mass produce in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-hàng loạt
-sản xuất số lượng lớ

Sentence patterns related to "mass produce"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mass produce" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mass produce", or refer to the context using the word "mass produce" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Large mills in Great Britain and New England were hungry for cotton to mass produce cloth.

Các nhà máy lớn ở Vương Quốc Anh và New England " khát " bông gòn để sản xuất số lượng lớn vải vóc.

2. He needs a new way to mass produce the serum now that we've dusted Applied Sciences.

Hắn cần tìm cách mới để sản xuất hàng loạt huyết thanh khi mà ta cho phòng khoa học ứng dụng về với cát bụi.

3. Furthermore, the disclosed method can mass-produce solid bismuth nonowires which are not coagulated on the substrate.

4. (James 4:4) Some have collaborated with greedy barons of the commercial world as these mass-produce armaments and build up drug empires.

Một số lãnh tụ tôn giáo đã hợp tác với các tài phiệt tham lam của giới kinh doanh trong việc sản xuất đại quy mô vũ khí và dựng nên những vương nghiệp ma túy.

5. Instead, American researchers have isolated and cloned the genes for five mussel adhesive proteins, and they are about to mass-produce them in the laboratory so that industries can test them.

6. The feat Culminates a six-year race among research laboratories and pharmaceutical companies to characterize and mass-produce the naturally occurring inhibitor, which many believe has great potential as an anti-inflammatory drug.

7. The present invention relates to an apparatus for manufacturing a salt panel, which completely melts salts at a temperature of 2000°C or higher in a sealed adiabatic heating furnace, and hardens the molten salt at a normal temperature through a mold to mass produce high quality and high purity salt panels.