loathsome in Vietnamese

@loathsome /'louðli/ (loathsome) /'louðsəm/
* tính từ
- ghê tởm, đáng ghét, làm cho người ta không ưa

Sentence patterns related to "loathsome"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "loathsome" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "loathsome", or refer to the context using the word "loathsome" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. He's a loathsome man.

2. He is a loathsome disgusting creature.

3. The fish began to look loathsome.

4. What a loathsome creature he is!

5. Isn't it loathsome! Isn't it petty!

6. And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.

7. One that is disgusting , loathsome, or repellent.

8. The men are a loathsome form of life.

9. He was withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage.

10. Some people think that snakes are loathsome creatures.

11. 12 He was withered, wrinkled, and loathsome of visage.

12. 41 Every swarming creature of the earth is something loathsome.

41 Mọi sinh vật lúc nhúc trên đất là những vật đáng kinh tởm.

13. Abominable definition, repugnantly hateful; detestable; loathsome: an Abominable crime

14. Abhorrent definition, causing repugnance; detestable; loathsome: an Abhorrent deed

15. The witch hid her loathsome face with her hands.

16. And it is a loathsome term, I detest it.

17. There is a loathsome smell of rotting flesh in the room.

18. If left untreated, this loathsome disease can result in disfigurement and death.

Nếu không được chữa trị, bệnh ghê tởm này có thể ăn lở da thịt và gây tử vong.

19. A beggar for love is pathetic; a burglar for love is loathsome.

20. Do you think this job, this loathsome wall, is all I've done for Communism?

21. The police described it as one of the most loathsome crimes of recent years.

22. 23 All other winged swarming creatures with four legs are something loathsome to you.

23 Mọi sinh vật lúc nhúc khác có cánh và bốn chân đều đáng kinh tởm đối với các ngươi.

23. Is loathsome in his own deliciousness, And in the taste confounds the appetite:

Là ghê tởm trong ngon miệng của mình, trong hương vị confounds sự thèm ăn:

24. Synonyms for Accursed include hateful, foul, horrible, damnable, despicable, detestable, loathsome, obnoxious, odious and abominable

25. 20 Every winged swarming creature* that goes on all fours is something loathsome to you.

20 Mọi sinh vật lúc nhúc có cánh và* đi bằng bốn chân đều đáng kinh tởm đối với các ngươi.

26. Why, thou art as foul as the toal, and as loathsome as the adder.

27. If it is a government bureaucracy or a powerful monopolist, thats a loathsome but sustainable choice.

28. Alack, alack, is it not like that I, So early waking, -- what with loathsome smells,

Alack, alack, là nó không giống như là tôi, Vì vậy, thức dậy sớm, những gì với mùi ghê tởm,

29. Synonyms for Abhorrent include hateful, revolting, disgusting, distasteful, hated, loathsome, offensive, repellent, repugnant and repulsive

30. His flesh was covered with maggots, his skin formed crusts, and his breath was loathsome.

Nào dòi bọ phủ kín thân thể, từng mảnh vẩy cứng nổi lên trên da, nào hơi thở hôi thối.

31. As she becomes angrier and punishes Ram, it is the wronged daughter who seems loathsome.

32. Worse still is an evil recluse who is repulsively loathsome to gods and men alike.

33. Historians have since described and explained how torture was a loathsome, almost automatic feature of colonial wars.

34. The Saudi kingdom disappeared twice because its military and religious aggressiveness made it so loathsome to its neighbors .

35. Abomination is used exclusively to describe things that are disgusting, loathsome and absolutely intolerable—things that are unacceptable to God

36. Hateful, damned, vile, odious, loathsome, abominable, infernal, detestable, damnable, pestilential I'd like to burn this whole Cursed place to the ground.

37. Choose the best paraphrase for the sentence below: "A pox on you for your loathsome Chiding!" a

38. Most people chose this as the best definition of Cruddy: Worthless, loathsome, or See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples.

39. But they were hot on the trail of a loathsome whine as the party in another mess pined for better days.

40. But for the moment she resolved that she would not think of the loathsome interview again until she was in Prague.

41. Of, in, or for the Abdomen: exercise to strengthen the abdominal wall Not to be confused with: abominable – repugnantly hateful; loathsome: an abominable

42. Jesus’ opposers found him so revolting that they, in effect, turned away from him as if he were too loathsome to look upon.

Những kẻ chống đối Chúa Giê-su kinh tởm ngài đến độ họ ngoảnh mặt để khỏi thấy ngài, như thể ngài quá gớm ghiếc để nhìn.

43. Repugnantly hateful; loathsome: an Abominable crime; very bad, poor, or inferior: Abominable taste in clothes Not to be confused with: abdominal – of, in,

44. (Job 1:1) When Satan inflicted a loathsome, painful disease upon Job, that faithful man “did not utter one sinful word” throughout his ordeal.

Khi Sa-tan gây ra một bệnh ghê tởm, đau đớn cho Gióp, con người trung thành ấy “không phạm tội bởi môi-miệng mình” trong suốt cuộc thử thách của ông (Gióp 2:10).

45. + 43 Do not make yourselves* loathsome by means of any swarming creature, and do not defile yourselves and become unclean by them.

+ 43 Đừng làm cho mình ra kinh tởm vì bất cứ sinh vật lúc nhúc nào, và đừng vì chúng mà khiến mình bị ô uế.

46. To the contrary, the fruitage is frequently a loathsome venereal disease, unwanted pregnancies, illegitimate children, abortions, a broken home, bitter jealousy, fighting and even murder.

Trái lại, kết quả thường là mắc phải chứng bệnh hoa liễu khủng khiếp, việc có thai hoang, con hoang, phá thai, gia đình ly tán, ghen tương cay đắng, đánh đập lẫn nhau và ngay cả giết người nữa.

47. Of, in, or for the abdomen: exercise to strengthen the Abdominal wall Not to be confused with: abominable – repugnantly hateful; loathsome: an abominable

48. Accompanies hechtschijfje elasticity of supply betsuro propulsive submarine voyage, underwater navigation ekonomski pokazatelj distribute assets heparin Ozimi je viens de Lyon pazzo sasoso be made loathsome interj

49. Men fought desperately in the streets over the most loathsome and disgusting food, a handful of straw, a piece of leather, or offal thrown to the dogs. . . .

Người ta đánh nhau ngoài phố vì giành giật những đồ ăn gớm ghiếc, một nắm rơm rạ, một miếng da, hoặc đồ thừa vứt cho chó...

50. Those in the West who rightly praise Mr Kagame for his achievements in development must also loudly lambast him for his loathsome and needless tendency to intolerance.