lower-class in Vietnamese

* tính từ
- thuộc giai cấp dưới
- thuộc học sinh (sinh viên) lớp dưới

Sentence patterns related to "lower-class"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lower-class" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lower-class", or refer to the context using the word "lower-class" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Starting from the lower class, there were the peasants, bourgeoisie, and the Aristocrats

2. Lower-class Bahamians include fishermen, farmers, laborers, skilled tradespeople, and others who do low-status physical work

3. Lower - class character are included either as comic butts or faithful forelock - touching adjuncts of the main characters.

4. Aristocratic families in the area looked down on the lower-class people who were not as wealthy as they

5. In 1916 Caobao newspapers bound the pictures to attract a larger audience base of middle and lower class readers.

Đến năm 1916, nhật báo Caobao xuất hiện những bức vẽ để thu hút độc giả thuộc tầng lớp trung và hạ lưu.

6. Upper class and nobility Arboreans would pronounce it as "Arvoryans" lower class, oh idk what they do.

7. separation of pedestrians and cyclists from high-speed motor traffic or the existence of direct alternative routes on lower class roads;’;

8. (vi) separation of pedestrians and cyclists from high-speed motor traffic or the existence of direct alternative routes on lower class roads.

9. A Carpetbagger was portrayed as a lower-class schemer with little education who could carry everything he owned in a cheap carpet bag.These …

10. While upper class girls married very young, there is evidence that lower class women often married in their late teens or early 20s.

Trong khi tầng lớp thượng lưu cưới lúc còn rất trẻ, có bằng chứng cho thấy phụ nữ thuộc tầng lớp hạ lưu - thường cưới muộn hơn vào khoảng độ tuổi mười mấy, đầu hai mươi.

11. 1 Description 2 Role 3 Attributes 4 Recruitment Acolytes were Hylian homeless, vagabonds or otherwise lower class individuals that ended up with little fortune in the Kingdom's society

12. The Humble Roots Of Old-School Bachata Before it took over Latin dance halls worldwide, Bachata arose from Dominican shantytowns as a kind of lower-class party music

13. A 1968 study in three large cities found that police brutality was "far from rare", and that the most likely victim was a "lower-class" man of either race.

Một nghiên cứu năm 1968 tại 3 thành phố lớn đã cho thấy sự bạo hành của cảnh sát "không phải hiếm", và nạn nhân thường thuộc nhóm giai cấp thấp trong xã hội, bất kỳ màu da.

14. Social Banditry or social crime is a popular form of lower class social resistance involving behavior characterized by law as illegal but is supported by wider (usually peasant) society as being moral and acceptable

15. In 525, Justin repealed a law that effectively prohibited a member of the senatorial class from marrying women from a lower class of society, including the theatre, which was considered scandalous at the time.

Năm 525, Hoàng đế ra lệnh bãi bỏ một đạo luật có hiệu quả cấm một thành viên thuộc tầng lớp nghị viên kết hôn với phụ nữ thuộc một tầng lớp thấp hơn trong xã hội, bao gồm cả rạp hát vốn chịu nhiều tai tiếng vào thời điểm đó.

16. Breakdancing, known as either ‘bboying’ or ‘bgirling’ started in the projects (government paid housing) of New York City around the early 1970’s and was practiced by predominately lower-class Latino and African-American kids on the streets (History of Breakdancing 2002)

17. This second wave of emigration consisted of lower class Venezuelans suffering directly from the economic crisis facing the country; thus, the same individuals whom Chávez attempted to aid were now seeking to emigrate, driven by worsening economic conditions, scarcity of food and medicine, and rising rates of violent crime.

Làn sóng di cư thứ hai này bao gồm những người dân Venezuela thuộc tầng lớp thấp hơn chịu thiệt hại trực tiếp từ cuộc khủng hoảng kinh tế mà đất nước đang phải đối mặt; do điều kiện kinh tế tồi tệ, tình trạng khan hiếm lương thực và thuốc men, và tỷ lệ tội phạm bạo lực gia tăng .

18. He then went to Ephesus, and Besought Timothy, who was already there, to remain until his return while he proceeded to Macedonia (1 Timothy 1:3).: Ele, então, foi para a Éfeso, e rogou a Timóteo, que já estava lá, para permanecer até o seu retorno, enquanto ele procedeu à Macedónia (1 Timóteo 1:3).: The lower class, the flentes (weeping) remained outside the church door and Besought