mechanical devices in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-cơ giới
-công cụ
-thiết bị

Sentence patterns related to "mechanical devices"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mechanical devices" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mechanical devices", or refer to the context using the word "mechanical devices" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Most mechanical devices require oil as a lubricant.

2. Preferably, the stabilizing leg is activated by simple mechanical devices.

3. He did endless studies of drapery, plants, landscape, figures and mechanical devices.

4. Electro-mechanical devices for supplying security and diagnostic operational functions for a valve actuator

5. As the son of a locksmith, Ohm had some practical experience with mechanical devices.

Là con trai của một thợ khóa, Ohm đã có một số kinh nghiệm thực tế với các thiết bị cơ khí.

6. Acousto-optic modulators are much faster than typical mechanical devices such as tiltable mirrors.

7. Contemporary researchers are working on microelectromechanical filters, the mechanical devices corresponding to electronic integrated circuits.

Các nhà nghiên cứu đương đại đang làm việc trên bộ lọc cơ điện siêu nhỏ, các thiết bị cơ khí tương ứng với các mạch điện tích hợp.

8. The dust within the sirocco winds can cause abrasion in mechanical devices and penetrate buildings.

Bụi trong gió Sirocco có thể gây mòn trên các thiết bị cơ khí và xâm nhập vào các tòa nhà.

9. Ascenders are mechanical devices that attach onto a climbing rope and allow a climber to ascend the rope

10. Aircraft wings based on the design would evidently need fewer wing flaps or other mechanical devices to alter airflow.

Nếu cánh máy bay dựa vào hình dạng vây cá voi lưng gù thì sẽ cần ít cánh máy bay con hoặc ít thiết bị để điều chỉnh luồng khi hơn.

11. Prophylaxis should include low molecular weight heparin, adapted to body weight and mechanical devices such as compression stockings or foot pumps.

12. The substrate units may be used for example in solar cells, semiconductor detectors or electrostatic actuators, sensors, harvesters or other electro-mechanical devices.

13. Technology has also entered the scenario of aphasia therapy, with computers and mechanical devices that can potentially help aphasic persons to communicate more efficiently.

14. The Cardiograph is the proper name for several different types of mechanical devices that are used to monitor activity and health of the human heart.

15. Aerofoils are being widely used in the aviation industry such as the fixed wings of an aircraft or mechanical devices such as compressors and propellers

16. An Artificer is an appointment held by a member of an armed forces service who is skilled at working on electronic, electrical, electro-mechanical and/or mechanical devices.

17. Ceresin is commonly used in the production of semisolid lubricants; it is also used as an anticorrosive coating for various mechanical devices and as an insulating material in electrical engineering

18. Without knowing for what the committee reproached them, they were asked to give away their accomplices, beaten, tortured with mechanical devices, forced to keep painful positions, cigarette butts were extinguished on their body, etc, until fainting or death.

19. A Biocidal product is defined in the Biocidal Products Regulation as any product or substance which is intended to destroy, control or prevent the effects of harmful organisms, or in any other way control harmful organisms, other than by means of physical or mechanical devices.

20. Originally, the information processing was almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics . Within such a definition sit mechanical devices such as the slide rule , the gamut of mechanical calculators from the abacus onwards, as well as all contemporary electronic computers.