mortality table (s) in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-bảng thống kê (tuổi) tử vong

Sentence patterns related to "mortality table s"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mortality table s" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mortality table s", or refer to the context using the word "mortality table s" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. In addition, a mortality table is described as an actuarial table.

2. Child Mortality Closely Linked To Women 's Education Levels

Tỷ lệ tử vong ở trẻ em gắn liền với trình độ học vấn của phụ nữ

3. See also infant mortality, toddler mortality, child mortality.

4. As was the case for mortality rates, women's hospital separation rates for abdominal aortic aneurysms were Table 3

5. The mortality table was developed by the actuary Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG) for the purpose of the evaluation.

6. The actuarial methods and assumptions for calculating “Preferred Lives” products are outlined including a sample “Preferred/Standard” mortality table.

7. A table is covered with all sorts of things beginning with “s.”

8. In fact, there are some differences between life insurance death rate and death rate in mortality table, and rate of interest taken on randomness .

9. Adam, fry up this tissue with table 37's order of hash browns.

Adam, rán giòn cái khăn giấy này cho bàn 37 gọi bánh khoai tây chiên kìa.

10. This accounts for the high rate of infant mortality in the slums where almost half of the city ' s population lives . "

11. Mortality is so fragile.

Cuộc sống trần thế rất mong manh.

12. Porter completed his mortality.

Porter, đã từ giã cõi trần này.

13. Poor Tom lamentably disgraced himself at Sir Charles Mirable 's table, by premature inebriation.

14. Atilla A,Doğanay Z,Kefeli Çelik H,Demirağ MD,S Kiliç S, Central line-associated Blood stream infections: characteristics and risk factors for mortality over a 5.5-year period

15. In populations with low mortality, females generally experience lower mortality rates than males at all ages.

16. The granary weevil mortality rate was higher than the mortality rate of the saw-toothed grain beetle.

17. There was also some clump mortality.

18. EN Table # ain aggregates-- quarterly and annual exercise Previous year 's prices and chain-linked volumes

19. Second is the condition of mortality.

Thứ hai là trạng thái hữu diệt.

20. The mortality rate was way down.

21. Infant mortality has been dramatically reduced.

22. Mortality patterns After the clusters are identified, a characteristic age pattern of mortality is identified for each cluster.

23. This figure is the adjusted maternal mortality ratio estimate prepared by the Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency Group.

24. And yet, operative mortality dropped profoundly.

Ấy vậy mà, tỉ lệ tử vong phẫu thuật đã giảm đi rất nhiều

25. Ratings of the inputs cost in current dollars at the S level of aggregation (KLEMS) Table J: