moribund in Vietnamese

@moribund /'mɔribʌnd/
* tính từ
- gần chết, hấp hối; suy tàn
=a moribund civilization+ một nền văn minh suy tàn
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: y học
-hấp hối

Sentence patterns related to "moribund"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "moribund" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "moribund", or refer to the context using the word "moribund" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The few birds seen anywhere were moribund.

2. Imperialism is monopolistic, parasitic and moribund capitalism.

3. 12 Imperialism is monopolistic, parasitic and moribund capitalism.

4. The sheep eventually became Anoretic and moribund

5. Not that there is anything moribund about her career.

6. The region's heavy industry is still inefficient and moribund.

7. The British music scene is nostalgic, decrepit and moribund.

8. The Board is trying to stimulate the moribund economy.

9. The patient was moribund by the time the doctor arrived.

10. One is whether separatism is quite as moribund as it now seems.

11. For more on the group, check out the moribund official Web site.

12. A cut in interest rates will help the country's moribund housing market.

13. With inflation apparently moribund, a big jump in rates seems unlikely.

14. The moribund, quasi-clerical state of the universities owed much to this fact.

15. How can the Trade Department be revived from its present moribund state?

16. In the moribund patient deepening coma are the usual preludes to death.

17. Dinosaurs could not have been moribund because they were still diversifying into new orders.

18. But just a year before first phase was to have been completed, the site is moribund.

19. As seasons passed, the priest could account for only eleven baptized people, moribund infants all.

20. “The measuring line,” Jehovah’s rule of action, guarantees that this spiritually moribund organization will become a desolate wasteland.

‘Dây đo để chia’, tức đường lối hành động của Đức Giê-hô-va, bảo đảm là tổ chức hấp hối về thiêng liêng này sẽ trở thành một vùng đất hoang phế điêu tàn.

21. Chancellor Norman Lamont is being urged to boost the moribund housing market in his autumn statement on November

22. Antonyms for Aborning include adult, full-blown, full-fledged, mature, ripe, ripened, dying, developed, grown and moribund

23. And with all of this expansion under way, companies have virtually no incentive to revive moribund refineries.

24. It has staged a remarkable recovery from the apparently moribund state of the late fifties and early sixties.

25. Unfortunately, theological colleges give little specialist training in the area of new church planting or moribund church rejuvenation.

26. In patrilineal descent groups, he argued, the individual family and private property were prominent and the communal principle already moribund.

27. Reviving the moribund nuclear industry would be tough and unpopular, and could take many years to produce more power.

28. At first the arrival of considerable numbers of Benn-recruited Right-Ons in moribund inner-city Labour Party branches went unnoticed.

29. The central bank said it would stop supporting the rouble and promised that cheap credits to moribund industries will be phased out.

30. 7 It was always an objective of the sadly-moribund Vulcan Association that the future of the aircraft be safeguarded once retired.

31. The development of “chesterfield”—once a common Canadianism for a sofa of any sort, but now somewhat moribund—is explored at length

32. The development of "chesterfield"--once a common Canadianism for a sofa, but now somewhat moribund--is explored at length

33. Their job was difficult, frustrating, and sometimes dangerous; in many communities, the system grew moribund because no one wanted to serve as headman.

34. The Kamchatkan branch is moribund, represented only by Western Itelmen, with only 80 elderly speakers left (as of the 2010 Russian census).

Nhánh Kamchatkan sắp biến mất, với chỉ tiếng Itelmen còn hiện diện, với chỉ 80 người còn sót lại (2010).

35. THERE ARE LOTS of diversions in the Big White Ghetto, the vast moribund matrix of Wonder Bread–hued Appalachian towns and villages stretching from …

36. Cherokee (ᏣᎳᎩ ᎦᏬᏂᎯᏍᏗ, Tsalagi Gawonihisdi [dʒalaˈɡî ɡawónihisˈdî]) is an endangered-to-moribund Iroquoian language and the native language of the Cherokee people

37. Shares in both companies fell about 3 percent as investors feared intense competition could lure away buyers of e-books, the fastest-growing segment in a moribund bookselling industry.

38. If frogs are showing signs of considerable suffering (very severe and death can be reliably predicted) and considered moribund, animals should be anaesthetised and euthanised and treated as mortality for data analysis.

39. While doubts lingered about the ability of bond purchases to kick start a moribund economy, there was a sense in the market that the Fed was open to doing more if the recovery remains sluggish.

40. ‘The audience learns early on that he wanders the hospital at night, Anaesthetises female patients in their sleep and interferes with them.’ ‘Unless the cat is already moribund, the veterinarian will need to lightly sedate or anesthetize the patient.’

41. ‘The audience learns early on that he wanders the hospital at night, Anaesthetises female patients in their sleep and interferes with them.’ ‘Unless the cat is already moribund, the veterinarian will need to lightly sedate or anesthetize the patient.’

42. It was an idea far ahead of its time, born of a desire not merely to "Civilize" a seemingly moribund Muslim world, but to unite East and West, the Baghdad Railway could have fostered not just greater economic integration for European benefit, but an inter-cultural renaissance across Eurasia as well evoking heyday of the great Muslim Empires -- Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal -- that last united