monetary interest in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-lãi tiền tệ

Sentence patterns related to "monetary interest"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "monetary interest" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "monetary interest", or refer to the context using the word "monetary interest" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The Bundesbank central council meets tomorrow to debate interest-rate and monetary policy.

2. The Bundesbank central council will meet Thursday to debate interest-rate and monetary policy.

3. Market monetarists are skeptical that interest rates or monetary aggregates are good indicators for monetary policy and hence look to markets to indicate demand for money.

4. Making monetary policy has a key assumption which requires a stabile relationship between monetary aggregate and its determinants such as gross income, interest rate or inflation.

5. 25 Interest policy is one of the monetary policies and is a exogenous variable to China's economy.


7. For in practice, the shift in the focus of monetary policy meant that interest rates would swing wildly.

8. Currency Convertibility Author: Janis Wilkins Read related entries on C, CU, Exchange policy, Finance, International finance, International monetary system, Monetary agreement, Monetary economics, Monetary policy, Monetary relations, Money market

9. Monetary policy should be accommodating to long term investment in terms of appropriate interest rates both for investors and savers.

10. Open market operations are one tool within monetary policy implemented by the Federal Reserve to steer short-term interest rates.

Nghiệp vụ thị trường mở cửa là một công cụ trong chính sách tiền tệ được thực hiện bởi Cục Dự trữ Liên bang để chỉ đạo lãi suất ngắn hạn.

11. Appropriate accommodating monetary policy is not lax monetary policy.'

12. An Accommodative monetary policy tends to lower interest rates, especially the short-term ones, at the time credit is made plentiful

13. Monetary affairs, namely, acquisition and transfer of monetary claims

14. In a deflationary environment monetary policy may therefore not be able to sufficiently stimulate aggregate demand by using its interest rate instrument.

15. Financing such a colossal scheme, with its huge construction cost, coupled with high interest rates and mounting monetary inflation, is an obstacle indeed!

16. Contractionary monetary policy is the opposite of expansionary monetary policy

17. Contractionary monetary policy is a contrast to expansionary monetary policy

18. Government spending and taxation decisions (fiscal policy) and U.S. Federal Reserve interest rate adjustments (monetary policy) are important tools for managing the unemployment rate.

Chi tiêu chính phủ và các quyết định về thuế (chính sách tài khoá) và mức điều chỉnh lãi suất của Cục dự trữ liên bang Hoa Kỳ (U.S. Federal Reserve) (chính sách tiền tệ) là những công cụ quan trọng để giải quyết tỷ lệ thất nghiệp.

19. The U.S. Congress established three key objectives for monetary policy in the Federal Reserve Act: Maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.

Quốc hội Hoa Kỳ thiết lập 3 mục tiêu chính cho chính sách tiền tệ trong Đạo luật dự trữ Liên bang: Việc làm tối đa, giá cả ổn định, và lãi suất dài hạn vừa phải.

20. 20 In theory, the transmission of monetary policy may bring into effect by interest rate mechanism, asset price mechanism, credit mechanism and foreign exchange mechanism.

21. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon, which involves only monetary transactions and actual purchaser prices.

22. When inflation pressures are high and monetary policy is accommodative, monetary tightening makes sense.

23. Monetary policy McCallum rule Monetary policy reaction function Inflation targeting Taylor, John B. (1993).

24. Acquisition/transfer of monetary claims

25. Monetary policy has been accommodative.