muon magnetic moment in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: vật lý
-mômen từ của muyo

Sentence patterns related to "muon magnetic moment"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "muon magnetic moment" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "muon magnetic moment", or refer to the context using the word "muon magnetic moment" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The formulae of magnetic moment of a space coil and moment of magnetic force acted on a coil in a uniform magnetic field are presented.

2. chao. ban muon di ve dau?

3. muon nghi gi thi nghi

4. Yes, at the moment they're surrounded by a magnetic shield.

Phải, lúc này họ bị khiên chắn từ trường che kín.

5. In this case a substantial internal magnetic dipole moment is expected.

6. The past magnetic field is recorded mostly by strongly magnetic minerals, particularly iron oxides such as magnetite, that can carry a permanent magnetic moment.

Từ trường trong quá khứ được ghi lại chủ yếu bằng các khoáng vật từ tính mạnh, cụ thể là các oxit sắt như magnetit, có thể mang một mô men từ vĩnh cửu.

7. toi muon di mua sam

8. toi muon khoc vi ban

9. Their technique was used for high precision measurement of the electron magnetic moment.

Kỹ thuật này được sử dụng trong đo lường hệ số g chính xác cao của electron.

10. i muon ra ngoai cung ban

11. The study about magnetic moment of nucleon has been carried out for many years.

12. toi muon mua mot o banh mi.

13. Observations by Mariner 10 have demonstrated that Mercury does have an intrinsic magnetic dipole moment.

14. Antimatter, substance composed of subatomic particles that have the mass, electric charge, and magnetic moment of the electrons, protons, and neutrons of ordinary matter but for which the electric charge and magnetic moment are opposite in sign

15. There are six quarks (up, down, charm, strange, top, bottom), and six leptons (electron, electron neutrino, muon, muon neutrino, tau, tau neutrino).

Có sau hương quark (lên (u), xuống (d), duyên (c), lạ (s), đỉnh (t), và đáy (b)), và sáu loại lepton (electron, neutrino electron, muyon, neutrino muyon, tauon, và neutrino tauon).

16. Toi muon danh cho ban su bat ngo.

17. Ban nghi tam anh nao dua tre muon thay doi?

Which picture do you think the child wants to change

18. The reason for the low upper limit on the internal magnetic dipole moment is not properly understood.

19. The magnetic field that led to its discovery had vanished at the moment of that radio shriek.

20. The upper limit on the internal magnetic dipole moment is only 0.00005 of that of the Earth.

21. In order for a planet to possess a magnetosphere it need not have an internal magnetic dipole moment.

22. Magnetic field, auroras, magnetic declination and magnetic field reversals.

23. Antiproton, subatomic particle of the same mass as a proton but having a negative electric charge and oppositely directed magnetic moment

24. By 1973 the magnetic moment was known within a factor of two, whereas the tilt was correctly estimated at about 10°.

Đến năm 1973, độ lớn của mômen từ đã được xác định với sai số tương đối khoảng 50%, trong khi độ nghiêng được ước tính chính xác hơn, vào khoảng 10°.

25. This paper put forward the moment of magnetic force acted on current-carrying coil in even magnetic fied is revolving of regular axle and the method of determined the place of revolving axle.