmission cost into fixed cost, variable cost and additional cost.

4. There are at least three important possibilities: cost-based pricing, valued-based pricing and price discrimination.

5. Pricing at marginal cost might equate marginal cost and benefit but would entail losses.

6. With pricing determined through an open international tender, Aakash2 is the world’s lowest cost tablet at end-user pricing.

7. The proposed pricing model was developed from CAC actual cost estimates.

8. Secondly, marginal cost pricing in natural monopoly does not necessarily require a subsidy.

9. A useful case for cost based pricing is that of high-warranty parts.

Một trường hợp hữu ích cho giá dựa trên chi phí là các bộ phận bảo hành cao.

10. Astute is a technology-driven firm with competitive industry pricing and cost-effective solutions

11. Average cost pricing is one of the ways the government regulates a monopoly market.

Nguyên tắc định giá chi phí trung bình là một trong những cách chính phủ điều tiết một thị trường độc quyền.

12. Cost based pricing is still a useful method for specific categories of service parts.

Giá dựa trên chi phí vẫn là một phương pháp hữu ích cho các loại cụ thể của các phụ tùng dịch vụ.

13. See all products; Documentation; Pricing Azure pricing Get the best value at every stage of your cloud journey; Azure Cost optimization Learn how to manage and optimize your cloud spending; Azure pricing calculator Estimate Costs for Azure products and services; Total Cost of ownership calculator Estimate the Cost savings of migrating to Azure; Training Explore free online learning resources

14. Pricing transforms the cost estimate into what the firm wishes to charge for the scope.

Giá cả biến đổi ước tính chi phí thành những gì công ty muốn tính phí cho phạm vi.

15. Recent research also shows that cost based pricing can lead to lower than average profitability.

Nghiên cứu gần đây cũng cho thấy giá dựa trên chi phí có thể dẫn đến lợi nhuận thấp hơn mức trung bình.

16. "An Experimental Study of the Serial and Average Cost Pricing Mechanisms," Journal of Public Economics (2003).

Một nghiên cứu thực nghiệm về các cơ chế định giá chi phí trung bình và nối tiếp ", Tạp chí Kinh tế Công cộng (2003).

17. The opportunity cost and capacity cost of reactive power are analyzed, and a method considering the total cost of opportunity and capacity as pricing of reactive power is presented in thi...

18. Baseboard Cost Non-discounted retail pricing for: 2.25" x 0.594"oak ranch style base molding

19. I also branded it, so I sold them for five times the normal cost.

Tôi đặt thương hiệu cho chúng và bán với giá gấp 5 lần bình thường.

20. The target is to reduce the cost of CCS to 30-50 € per tonne of CO2 abated by 2020, making it cost-effective within a carbon pricing environment.

21. Cost per action (CPA) is a pricing model for line items that is based on actions, also known as conversions.

22. Western MBS Pricing methods mainly include traditional pricing method, the quantitative model of pricing, Option-Adjusted Spread pricing and refinancing critical Price Act.

23. • Return to Advance Pricing Arrangements (APAs) International Transfer Pricing:

24. 12 The senior and middle managers whose salaries contributed heavily to the top-heavy cost structure that ostensibly prohibited competitive pricing?

25. The need to sift and correct the information put out by companies adds cost and uncertainty to the market's pricing function.