mrp (material requirement planning) in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: toán & tin
-Lập Kế Hoạch Vật Liệu Yêu Cầu

Sentence patterns related to "mrp material requirement planning"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mrp material requirement planning" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mrp material requirement planning", or refer to the context using the word "mrp material requirement planning" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. In 1983, Oliver Wight developed MRP into manufacturing resource planning (MRP II).

Năm 1983, Oliver Wight đã phát triển MRP thành kế hoạch tài nguyên sản xuất (MRP II).

2. They include bar - coding, computerized information management technology, EDI , materials requirements planning ( MRP ) , etc.

3. This demands careful planning well ahead of the requirement.

4. The basic functions of an MRP system include: inventory control, bill of material processing, and elementary scheduling.

Các chức năng cơ bản của hệ thống MRP bao gồm: kiểm soát hàng tồn kho, hóa đơn xử lý nguyên liệu và lập lịch trình sơ cấp.

5. Go to the supervisor of planning and new material.

6. Analyze the “Sample Regular Pioneer Schedules,” emphasizing how good planning can make the hour requirement attainable.

7. MRP II is by definition fully integrated or at least fully interfaced.

MRP II theo định nghĩa được tích hợp đầy đủ hoặc ít nhất là hoàn toàn giao thoa.

8. Market development assistance would lower MRP of city compost for farmers.

9. The competent authorities may adjust that requirement in the event of a material change in a firm

10. The labels are affixed to each container and then scanned into the MRP system.

Các nhãn được dán vào mỗi thùng chứa và sau đó được quét vào hệ thống MRP.

11. When choosing vitreous birdbath , basically see chosen material whether accord with national requirement for toughened glass, hot coefficient of expansion.

12. All Canadian women, except women on-reserve, have both human rights and MRP protection under Canadian law.

13. A Christian Requirement?

Tín đồ Đấng Christ có phải giữ ngày Sa-bát không?

14. Results The main portal vein appearance was accordant with 3D CE MRP and direct x-ray portography in all cases.

15. I had an amp lying around, an Alpine MRP-F200, which has 4 channels , 2 Bridgeables, and signal and

16. And semiotics has been proved effectively applying in requirement especially in requirement representation and elicitation.

17. The net Consumptive irrigation requirement corrected for conveyance and application losses is the irrigation diversion requirement

18. The above requirement for diversity can be matched by an equally strong requirement for centralization.

19. Assessment requirement pursuant to N.J.S.A

20. Moisture Adsorbing Packets Requirement Chart

21. I think the impedance of a headphone is related to the driver design. The power requirement is more related to the use of material in the driver.

22. Brownfield vs Greenfield: Infrastructure Requirement

23. Controlled Substance Electronic Prescribing Requirement

24. Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, hemolysin, calcium requirement.

25. Workforce planning will become more important than financial planning.

Kế hoạch nhân sự sẽ quan trọng hơn kế hoạch tài chính.