moist air in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-không khí ẩm

Sentence patterns related to "moist air"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "moist air" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "moist air", or refer to the context using the word "moist air" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The moist air corrodes the concrete

2. The moist air corrodes the concrete.

Không khí ẩm đang làm mục bê tông, và muối đang làm sét kim loại.

3. Moreover, moist air and streams came down from Mount Hermon.

4. Leave a vent open to let some moist air escape.

5. This dense forest condenses the moist air and retains its moisture.

Cánh rừng rậm rạp này ngưng tụ không khí ẩm và giữ lại hơi ẩm cho nó.

6. Advection fog forms as warmer, moist air moves over a cold ground

7. Unstable moist air rises and cools and water vapour condenses to form cumulus clouds.

8. Advection Advection of warm moist air over a cooler surface, such as water, causes fog

9. Tornadoes usually form when rising warm, moist air rotates, as winds from opposite directions collide.

10. It forms by radiation, advection, or adiabatic cooling of moist air to its dew point.

11. Advection fog definition is - fog generated when warm moist air moves horizontally across a cooler surface

12. This results from convergence or "squeezing" which forces lifting of moist air behind the trough line.

Điều này là kết quả của sự hội tụ hoặc "bóp" mà thúc đẩy nâng không khí ẩm sau đường máng.

13. The moist air from the river along the east wall helps keep me, you know... clear

Nhưng ko khí ẩm ở dọc bờ sông phía đông...Đã giúp tôi khỏe

14. When iron is exposed to moist air or a caustic environment, its corrosion is greatly accelerated.

15. The dust mite, which thrives in warm, moist air, is the greatest source of allergens for asthmatics.

16. Damp leaves, moist air and a faint atmosphere of dereliction made my riverside walk feel sadly autumnal.

17. T0670 Thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature (Tw) Temperature of moist air at pressure p, temperature T and with mixing ratio r, at which the moist air reaches saturation, with respect to water, due to pure water evaporating adiabatically into it, at pressure p.

18. T0660 Thermodynamic ice-bulb temperature (Ti) Ice-bulb temperature Temperature of moist air at pressure p, temperature T and with mixing ratio r, at which the moist air reaches saturation, with respect to ice, due to pure water evaporating adiabatically into it, at pressure p.

19. Shielding his eyes from the sun’s first rays, the farmer stands in his doorway and sniffs the moist air.

Lấy tay che mắt khỏi những tia nắng ban mai, người nông dân đứng nơi ô cửa, hít thở làn khí ẩm.

20. Condensation can also occur in the air when warm moist air meets cold air, when it is known as ‘fogging’

21. A0650 Advection frost Frost due primarily to the transport of moist air over a surface having a temperature below freezing.

22. In the ultra low-temperature geothermal power cycle, refrigeration and heating are provided by adiabatic isentropic compression of high-enthalpy, moist air.

23. * Earth’s daily rotation causes this mass of moving, moist air to form eddies, some becoming depressions, or areas of low atmospheric pressure.

24. The fan ingests the moist air, which is then ducted to the refrigerator-unit evaporator, where it is condensed on the cold walls.

25. Therefore, the bottle of instant adhesive can be made of hard material, avoiding moist air to penetrate and cause the adhesive to harden.

26. A0510 Adiabatic condensation temperature Condensation temperature Temperature at which a small parcel of moist air becomes saturated on being subjected to adiabatic expansion.

27. A0500 Adiabatic condensation pressure Condensation pressure Pressure at which a small parcel of moist air becomes saturated on being subjected to adiabatic expansion.

28. The formation of the cloud pedestal can be explained by an Afflux of moist air, but also by diminishing pressue on its cross section

29. The formation of the cloud pedestal can be explained by an afflux of moist air, but also by diminishing pressue on its cross section.

30. The two Blockings synchronously deeply stretched towards the Arctic, which resulted in, on the one hand, warm and moist air of the Pacific and the Atlantic being excessively transported into the

31. CeBr3 can be distilled at reduced pressure (~ 0.1 Pa) in a quartz ampoule at 875-880 °C. Like the related salt CeCl3, the bromide absorbs water on exposure to moist air.

CeBr3 có thể được chưng cất ở áp suất giảm (~ 0,1 Pa) trong một ống thạch anh ở nhiệt độ từ 875 đến 880 °C. Giống như hợp chất liên quan là muối CeCl3, bromua hấp thụ nước khi tiếp xúc với không khí ẩm.

32. At room temperature, the slime mould moves at a slothful rate of about a centimetre per hour, but you can speed this movement up by giving the mould a blast of warm, moist air.

33. Prevailing westerly winds blow moist air from the Tasman Sea onto the mountains; the cooling of this air as it rises produces a prodigious amount of rainfall, exceeding seven metres in many parts of the park.

Gió tây thổi không khí ẩm từ biển Tasman vào các dãy núi, làm mát không khí vì nó tăng lượng mưa của vùng, trên 700 cm ở nhiều nơi trong vườn quốc gia.

34. D1370 Dry stage Phase of an adiabatic expansion process of moist air, in the absence of condensed water, in which the rising non-saturated air cools at the dry-adiabatic lapse rate, i.e. about 1°C/100 m.

35. As the moist air, which must be capped to be stable and so unable to rise by convection, is forced to rise over the Rock, the moisture condenses to form a cloud which streams away west from its top.

Khi không khí ẩm ướt và không thể nâng lên theo sự đối lưu, nó buộc phải vượt qua núi, độ ẩm ngưng tụ để hình thành một đám mây trôi ra hướng tây từ phía trên.

36. Sodium Citrate is the sodium salt of citric acid.It is white, crystalline powder or white, granular crystals, slightly deliquescent in moist air, freely soluble in water, practically insoluble in alcohol.Like citric acid, it has a sour taste.From the medical point of view, it is used as alkalinizing agent.

37. The two Blockings synchronously deeply stretched towards the Arctic, which resulted in, on the one hand, warm and moist air of the Pacific and the Atlantic being excessively transported into the Arctic, and on the other hand, the polar vortex being split and cold air being squeezed southwards and accumulating extensively on the West Siberian Plain.