mop-up in Vietnamese

@mop-up /'mɔp'ʌp/
* danh từ
- sự thu dọn, sự nhặt nhạnh
- (quân sự) cuộc càn quét

Sentence patterns related to "mop-up"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mop-up" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mop-up", or refer to the context using the word "mop-up" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Please mop up the mess.

2. Two companies were left to mop up.

3. We must mop up the arrears of work.

4. We need only wait, mop up the survivors.

Ta chỉ cần đợi, rồi xử lý kẻ thắng cuộc.

5. Fetch a cloth to mop up the spill.

6. You should have seen him mop up the beer.

7. Do you want some bread to mop up that sauce?

8. I must mop up the last of the work.

9. You should have seen him mop up his dinner.

10. Then you use it to mop up your dog's vomit.

11. So unless you want mop-up duty, close the door, pervert.

Và giờ thì đừng làm phiền nữa, đóng cửa lại giùm, thằng biến thái.

12. Don't mop up the spilt milk; the cat will lick it up.

13. It went down well, with dry bread to mop up the water.

14. The usual solution is to send in infantry to mop up any remaining opposition.

15. John went to grab towels out of the bathroom to mop up the blood.

16. You'd better mop up that pool of water on the floor before father sees it.

17. Our strength is sapped by having to mop up the mess that violence leaves wake.

18. It will still take some time to mop up these enemy remnants, but not long.

19. You'd better mop up that pool of water on the floor before mother sees it.

20. Because inflation remained low, the central banks have been slow to mop up the excess liquidity.

21. The Benefit: Basil is rich in antioxidants that mop up cell - damaging free radicals inside the body.

22. Most of the time, Type 1 crews are used for initial attack, sustained action and mop-up.

23. Well, the mop-up of the Alpha / Omega bioweapons problem has become a United States Army operation.

Cuộc càn quét vấn đề vũ khí sinh học Alpha / Omega đã trở thành vấn đề của tổ chức quân đội US.

24. Well on September 4th, there was a huge mop- up campaign, which is what you do in polio.

Vì vào ngày 4 tháng 9, đã có một chiến dịch càn quét khổng lồ, cái mà bạn làm để phòng bại liệt.

25. Well on September 4th, there was a huge mop-up campaign, which is what you do in polio.

Vì vào ngày 4 tháng 9, đã có một chiến dịch càn quét khổng lồ, cái mà bạn làm để phòng bại liệt.

26. 20 Mannke likes to serve his chili with beans and brown rice, which helps mop up the zesty flavors.

27. 23 Mop up turkey juices with a paper towel, then use an antibacterial cleanser to wash down the counter and sink.

28. The regiment subsequently proceeded to mop up the area to the west, delayed by resistance from several Dutch command posts.

Trung đoàn này sau đó tiếp tục càn quét trong khu vực về phía tây, cho đến khi bị chặn lại do sức kháng cự của các đồn bốt chỉ huy của Hà Lan.

29. However, after haranguing us and making me mop up his uniform, the outraged policeman indicated a couple of wash-basins.

30. The camp is routed, escape is cut off, and mop-up operations involving an arduous pursuit permanently remove the Midianite threat.

Cả trại quân đều chạy tán loạn, mọi lối thoát đều bị chặn, và một cuộc truy quét gay go được tiến hành, xóa bỏ vĩnh viễn mối đe dọa từ dân Ma-đi-an.

31. Steaming back to Kwajalein on 26 February, Aylwin patrolled off Eniwetok and Majuro through mid-March as mop-up operations continued at those places.

Nó quay trở lại Kwajalein vào ngày 26 tháng 2, rồi tuần tra ngoài khơi Eniwetok và Majuro cho đến giữa tháng 3, khi các hoạt động càn quét tiếp tục diễn ra tại đây.

32. I shall be glad to mop up the last of the office work that was waiting for me on my return from holiday.

33. Don’t forget to mop up any remaining moisture (even if it’s clear water) to avoid a Backrun from forming at the base of the wash

34. When the mop-up of Catmon Hill was completed on 31 October, the Americans had cleared 53 pillboxes, 17 caves, and several heavy artillery positions.

Khi lính Mỹ quét sạch quân địch tại đây ngày 31 tháng 10, họ đã tiêu diệt 53 boongke, 17 hang động, và một số vị trí pháo hạng nặng.

35. 27 Note: A 'mop-up' refers to a rapid and massive, house-to-house immunization response within four weeks of confirmation of a circulating poliovirus.

36. Thiol-SAMMS can also recover precious metals such as copper and gold, and researchers are now switching out the sulfur for other atoms so that it could mop up radioactive waste.