main-deck in Vietnamese

@main-deck /'meindek/
* danh từ
- sàn tàu

Sentence patterns related to "main-deck"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "main-deck" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "main-deck", or refer to the context using the word "main-deck" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Four pirates, coming towards us down the main deck.

Bốn cướp biển, đang tiến đến chỗ chúng tôi từ boong chính.

2. He's down on the main deck, sir, with Albert.

3. We need to shut down the generator on the main deck.

Ta phải tắt máy phát điện khẩn cấp trên boong chính.

4. The ship is designed to have continuous main deck , forecastle and poop.

5. 28 The ship is designed to have continuous main deck , forecastle and poop.

6. The Brigantine is a two-masted ship with one main deck and one lower deck

7. A310-200C A convertible version, the seats can be removed and cargo placed on the main deck.

A310-200C - là một phiên bản chuyển đổi, những ghế ngồi có thể rời đi và khoang chính trở thành nơi chứa hàng.

8. An optional main deck side cargo door (like the 747-400M Combi) allows loading of dimensionally taller cargo modules.

9. The -200M could carry up to 238 passengers in a three-class configuration with cargo carried on the main deck.

Kiểu này có thể mang 238 hành khách khi bố trí ghế ở 3 hạng nếu hàng hóa được mang trên tầng chính.

10. She was commissioned as a seaplane tender, and carried float-equipped planes under hangars on the main deck, from where they were lowered on the sea with a crane.

Cô được ủy nhiệm như là một thủy phi cơ đấu thầu, và mang những chiếc máy bay được trang bị phao nổi trong các hang động trên boong chính, từ đó họ đã hạ xuống trên biển với cần cẩu.

11. Antiaircraft Guns At the start of the war, the standard U-boat Antiaircraft armament was a single 20mm Flak (Flugabwehrkanon) gun mounted on the main deck, far from the conning tower

12. In the middle of the main deck a "Barricado" or barricade, ten feet high and extending two feet over the water either side, separated the men from the women.

13. Corrida aos Armamentos measurements epokfari blowjob main deck bunyols de bròquil layer-corrosion assertion imbas 血 server emulirane LAN Charles Philip Haddon-Cave (u.E.) (Eig, Pers) Arabische computer instruction čučanj slitina наркоман cupitat beleidsplanning rolling capital loviti accordingly adopt a law 未来学者 Kampala

14. Allures features four exceptionally spacious cabins, all with ensuite facilities, as well as a vast deck and generous social areas for luxurious live-aboard comfort for up to eight charter guests: undercover on the aft main deck, on the flybridge in sumptuous settees or aft on sun pads.

15. The wheelhouse is located on the main deck forward from midships; access to the wheelhouse from the Afterdeck is through a sliding door fitted with a sill on the starboard side facing aft, and access to the foredeck is through a hinged door on the port side of the wheelhouse.

16. Amazement & ∀ttractions are a trap based archetype that revolves around the main deck monsters, field spell and a Quick-Play and trap which are the Amazements, and the traps which are the attractions, the Amazements are able to search and utilize the Attraction trap cards which can be equipped to either you or your opponent's monster which

17. Adrian Sullivan Grand Prix-Memphis 1999 Top 8 Main Deck Sideboard 4 Yavimaya Elder 4 Albino Troll 2 Acridian 2 Pallinchron 3 Powder Keg 3 Stroke of Genius 2 Hush 3 Rescind 1 Miscalculation 2 Power Sink 3 Rewind 3 Treachery 3 Annul 4 Treetop Village 9 Island 10 Forest 2 Faerie Conclave 2 Quash 1 Treachery 2 Rebuild 3 Arcane Lab 2 Turnabout 1 Rewind 1 Annul 1 Acridian 1 …