lus in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "lus"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lus" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lus", or refer to the context using the word "lus" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Angulus: [ ang´gu-lus ] (pl

2. Alveolus [ al-ve´o-lus] (pl

3. Angulus — an·gu·lus … English syllables

4. Small Bindweed; Phonetic Spelling kon-VOLV-yoo-lus ar-VEN-sis Description

5. Acidophilic definition: also ac·i·doph·i·lus adjective 1

6. THE LUSIAD LUS DE CAMES The regulations are always a conventionalization which sets the terms, modes, and conditions under which a pair may Cohabit. …

7. The Angelus (French: L'Angélus) is an oil painting by French painter Jean-François Millet, completed between 1857 and 1859.

8. Anencephalous • Adjective Pronunciation: æn-en- se -fuh-lus To be Anencephalous is to be brainless, empty-headed, to have a skull with an echo

9. Astrogation mien bandeau grindability vissery nickname Wallach akreditiv Rilindje lus light-complected oma etu, omanvoitonpyyntö, oman edun tavoittelu, itsekkyys deuterium emmanthe duster serial soon branched light fixture which is suspended from a ceiling, hanging light with branches organization committee sok efficacious and powerful (god

10. Bacteriophagic instinct phrasing nucleació almires, lusóng, dikdikan maravilla 伤脑筋 [shang-nao-jin] zdravica ofsetni tisak vintner talk round espesso indicadores atrasados Finish not detailed (Geology) type of brown mineral (contains phosphate, cerium, lanthanum, and thorium), reddish-brown mineral witternd rumianek ostor-הילוך

11. Alizarine planning and design work fasciation orijentirati se muff beenden, Ende, Ziel application of biological knowledge to industrial needs, biotech, ergonomics, practical use of biological processes Garments hat gouvernante bepucol bateria Bits je Zoll perkusija Shangti, God, Lord, Creator, the Supreme Being ame lus Tagalog (language

12. Manque deux clichés : "les Atavismes de 'l'angélus' de Millet" et "Désintégration de la persistance de la mémoire" Dédicace par Dali pour Yann Samson sur la première double page au stylo

13. A Biedermeier (bieder: egyszerű, szerény; Meier: a leggyakoribb német vezetéknév) átmeneti művészeti stílus volt elsősorban Közép-Európában, főként 1815 és 1848 között