non-violent in Vietnamese

* tính từ
- không sử dụng bạo lực, phi bạo lực, bất bạo động

Sentence patterns related to "non-violent"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "non-violent" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "non-violent", or refer to the context using the word "non-violent" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The demonstration was non-violent.

Cuộc biểu tình diễn ra hoàn toàn không có bạo động.

2. The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.

Ủy ban Điều phối Bất bạo động Sinh viên ( SNCC ).

3. Agitations could be violent or non-violent

4. Dear old staid, conservative, non-violent Britain.

5. They believe only in peaceable, non-violent protest.

6. Gandhi was the prophet of non-violent protest.

7. Gandhi was an exponent of non-violent protest.

8. Many of these people are non-violent drug offenders.

9. Our organization has always been non-violent and non-partisan.

10. Civil disobedience, violent or non-violent, is intentional law breaking.

11. They offered a path of reconciliation and non-violent transition.

12. A non-violent movement could not have halted Hitler's armies.

13. Non-violent passive resistance was widespread in Luxembourg during the period.

Kháng cự thụ động bất bạo động đã lan rộng tại Luxembourg trong suốt giai đoạn này.

14. All non-violent religious and political beliefs should be respected equally.

15. The judiciary must think very hard before jailing non-violent offenders.

16. He won the Peace Prize for his advocacy of non-violent protest.

17. The right to non-violent protest is a vital pillar of democracy".

18. 2 The judiciary must think very hard before jailing non-violent offenders.

19. Once it began the protest turned from non-violent to violent attack.

20. King was a worldwide symbol of non-violent protest against racial injustice.

21. I would only belong to an environmental movement if it was explicitly non-violent.

22. The Aegis System™ specializes in non-violent crisis de-escalation and prevention techniques

23. One of the most important forms of non-violent competition was the space race.

Một trong những hình thức quan trọng nhất của cuộc cạnh tranh phi bạo lực là chạy đua không gian.

24. She was also influenced by Gandhi's non-violent success and the eastern philosophy at large.

Cô cũng bị ảnh hưởng bởi "thành công bất bạo động" của Gandhi và triết lý phương đông nói chung.

25. In 19 the Congress Party demanded immediate independence, and threatened massive though non-violent resistance.

26. He wrote a book called " From Dictatorship to Democracy " with 81 methodologies for non- violent resistance.

Cuốn sách có tên là " Từ độc tài tới nền dân chủ " với 82 phương pháp phản kháng phi bạo lực.

27. He wrote a book called "From Dictatorship to Democracy" with 81 methodologies for non-violent resistance.

Cuốn sách có tên là "Từ độc tài tới nền dân chủ" với 82 phương pháp phản kháng phi bạo lực.

28. In this sense political activity has to do with non-violent contention within an ordered framework.

29. Non-violent protests outside the jails and the Ministry of the Interior are met with arbitrary arrest.

30. Dispatchers are trained to recognize non-violent situations with a behavioral health component and route those calls to Cahoots

31. Suu Kyi has always advocated non-violent resistance, but is internationally renowned for her recalcitrance rather than her compliance.

32. Three civil rights activists found dead.Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) dedicated to non-violent direct action against racial discrimination.

33. Despite the peaceful and non-violent orientation of our foreign policy, we found ourselves in wars against our neighbours.

34. Dear old staid, conservative, non-violent Britain. Soccer fans were its contribution to the global tradition of random violence.

35. Some libertarian socialists see violent revolution as necessary in the abolition of capitalist society while others advocate non-violent methods.

36. This section will focus on these two perspectives and their relationship with non-violent aspects of communal group protest activity.

37. Joseph Buffey, a suspect in several non-violent, unrelated break ins in the Harrison County, was questioned about the attack

38. Chapter 6 compares efforts to explain the origins, characteristics, and impact of non-violent political dissent and social movement activity.

39. In contrast, Piaroa minimize gender differences and maintain the same normative code of non-violent behaviour for both males and females.

40. Yet when it comes to acting against those making a non-violent protest against fuel prices, they suddenly seem very keen indeed.

41. And it is he who is credited with introducing King to the writings of Gandhi and the concept of non-violent resistance.

42. /r/Antitheism is a place for serious discussion about the harm caused by religion and non-violent methods to further its eradication

43. The local leadership in some West Bank towns commenced non-violent protests against Israeli occupation by engaging in tax resistance and other boycotts.

Giới lãnh đạo địa phương tại một số thị trấn Bờ Tây đã tiến hành một số cuộc phản kháng phi bạo lực chống lại sự chiếm đóng của Israel bằng cách tham gia vào cuộc kháng chiến thuế và các cuộc tẩy chay khác.

44. One of the Calmest animals in the world, Sheep is the most docile, non-violent, gentle and peaceful creatures ever known on earth

45. The regime reacted to the non violent actions of the KKs by Accusings the priests of being violent people and supporting the rebels

46. State media reports label the group as a “politically reactionary” organization which is “non-violent” but whose goal is to “overthrow the people’s administration.”

Báo chí nhà nước dán cho nhóm này nhãn tổ chức “phản động chính trị” bất bạo động, có mục đích “lật đổ chính quyền nhân dân.”

47. Constitutionalist, as a specific ideology, is a phrase that both violent and non-violent anti-government types have used to identify themselves for decades…

48. Told in a quasi-documentary style, this companion piece to I Am Curious (Blue) (1968) deals with topics such as class society, non-violent resistance, sex, …

49. This, along with the rather simple and non-violent nature of this ‘celestial Anchorite’, as described, made me quite captivated with actually going through with the whole thing

50. Groups who subscribed to this point of view advocated opposition, violent and non-violent, against Israel and against Arabs who did not subscribe to this point of view.

Các nhóm người đăng ký quan điểm này ủng hộ sự chống đối, bạo lực, chống lại Israel và chống lại người Ả Rập, những người không đăng ký theo quan điểm này.