mts (message transport system) in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "mts message transport system"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mts message transport system" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mts message transport system", or refer to the context using the word "mts message transport system" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Database management (the misconduct tracking system — MTS) is under the responsibility of a P-2 Associate Reports Officer.

2. Britain’s Ailing public transport system

3. Banatite metallogeny of North Poiana Ruscă Mts

4. This is the pager message system.

5. The web server includes a message notification system (432) with message alert type selection and incoming message filtering.

6. Amphibolite inclusions in Pre-Cambrain Bathylith; Needle Mts

7. America's air - transport system is facing gridlock.

8. The public transport system was absolutely hopeless.

9. Banatite metallogeny of North Poiana Ruscă Mts

10. Double Barrelled Flintlock Shotgun: 679.00US 889.00CAN (MTS-042) Historical Background

11. The boxes are already being loaded onto the transport when you receive an urgent message.

Các hộp đang được cho lên xe để chuyển đi thì bạn nhận được tin khẩn.

12. However, examples include: - Auditory subliminal message system and method.

13. Second, the critical role of multi-modal transport system.

Thứ hai, hệ thống giao thông đa phương thức có vai trò thiết yếu đối với sự phát triển của Đồng Tháp.

14. With its roads, railroads and river transport the area is very important for Croatia's transport system.

15. Certain perfluorocarbons can transport oxygen in the circulatory system.

Một số hợp chất perfluorocarbon có thể chuyển tải oxy trong hệ thống tuần hoàn.

16. Land transport utilized the advanced system of Roman roads.

Vận tải bằng đường bộ thì sử dụng hệ thống các con đường La Mã tiên tiến.

17. An alphanumeric display and message indicators show AB5000TM System status.

18. Later centuries saw the development of a complex transport system.

19. (i) Exchange and sharing of knowledge in Intelligent Transport System;

20. London Transport hopes to try out the system in September.

21. - environmental impact of air transport is a global issue and concerns different aspects of the air transport system.

22. The government announced plans to nationalize the public transport system.

23. The urban traffic signal control system is the important part of Intelligent Transport System ( ITS ) .

24. Position three of the MTI specifies the message function which defines how the message should flow within the system.

Message Function Vị trí thứ 3 trong MTI là Message Function chỉ ra luồng Message trong hệ thống.

25. Probe holder system, message for fixing a probe holder system and method for adjusting a probe