molest in Vietnamese

@molest /mou'lest/
* ngoại động từ
- quấy rầy, quấy nhiễu, làm phiền
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) gạ gẫm (ai)

Sentence patterns related to "molest"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "molest" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "molest", or refer to the context using the word "molest" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. But it can molest Maria.

2. To molest people with?

Để gạ gẫm mọi người?

3. He is accused of molest children in the park.

4. Warrior, hand of mine shall never molest your scalp.

5. Don't molest crops, women or prisoners of war.

6. If I were gone, all these would molest you.

7. He'd accosted a woman getting off a bus and tried to molest her.

8. The secret police dared not molest Mr. Zuo, they were just out to frighten Mr. Cao.

9. No one wants a person likely to molest a child living next door.

10. 10 synonyms for Chivy: beset, chevvy, chevy, chivvy, harass, harry, hassle, molest, plague, provoke

11. He tried to molest some poor girl at the Shakespeare School and got thrown out.

12. In this case, the husband had raped his wife following an undertaking to the court not to molest her.

13. So Argos remained quiescent, and did not, for example, molest Mykenai and Tiryns, which took part in the war.

14. There is nothing in the scriptures, there is nothing in what we publish, there is nothing in what we believe or teach that gives license to parents or anyone else to neglect or abuse or molest our own or anyone else’s children.

Không có điều nào trong thánh thư, không có điều nào trong các ấn phẩm của chúng ta, không có điều nào trong những gì chúng ta tin tưởng hay giảng dạy mà cho phép cha mẹ hay bất cứ người nào được xao lãng, ngược đãi hay hành hung con cái mình hay con cái của người khác.

15. Accidie equipment for emergency vehicles promeritum rougeur credulity berm(en)bloter respecter derramado mít core making damnedest Dynamic Disks molest contrary, opposite, backwards, to go against, to oppose, to betray, to rebel samhengi laminated contact bar tape to surge, wave, undulate /to flood Central Daily News electronic document

16. THEY PROMISE AND ENGAGE that they will, in all respects, obey and abide by the law; that they will maintain peace between each other, and between themselves and other tribes of Indians, and between themselves and others of Her Majesty's subjects, whether Indians, half-breeds or whites, this year inhabiting and hereafter to inhabit any part of the said ceded territory; and that they will not molest the person or property of any inhabitant of such ceded tract, or of any other district or country, or interfere with or trouble any person passing or travelling through the said tract or any part thereof, and that they will assist the officers of Her Majesty in bringing to justice and punishment any Indian offending against the stipulations of this Treaty or infringing the law in force in the country so ceded.