majority leader in Vietnamese

@majority leader [mə'dʒɔriti 'li:də]
*danh từ
- người cầm đầu đa số (trong nghị viện)

Sentence patterns related to "majority leader"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "majority leader" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "majority leader", or refer to the context using the word "majority leader" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Spitzer is set to be majority leader.

2. Who is the Senate Majority Leader now?

3. I'm expecting an e-mail from the majority leader.

Tôi đang đợi mail từ lãnh đạo phe đa số.

4. Senate majority leader Harry Reid is not giving up.

5. Being majority leader is a good position to be in.

6. George W.. Bush, asking him to endorse the majority leader.

7. The week also provided some victories for the majority leader.

8. Dole supporters described the Senate majority leader as a decent, honest person.

9. Dole spent Wednesday in Washington acting in his official capacity as Senate majority leader.

10. The former state lawmaker will now try to defeat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

11. For these reasons, it is the Majority Leader who, in practice, manages the Senate.

Vì những lý do này, chính lãnh tụ đa số mới thực sự là người điều hành Thượng viện Hoa Kỳ.

12. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid planned to bring it to a vote on January 24.

Lãnh tụ đa số trong Thượng viện, Harry Reid, đã dự định biểu quyết về dự luật ngày 24 tháng 1 năm 2012.

13. Harry Reid, the majority leader in the Senate, needs 60 votes to break a filibuster.

14. I can sway Womack either way as long as you make him the next majority leader.

Tôi có thể lung lạc Womack nếu anh đưa anh ta lên làm thủ lĩnh đa số.

15. The same election results that stunned the Senate majority leader may also have shaken him awake.

16. But Dole rebuffed calls that he resign as majority leader because he is too busy campaigning.

17. Polanco's office said the Senate majority leader will instead fulfill his term, which expires in 200

18. Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole supports it, though he has ranked it below other foreign-policy priorities.

19. Many observers expect Hutchison to endorse Dole because of her working relationship with the Senate majority leader.

20. Bob Dole, R-Kan., the majority leader, had held many meetings with Clinton on the Bosian mess.

21. The Senate majority leader talked about a balanced budget, smaller government, lower taxes, and a strong foreign policy.

22. The Minority Leader usually meets with the Majority Leader and the Speaker to discuss agreements on controversial issues.

Lãnh tụ Thiểu số thường họp chung với Lãnh tụ Đa số và Chủ tịch Hạ viện để thương thuyết về các vấn đề gây tranh cãi.

23. House Majority Leader Jim Ratliff, who had previously been a Mecham supporter, was a veto victim as well.

Lãnh đạo đa số Hạ viện Jim Ratliff, người trước đây là người ủng hộ Mecham, cũng là một nạn nhân phủ quyết.

24. However it was held up by Dole, who is now the Senate majority leader and Republican presidential candidate.

25. As majority leader in the Senate, Eland said, Dole was partly to blame for the gridlock in Washington.

26. Many thought Dole should at least relinquish his post of Senate majority leader to gain freedom from legislative strictures.

27. On the other hand, no majority leader has ever won the presidency from the position, though several have tried.

28. And I have to say, appointing the first African-American majority leader, why, that isn't a bad legacy to have.

Và phải nói là, bổ nhiệm thủ lĩnh đa số gốc Phi đầu tiên, đó không phải là một di sản tồi đâu.

29. His rise to Senate majority leader was in no small measure a reward for his debating success against Democratic opponents.

30. The Senate majority leader already holds more than one-third of the delegates needed to secure the Republican presidential nomination.

31. Chicago-Seattle, running through the hometowns of the Senate majority leader and of the chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee.

32. Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole could not leave it dangling as a rebuke to his legislative skills during his presidential campaign.

33. Even if Dole leaves his post, there is no guarantee Lott would win a vote among Senate Republicans for majority leader.

34. 16 An election campaign between an incumbent president and a Senate majority leader is bound to be fought out in legislative jousting.

35. Tom Bakk of Cook, a senator since 2003 and former DFL candidate for governor and former DFL Senate Majority leader, and Sen

36. In 1984, Gore successfully ran for a seat in the U.S. Senate, which had been vacated by Republican Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker.

Năm 1984, Gore đắc cử vào Thượng viện Hoa Kỳ, chiếm ghế đang bỏ trống của Lãnh tụ phe đa số Cộng hòa Howard Baker.

37. The Endless Frontier Act, which enjoys Bipartisan co-sponsorship in the House and Senate, including by the Senate majority leader, is an obvious …

38. The Senate majority leader and several of his senior colleagues Begged Senate Republicans on a phone call Tuesday not to try to block Congress …

39. State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins Called on Cuomo, also a Democrat, to resign and said in a statement that the allegations are …

40. Schumer Insists on Keeping Beachfront Bailouts for Wealthy Americans' Vacation Homes The senate majority leader is stymying long-needed increases in federal flood insurance rates.

41. This Amnesty was the result of an agreement between the Clinton White House, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.

42. This Amnesty was the result of an agreement between the Clinton White House, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, and Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.

43. The leadership structure of the House also developed during approximately the same period, with the positions of Majority Leader and Minority Leader being created in 1899.

Cơ cấu lãnh đạo của Hạ viện cũng được phát triển trong cùng thời kỳ này với các chức danh như Lãnh tụ đa số và Lãnh tụ thiểu số được tạo ra vào năm 1899.

44. By statute, the compensation granted to the position holder equals the rate of annual compensation paid to the president pro tempore, majority leader, and minority leader.

Theo luật, lương bổng dành cho chức vụ này ngang bằng với lương bổng hàng năm trả cho Chủ tịch thượng viện tạm quyền, Lãnh tụ đa số, và Lãnh tụ thiểu số.

45. The GOP aide did n't rule out a compromise that involved passing a short-term extension , a proposal put forth by House Majority Leader John Boehner .

Viên phụ tá thuộc Đảng cộng hoà Hoa Kỳ cũng đưa ra thoả hiệp liên quan đến việc thông qua mức gia hạn ngắn hạn , một đề nghị được đưa ra bởi vị lãnh đạo phe đa số trong Hạ viện , John Boehner .

46. Hillary Clinton accused President Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) of “Abdicating their responsibility” on election security during a pointed speech Tuesday in …

47. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tennessee, had tried repeatedly this year to repeal or reduce the estate tax, derided as the "death tax" by its opponents.

48. Cloture is basically a vote to go ahead on a vote, a procedural oddity of the Senate that allows a majority leader to “push past a recalcitrant minority,” as …

49. He added that the group was also there to Condole with the governor over the late member of the State House Assembly, who was its Majority Leader, Mr Tim Owhefere.

50. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Thursday named Conferees to reconcile differences in farm bill legislation approved by the Senate and