medical science in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
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Sentence patterns related to "medical science"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "medical science" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "medical science", or refer to the context using the word "medical science" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Antivivisection and Medical Science in Victorian Society

2. Welcome To The Advanced Integrative Medical Science (Aims) Institute

3. Antivivisection and Medical Science in Victorian Society (Princeton Legacy Library)

4. 6 Medical science cannot stem the tide of many other diseases.

6 Y khoa không thể chận đứng được làn sóng của nhiều chứng bệnh khác.

5. No man his age can defy the laws of medical science.

Beagle, không có ai ở tuổi của ổng lại có thể thách thức những quy luật y khoa.

6. Has medical science stemmed the advance of disease throughout the world?

Ngành y khoa có chận đứng được làn sóng của nhiều bệnh tật trên toàn thế giới không?

7. While I accept its limitations, I have great faith in medical science.

8. Auricular therapy incorporates the fundamentals of modern medical science based on neurophysiology…

9. And AIDS continues to strike down lives, basically unchecked by medical science.

Và bệnh AIDS (Sida) tiếp tục gây chết chóc và hầu như khoa học về ngành y học đành chịu bó tay.

10. There is, for example, the progress that has been made in medical science.

11. Knowledge in medical science and science overall is doubling every 15 to 20 years.

Kiến thức y khoa khoa học và khoa học tổng thể tăng gấp đôi mỗi 15 tới 20 năm.

12. Antivivisection and Medical Science in Victorian Society (Princeton Legacy Library) [French, Richard D.] on

13. And medical science now finds that even mild hypertension may trigger heart attacks or strokes.

14. Most of medical science is dedicated to preserving longer life through combating disease and death.”

Các cố gắng của ngành y khoa cốt là làm sao cho đời sống kéo dài lâu hơn bằng cách chống bệnh tật và sự chết”.

15. What sanitary regulation in the Mosaic Law would be considered reasonable by modern medical science?

Luật Môi-se có quy luật gì về vệ sinh được ngành y khoa hiện đại xem là hợp lý?

16. Medical specialized according to medical science and examination of patients: Doctors pronounced him Clinically dead.

17. Despite the modern advances of medical science, the world still faces disease on all fronts.

18. This magazine explains what medical science is accomplishing and how the Bible’s promise will be fulfilled.”

[ Đọc 1 Giăng 5:19] Dựa trên Kinh Thánh, tạp chí này cho biết Thượng Đế đang làm gì để loại trừ sự đau khổ”.

19. “[Aging],” says Professor of Medicine Tom Kirkwood, “remains one of the great mysteries of medical science.”

Ông Tom Kirkwood, giáo sư y khoa, nói: “[Quá trình lão hóa] là một trong những điều còn bí ẩn đối với y học”.

20. Man, even with his great advances in medical science, is unable to do anything to prevent this.

21. In the New Order what will take place that even advanced medical science of today cannot match?

22. (Romans 8:22) Despite advances in medical science, sickness and death continue to plague the human race.

(Rô-ma 8:22) Bất kể những tiến bộ về y khoa, bệnh hoạn và chết chóc tiếp tục gieo tang tóc cho loài người.

23. Take, for example, the ongoing debate in medical science on something as basic as causes of illness.

Thí dụ trong ngành y học, người ta cứ mãi tranh luận về điều căn bản như những nguyên nhân gây ra bệnh tật.

24. Senolysis by glutaminolysis inhibition Ameliorates various age-associated disorders The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo

25. Biomedicine is a branch of medical science that applies biological and other natural-science principles to clinical practice

26. Bacteriology - the branch of medical science that studies bacteria in relation to disease medical specialty, medicine - the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques culture medium, medium - (Bacteriology) a nutrient substance (solid or liquid) that is used to cultivate micro-organisms

27. 6 On the contrary, the Mosaic Law included sanitary regulations that would be considered reasonable by modern medical science.

6 Ngược lại, Luật Môi-se bao hàm những quy luật vệ sinh rất hợp lý theo y khoa hiện đại.

28. The Madras Apothecaries launched the Madras Apothecaries Society in 1864, which aimed at promoting and advancing medical science and knowledge

29. Biometry applies statistics and mathematics to problems with a biological component, as seen in agricultural, environmental, biological, and medical science

30. Apposition is used in medical science to describe how cell walls defend themselves by thickening themselves with layers of protection

31. Since the 19th century and the advancement of medical science, the physician has assumed a godlike role in American society.

32. Balneology definition: the branch of medical science concerned with the therapeutic value of baths , esp those Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

33. There are a number of fields that make frequent use of the principles of Backscattering, including meteorology, photography, and medical science.

34. Medical equipment are also known as Armamentariums are crafted to facilitate the various related purposes in the field of medical science

35. The taboos against bathing disappeared with advancements in medical science; the worldwide medical community was even promoting the benefits of bathing.

36. Whether in an advanced or a less developed country, medical science is simply up against more than it can cope with.

37. Balneology definition: the branch of medical science concerned with the therapeutic value of baths , esp those Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

38. We are talking, not about breakthroughs in medical science, but about the results of God’s own intervention in behalf of mankind.

Ở đây chúng tôi không đề cập đến những bước tiến khai thông trong ngành y, nhưng về kết quả của việc Đức Chúa Trời can thiệp để cứu giúp nhân loại.

39. The Dublin Journal of Medical Science (1839) "On the Genus to which the Worms known by the name of Ascarides belong

40. “Breakthrough” is a Christian-faith-vs.-medical-science movie, a paradigm that’s increasingly been brought into play by Republican politicians who treat (for …

41. Defence-related terms in the following areas: aeronautics, applied sciences, communications, computer science, engineering, medical science, military science and physical science Language(s):

42. Thus, training sales representatives on relationship selling techniques in addition to medical science and product knowledge, can make a difference in sales force effectiveness.

43. A few years later, together with the Hadassah Medical Organization, a medical science campus was built in the south-west Jerusalem neighborhood of Ein Kerem.

Một vài năm sau, cùng với Tổ chức y khoa Hadassah, một cơ sở khoa học y dược cũng được xây dựng tại khu Ein Kerem phía tây nam Jerusalem.

44. Seeking to dispel the notion of Ayurveda and Allopathy being competing streams of medical science, the Prime Minister described Ayurveda as a way of life.

45. Tonight we will show mercy to a man who has betrayed us, and through the miracle of medical science we make him in our image.

Tối nay ta sẽ bày tỏ lòng nhân từ với kẻ đã phản bội chúng ta, và bằng phép màu của y học chúng ta sẽ tái sinh anh ta.

46. The Anatomical donation process of donating your body to medical science is of no cost to you or your family and offers free cremation services

47. Others insist that vivisection experiments are done for the sake of human's interest,( making human beings healthier and promoting the development of medical science.

48. Aspect ingeniously combines the purest active ingredients from medical science, with the best nature has to offer, to deliver advanced skincare solutions for all skin conditions

49. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Princeton Legacy Library: Antivivisection and Medical Science in Victorian Society by Richard D

50. It can be used to describe breakthroughs in Biomedicine, which applies physiological and biological principles to medical science to create new life-saving methods and solutions to illnesses.