monogamous in Vietnamese

@monogamous /mɔ'nɔgəməs/
* tính từ
- một vợ; một chồng

Sentence patterns related to "monogamous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "monogamous" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "monogamous", or refer to the context using the word "monogamous" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Most birds are monogamous.

2. Anhingas are monogamous and …

3. In his eyes, a monogamous homosexual relationship was as moral as a monogamous heterosexual relationship.

4. Monogamous is a part of modern society.

5. We live in a monogamous society.

6. Red-Bellied woodpeckers are monogamous and form pairs

7. Do you believe that men are not naturally monogamous?

8. Males from monogamous species did not show these patterns.

9. Aardwolves are monogamous and both parents raise the cubs together

10. But a second contradiction thus develops within monogamous marriage itself.

11. Coyotes are monogamous, meaning they mate for life

12. Monogamous males live as long as their females.

13. She wouldn't want to be in a monogamous relationship.

14. Women 40 and older who aren't monogamous , haven't finished menopause .

Phụ nữ 40 tuổi trở lên không quan hệ một vợ một chồng , chưa mãn kinh .

15. Although most birds are monogamous, promiscuity is not unusual among brood parasites.

16. Same - sex marriage, polygamous marriage and opposite - sex monogamous marriage are three different family structures.

17. Although Java mouse-deer form monogamous family groups, they are usually shy, solitary animals.

Mặc dù cheo cheo Java hình thành nhóm gia đình cặp đôi kết hợp, chúng thường là loài vật e dè, đơn độc.

18. With the patriarchal family, and still more with the single monogamous family, a change came.

19. Competition among males for mates is stronger in polygamous than in monogamous species.

20. First, women most commonly seek monogamous marriage-even in societies that allow polygamy.

21. Although most birds are monogamous,(Sentencedict) promiscuity is not unusual among brood parasites.

22. Electrons are like spouses in monogamous countries; there is either one or none.

23. 27 Although most birds are monogamous,( promiscuity is not unusual among brood parasites.

24. Small forest antelopes are selective feeders and, as a consequence, are solitary and monogamous.

25. Darwin noticed that some monogamous birds have very colorful males: mallards, for example, and blackbirds.

26. They form monogamous pairs and, within the pair, take turns to play the male and female roles.

27. The same gene has previously been linked to monogamous behaviour in male voles, a mouselike rodent.

28. Male birds feed their monogamous partners as they incubate clutches of eggs — typically three per season.

29. Thus individual life assumes a higher value within the monogamous marriage than it does in a male group.

30. If that is what getting engaged does to him, the pity is that we live in a monogamous society!

31. This is not a complete truism in a polygynous marriage, and is a criticism of monogamous marriages as well.

32. Some might even be in fairly monogamous relationships, for whom the baths were simply an occasional treat.

33. Anurans are not monogamous: the males of most species will mate repeatedly as long as females respond to their mating calls

34. The resulting competition probably causes the animals to occupy small but adequate territories which are vigorously defended by a monogamous pair.

35. Variation in reproductive success should be greater among males of polygynous species than among males of monogamous ones.

36. No, Jack, man is a monogamous animal and there's no partnership on earth to touch a happy marriage.

37. One of our fellow primates, the two-foot-long lemur is vegetarian, monogamous, and makes a noise like a saxaphone.

38. Other Cuckoos (malkohas, couas, coucals, ground-Cuckoos) are monogamous and raise their own young and anis and the Guira Cuckoo, Guifa guira, are cooperative breeders

39. Most Barbets appear to be monogamous, and during their long courtship period the pair excavates a nest cavity and the male courtship-feeds the female

40. Anhingas are monogamous, forming strong pair bonds, which last for life. During courtship, Anhingas perform flying displays, soaring towards their nest from a great height

41. Clitoridectomy (removal of the clitoris) and infibulation (sewing up the entrance to the vagina) are more common in a polygamous than in a monogamous society.

42. Four out of the six Central EuropeanAcrocephalus warblers (Reed warbler, Marsh warbler, Moustached warbler and Sedge warbler) are monogamous following the general type of mating system of altricial passeriformes (Tab.).

43. The reason for the difference appears to be related to the chances that other males will manage to Copulate with the female in a "monogamous" pair.

44. Agoutis form monogamous pairs for life, and they may mate up to two times a year in favorable conditions, producing a litter of live young after a gestation period of 120 days

45. (4) It examined the growth of ‘intelligence’ through inventions and discoveries, the development of government from the gens, the development of the family from Consanguine to monogamous, and the growth of concepts of property.

46. "My definition of Cheating is when there is an agreement between two partners to be in a monogamous relationship and one partner violates the agreement and engages in sexual or emotional intimacy

47. Bovid - Bovid - Social organization: Despite the many different species of Bovids, their social organization can be categorized as either unsocial or social, and their mating system can be categorized as monogamous and territorial, polygynous and territorial, or based on a male dominance hierarchy