main sequence in Vietnamese

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-dãy chính

Sentence patterns related to "main sequence"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "main sequence" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "main sequence", or refer to the context using the word "main sequence" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Achernar is a Main Sequence Star type star

2. 53 Arietis is a variable main-sequence star in the constellation of Aries

3. Methane absorption is not expected at any temperature of a main-sequence star.

Sự hấp thụ methane không thể diễn ra ở những nhiệt độ của các ngôi sao dãy chính.

4. Achernar is a blue main-sequence star with a stellar classification of B6 Vep

5. Connecting Astrochemistry and planet formation: A C/O main sequence for warm and hot giant planets

6. ι Apodis (iota Apodis) ι Apodis is a variable main-sequence star in the constellation of Apus

7. Arcturus was possibly similar to our sun but has now passed the main sequence period of its lifespan.

8. The ejection of these flows, accelerated within , can account for the jets observed from pre-main-sequence stars and cataclysmic variables.

9. Acrab, also designated as β1 Scorpii (beta1 Scorpii), is a variable and multiple main-sequence star in the constellation of Scorpius

10. The Sun is about halfway through its main-sequence stage, during which nuclear fusion reactions in its core fuse hydrogen into helium.

Mặt Trời hiện đã tồn tại nửa vòng đời của nó theo tiến hóa của các sao dãy chính, trong khi các phản ứng tổng hợp hạt nhân trong lõi của nó chuyển hydro thành heli.

11. Classical novae occur when a white dwarf orbits a main sequence star in a tight embrace, drawing in material which then Accretes or concentrates around the white dwarf

12. The white dwarf companion could also accrete matter from other types of companions, including a subgiant or (if the orbit is sufficiently close) even a main sequence star.

Sao lùn trắng đồng hành cũng có thể bồi tụ vật chất từ những loại sao đồng hành khác, như sao dưới khổng lồ (en:subgiant) hay (nếu quỹ đạo đủ gần) thậm chí là sao trong dãy chính.

13. A star during most of its life is a main-sequence star, which consists of a core, radiative and convective zones, a photosphere, a chromosphere and a corona.

14. A grid of LTE model Atmospheres is presented for effective temperatures ranging from 5500 to 50,000 K, gravities from the main sequence down to the radiation-pressure limit, and abundances solar, 1/10 solar, and 1/100 solar

15. Altair, Alpha Aquilae (α Aql), is a white main sequence star located at a distance of 16.73 light years from Earth in the constellation Aquila, the Eagle.With an apparent magnitude of 0.76, it is the brightest star in Aquila and the 12th brightest star in the sky.

16. Interacting binaries in which a white dwarf Accretes material from a companion—cataclysmic variables (CVs) in which the mass donor is a Roche-lobe filling star on or near the main sequence, and symbiotic stars in which the mass donor is a late type giant—are relatively commonplace

17. X-ray Bursters are one class of X-ray binary stars exhibiting periodic and rapid increases in luminosity (typically a factor of 10 or greater) that peak in the X-ray regime of the electromagnetic spectrum.These astrophysical systems are composed of an accreting compact object, and a main sequence companion 'donor' star.A compact object in an X-ray binary system consists of either a neutron