mother earth in Vietnamese

@mother earth /'mʌðə'ə:θ/
* danh từ
- đất mẹ
-(đùa cợt) đất, mặt đất

Sentence patterns related to "mother earth"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mother earth" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mother earth", or refer to the context using the word "mother earth" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. He said it is our collective responsibility to save Mother Earth.

2. Barefooted Ethical Branding Earth friendly branding studio creating purposeful designs for brands who support Mother Earth

3. It's so telling that you would object to sage, the cleaning agent provided by Mother Earth.

4. Bastnaesite (also spelled Bastnasite) brings us information from ancient earth cultures, as old as Mother Earth herself

5. She declared in Mother Earth her intent to resist conscription, and to oppose US involvement in the war.

Bà tuyên bố trong Mẹ Trái Đất dự định sẽ chống cưỡng bách tòng quân, và phản đối sự tham dự của nước Mỹ vào cuộc chiến.

6. Arabesquely poised on this small contact point with mother-earth, he was said to be vulnerable to any throwing attack.

7. Berkman took the helm of Mother Earth in 1907, while Goldman toured the country to raise funds to keep it operating.

Berkman đảm nhiệm Mother Earth năm 1907, khi Goldman du hành diễn thuyết khắp đất nước để gây quỹ duy trì tờ báo.

8. In present-day Bolivia and the south of Peru, the old pagan divinity Pacha-Mama (Mother Earth) still remains alive, although absorbed into the Virgin. . . .

9. We've strayed our furthest from God, in the name of our own Avarices, and in the end, Mother Earth is the ultimate destroyer, completing our apocalypse

10. The bounty of mother earth – in the form of its soil, water, metals and energy resources - has shaped civilizations depending on how these resources were owned and used.

11. The focus must not be only on financial compensation, but also on restorative justice, understood as the restitution of integrity to our Mother Earth and all its beings.

Sự tập trung không chỉ về bồi thường tài chính, mà còn về công lý phục hồi, được hiểu là sự phục hồi của sự toàn vẹn của Mẹ Trái Đất và của tất cả chúng sinh.

12. But as it turns out, we know a lot more about space than we do about the underground waterways coursing through our planet, the very lifeblood of Mother Earth.

Nhưng thật ra, chúng ta biết về không gian còn nhiều hơn điều chúng ta biết về các mạch nước ngầm chảy xuyên hành tinh, chúng chính là dòng máu của Mẹ Đất.

13. Bagman (1) 1 h 39 min 2018 18+ A mad killer with a paper bag over his head decides to do his part to help Mother Earth by murdering those who do not recycle

14. Blackened is the end Winter it will send Throwing all you see Into obscurity Death of Mother Earth Never a rebirth Evolution’s end Never will it mend Never Fire To begin whipping dance of the dead Blackened is the end To begin whipping dance of the dead Color our world Blackened Blistering of earth Terminate its worth Deadly nicotine Kills

15. Blackened is the end Winter it will send Throwing all you see Into obscurity Death of Mother Earth Never a rebirth Evolution's end Never will it mend Never Fire To begin whipping dance of the dead Blackened is the end To begin whipping dance of the dead Color our world Blackened Blistering of earth Terminate its worth Deadly nicotine Kills what might have been Callous frigid chill …