make heavy weather in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: giao thông & vận tải
-bị nhồi lắc mạnh (tàu thủy)
-gặp thời tiết xấu

Sentence patterns related to "make heavy weather"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "make heavy weather" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "make heavy weather", or refer to the context using the word "make heavy weather" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Heavy traffic, bad weather, and road repairs may cause delays that the driver somehow has to make up for.

2. The heavy rain might settle the Changeable weather

3. The weather was still very heavy and sultry.

4. His blue serge trousers were too heavy for this weather.

5. Many factors make accurate weather forecasting difficult.

Có nhiều yếu tố khiến khó dự báo được thời tiết một cách chính xác.

6. The weather is getting warmer and you can leave off your heavy coat.

7. Muggy weather and hot carriage make me crazy!

8. The weather was still heavy and sultry, the promised storm still not having broken.

9. This snowy weather could make us all fall ill.

10. Why foppish oneself, make himself so heavy, so tired?

11. Sovereign 710 Sovereign 710 Blockboard is the perfect all-weather partner for heavy duty usage

12. Yare heavy enough, sweets may make you even fatter.

13. Bad weather forced the pilots to make an unscheduled landing.

14. Cold weather can make it harder for patients to breathe.

Bệnh ngày một nặng khiến việc nhai nuốt của bệnh nhân trở nên khó khăn.

15. Or does this wet weather make everyone so damn tired?

16. Made of heavy-duty polyethylene, these Chocks can resist damage, dents, and scratches from weather, debris

17. The ships have to make headway against the heavy seas.

18. 14 It may be asked why psychiatry has made such heavy weather of coming round to that view.

19. No Buckram and a heavy wash make for a soft, comfortable fit

20. In this paper a new procedure is proposed to make full use of the heavy atom information and make the combination between heavy atom method and direct method more efficient.

21. It he gets socked in by the weather, they'll never make it down.

Nếu anh ấy bị bão dập, họ sẽ không bao giờ xuống núi được!

22. What scientists call climate change has resulted in extreme weather, including droughts, heavy precipitation, heat waves, and hurricanes worldwide.

Điều mà các nhà khoa học gọi là sự biến đổi khí hậu đã dẫn đến thời tiết khắc nghiệt, bao gồm hạn hán, mưa lớn, những đợt nóng và giông bão trên toàn thế giới.

23. Free accessories - all-weather compass, compatible back-scratcher... heavy-duty tire gauge... plus the fabulous Flasho-Dasho for night slicing.

24. But they all help make the tree strong, strong enough to weather any storm.

25. It will also make local movements, even in the west, to escape bad weather.

Nó cũng có sự di chuyển cục bộ, thậm chí ở phía tây, để thoát khỏi thời tiết xấu.