long rate in Vietnamese

@Long rate
- (Econ) Lãi suất dài hạn.
+ Một loạt các lãi suất có thể thu được từ các chứng khoán dài hạn, và do đó có thể trả cho các khoản vay dài hạn mới.
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-hối suất phiếu dài hạn
-lãi suất trái khoán dài hạn
-mức chiết khấu kỳ phiếu

Sentence patterns related to "long rate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "long rate" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "long rate", or refer to the context using the word "long rate" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. However separate markets for government securities may, on drive the short - term rate above the long - term rate.

2. The phone company offers a flat rate for long - distance calls .

3. Long-term C accrual rate and sediment depth increased with increasing ZT.

4. Short-run exchange-rate adjustments simply cannot fix negative long-term trends.

5. Environmental forces that have long opposed the Retail Rate Law cheered its repeal.

6. The key is, how long can the federal government control the inflation rate?

7. In the stage of PSC, the cracks propagation rate is monotonic increase by the cracks growth, until achieve the long crack propagation rate.

8. That includes containing increases in corporate lending rates like the long-term prime rate.

9. To this inveterate hypochondriac , at any rate, the long - time leader looked pretty good.

10. The real rate as measured by the rate on long-term government bonds has actually risen since the end of the cold war.

11. Such vehicles accumulate distance at a much slower rate than long-haul commercial vehicles.

12. He maintains he achieved his high pass rate by year-long cramming with similar papers.

13. One has to accept an unavoidable rate of additional adrenocorticotropic hypopituitarism in the long term.

14. The long-term prime rate had been at a record low 6 percent since early December.

15. The estimates imply that the long-run intermediation spread is about 180 basis points at both terms, and that the mortgage rate and the GIC rate adjust

16. Packets are either 96 bits long sent at 100 Bauds or 192 bits long sent at 200 Bauds, with the data rate dependent on conditions

17. Long life and wear resistant. Longer Availability work time and lower wastrel rate, reduce the overall cost.

18. Both countries have a long-standing tradition of pegged exchange rate regimes, dating back to the 1960s.

19. Nevertheless, trade flows are an important factor in the long-term direction of a currency's exchange rate.

Tuy nhiên, dòng chảy thương mại là một yếu tố quan trọng theo hướng dài hạn của tỷ giá hối đoái của đồng tiền.

20. Such expenditure, and hence the long-run rate of growth, may well be affected by capital taxation.

21. ii. monitoring of the quantity of groundwater, including dynamic elements such as seasonal variations, long-term natural fluctuations, the abstraction rate (including indirect abstractions) and the recharge rate;

22. To understand the unemployment rate, we also need to know how long the jobless have been without jobs.

23. These relatively favourable inflation developments should be seen against the background of long-standing pegged exchange rate regimes.

24. The series is also published by the ECB under the name "Long-term interest rate for convergence purposes".

25. However, individuals are taxed at a lower rate on long term capital gains and qualifying dividends (see below).

Tuy nhiên, các cá nhân bị đánh thuế ở mức thấp hơn đối với lãi vốn dài hạn và cổ tức đủ điều kiện (xem bên dưới).