meltdown in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "meltdown"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "meltdown" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "meltdown", or refer to the context using the word "meltdown" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Watermelon Meltdown flavor, so...

Nước vị dưa hấu, và...

2. Evacuate and we have media meltdown.

Sơ tán và chúng tôi có khủng hoảng phương tiện truyền thông.

3. That's a Latin meltdown, okay?

Kiểu Latin lả lơi đó?

4. First, of course, the economic meltdown.

Đầu tiên, tất nhiên là cuộc khủng hoảng kinh tế.

5. Is a Big Brother overprotective meltdown?

6. 8 Is a Big Brother overprotective meltdown?

7. Numerous Accidents occurred including a core meltdown

8. View our different brands, Bang, VPX, Redline and Meltdown

9. A meltdown could in probation, suspension and ultimately termination.

10. Economic meltdown was accompanied by increasing political tension.

Khủng hoảng kinh tế đi kèm với gia tăng căng thẳng chính trị.

11. China has never experienced a major nuclear meltdown.

12. The stock market crash might lead to financial meltdown.

13. Then came the financial meltdown, which sent auto sales sliding further.

14. A nuclear meltdown may yet lead to a financial one.

15. Your little meltdown in the rec room slip your mind?

Sự mủi lòng đã làm mất nhân tính rồi sao?

16. How do you tell when a nuclear meltdown is occurring?

17. It appears Dr. Vostok is having a bit of a meltdown.

Có vẻ như tiến sĩ Vostok đang muốn bùng cháy.

18. But what happens if the United States economy experiences a meltdown?

19. Avoid an electrical system meltdown with our selection of Alternators and generators

20. It was a six-stage meltdown from inside the hydro rig's core.

Một vụ quá tải nhiệt 6 giai đoạn diễn ra bên trong lõi cột thuỷ điện.

21. Slide into a theater to watch Ice Age The Meltdown this April.

22. Fukashima – The epicenter of the Japanese Triple Disaster (earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown).

23. Did you cry it out the other night after your little lady meltdown?

Hôm bữa nọ cậu phát khùng lên, về nhà có khóc đã đời chưa?

24. This evening I was invited to address a High-level round table, where I highlighted that it was ironical that we not only faced a global meltdown - but simultaneously staring at a total environmental meltdown.

25. Questions of loyalty had to be weighed against the likelihood of my neurological meltdown.

26. PARIS – The meltdown at the Fukushima nuclear plant has sent political aftershocks racing around the globe.

27. Three and a half years later, Ice Age The Meltdown is ready to hit theaters.

28. Steven Slater's cathartic meltdown came several hours before a government release asas they can go.

29. Nastiness is only really relevant when there is a threat of social and economic meltdown.

30. Or perhaps the fear spreading plagueabout the nuclear meltdown in Japan slowly spreading globally?

31. If foot and mouth can not be contained, it could precipitate a meltdown in the industry.

32. The Corvus replaces the Vela's Meltdown -like laser with a long-range, single-shot piercing laser

33. A meltdown of three reactors led to the release of radiation into the surrounding community.

34. The mass of uranium soon becomes so hot that it melts and disperses, a phenomenon called meltdown.

35. By this point, I am doing a meltdown that makes Three Mile Island look like a brush fire.

36. If benefit systems hit meltdown, it's the specialist short-term associations that get hit hardest and quickest.

37. Given the magnitude of the crisis and the widespread meltdown, some have dubbed it the Great Recession.

38. A 9.0 earthquake in Japan triggers a tsunami and the meltdown of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant.

Động đất 9,0 richter ở Nhật Bản gây nên Thảm họa nhà máy hạt nhân Fukushima.

39. Japan's ambassador in Washington, Ichiro Fujisaki, acknowledged potential dangers, but said no complete nuclear meltdown appears imminent.

40. Urgent talks are going on to prevent the market going into financial meltdown during the summer.

41. 6 Nastiness is only really relevant when there is a threat of social and economic meltdown.

42. There would be a mass exodus of people, a meltdown of the financial system, a city torn apart.

43. But really, his Annoyment is more of a "nghuuh" that a meltdown of high shrill proportions.

44. Leaks in primary circuits distributing heat from the reactor core would be uncontrollable, leading to a core meltdown.

45. A chocolate treat arrived in the mail, just in time for the post-holiday body fat meltdown.

46. Cesium- with a half-life of 30 years, is another dangerous substance emitted in a full-scale nuclear meltdown.

47. 19 Is a Big Brother overprotective meltdown? Or are our advances really causing greater risks for all users?

48. Given his background, Carter had a firm grasp of the potential disaster that would ensue should a nuclear meltdown occur.

49. During his assignment, Bond unravels a scheme to increase petroleum prices by triggering a nuclear meltdown in the waters of Istanbul.

Trong khi thực hiện nhiệm vụ của mình, Bond đã triệt tiêu một kế hoạch để thu lợi bất chính từ giá dầu mỏ bằng cách tạo ra một cuộc khủng hoảng hạt nhân tại vùng biển của Istanbul.

50. In particular, the Asian financial meltdown in the late 1990s has been partially attributed to the lack of detailed accounting standards.

Đặc biệt, cuộc khủng hoảng tài chính châu Á vào cuối những năm 1990 là một phần do thiếu các chuẩn mực kế toán chi tiết.