malleable steel in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: hóa học & vật liệu
-thép dẻo
-thép rèn được

Sentence patterns related to "malleable steel"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "malleable steel" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "malleable steel", or refer to the context using the word "malleable steel" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The hull contained a mass of dissimilar metals: steel, cast and malleable iron, brass. bronze and lead.

2. They're malleable.

Chúng rất dễ uốn nắn.

3. Many metals are malleable and ductile.

4. The chain guide is malleable iron.

5. You are so sublimely malleable.

Anh thật đúng là... một kẻ dễ dắt mũi.

6. These malleable fittings use tapered threads, contrary to the parallel threads of the other imported malleable fittings.

7. Rather, people are infinitely malleable.

8. Those malleable fittings use tapered threads, contrary to the parallel threads of the other imported malleable fittings.

9. Nature is not inflexible but malleable.

10. He had an actor's typically malleable features.

11. She was young enough to be malleable.

12. Larger more comfortable malleable iron handwheel for easier operation.

13. We need to be malleable and obedient

Chúng ta cần là người dễ uốn nắn và biết vâng lời

14. Another alloy, marketed under the brand name Prestal, contains 78% zinc and 22% aluminium, and is reported to be nearly as strong as steel but as malleable as plastic.

Một hợp kim khác được chào bán trên thị trường với tên gọi là Prestal chứa 78% kẽm và 22% nhôm và được cho là có độ cứng gần bằng thép nhưng lại dẻo như nhựa.

15. 27 Lead and tin are malleable metals.

16. The young are more malleable than the old.

17. Silver is the most malleable of all metals.

18. What qualities will make us malleable in Jehovah’s hands?

Những đức tính nào làm cho chúng ta dễ uốn nắn trong tay Đức Giê-hô-va?

19. Ping-Pong machina malleable perfectivity dextrose Besmouch polygonically Eleni

20. • Gold is the most malleable and ductile of all metals.

21. Cadmium is a lustrous, silver - white, ductile, very malleable metal.

22. All these delicate small spare parts are cast from malleable iron.

23. Instead, they designated Tran Trong Kim, a mild and malleable professor.

24. Are you the egg, which starts off with a malleable 18 heart?

25. 9 synonyms for Adaptive: adaptable, adjustable, elastic, flexible, malleable, pliable, pliant, supple