link (with) in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-nối liền (với)
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-nối liền (với)

Sentence patterns related to "link with"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "link with" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "link with", or refer to the context using the word "link with" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. A link with the payroll files was soon established.

2. 22 The family link with her treasure, she says, is rather tenuous.

3. In order to save Deanna, Alkar has to break his link with her.

4. You can copy the link with your partner code from your personal account.

5. It has had a formal friendship link with Portsmouth, England since May 2004.

Kỳ có mối quan hệ hữu nghị với Portsmouth, Anh từ tháng 3 năm 2004.

6. Terror groups active in distant lands now link with others across national boundaries.

7. The police have found no evidence of a terrorist link with the murder.

8. "There may be an important link with breast and ovarian cancer, " Stanhope says.

9. She thought of herself as having a direct link with her chaotically evil deity.

10. In the old oral tradition, the storyteller was an important link with the past.

11. Stalin insisted that the radio link with the German Foreign Ministry should remain open.

12. Costs are imputed to final products and services based on their causal link with the activities.

13. Meanwhile, the enlargement timetable has a definite link with the success of the pre-accession effort.

14. However, outlying villages had been attacked and the city's rail link with Phnom Penh was frequently severed.

15. A speech at European level may have a clear link with the national, regional or local level.

16. Those supplies have a direct and immediate link with the whole economic activity of the taxable person’.

17. In June 1988, a twice weekly link with Rome was started with a Beechcraft King Air C90.

Tháng 6/1988, hãng có 2 chuyến bay mỗi tuần giữa Aosta và Roma bằng 1 máy bay Beechcraft King Air C90.

18. The new landlords and zamindars had even less of a link with land than the old zamindars .

19. A Bookmark is a type of link with representative text in the Bookmarks panel in the navigation pane

20. It would also be possible to make a link with Advance Passenger Information and Passenger Name Record databases.

21. link with and advance the forthcoming Commission Plan on Corporate Social Responsibility (to be released in January 2006).

22. (3) The participant shall establish an encrypted communication link with TARGET2-[insert CB/country reference] for Internet access.

23. Gatwick in on the Victoria line, offering a direct link with Hastings, and is approximately 50 miles by road.

24. This is an insular community, its only link with the rest of the world being the lonely Glenelg road.

25. He suggested that Indian PSUs can link with PSUs with other countries, and develop a comprehensive strategy for overseas investment.

26. The bleaching of reefs has coincided with the hot years of the 1980s, suggesting a link with rising sea temperatures.

27. While a number of depressive illnesses treated by psychiatrists seem to have no link with environmental stress, many more do.

28. Although not intransigent, Wash was clearly uneasy about the specific link with Bedfordshire as the precedent to establish a principle.

29. (a) whether Government have decided to renew the trade link with China and thrown open Nathu La pass for those activities;

30. After the Paris attacks in November 2015, Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel said: "There is almost always a link with Molenbeek.

31. A French-built bridge on the abandoned railway line provides the link with two smaller islands, Don Deth and Don Khon.

Một cây cầu được xây dựng từ thời Pháp trên tuyến đường sắt bị bỏ hoang giúp liên kết với hai hòn đảo nhỏ là đảo Don Deth và đảo Don Khon.

32. TerraLib supports dynamic modelling in generalized cell spaces and has a dynamic link with the R programming language for statistical analysis.

33. He intervened in religious disputes, supporting reformers to the disappointment of religious conservatives who desired to maintain the link with Rome.

Ông tham dự vào các cuộc tranh luận, ủng hộ những nhà cải cách và làm nản lòng những người muốn duy trì quan hệ với Rô-ma.

34. NGO support should have a clear link with EU policies, meaning that this type of activity does not lend itself for decentralisation.

35. Lack of automated link with the personnel data in SAP to manage access rights of staff members that have been transferred or terminated

36. These providers have the technical ability to link with airlines for real time status, generate web-based export documentation and provide electronic tracking.

Các nhà cung cấp này có khả năng kỹ thuật để liên kết với các hãng hàng không về trạng thái thời gian thực, tạo tài liệu xuất khẩu dựa trên web và cung cấp theo dõi điện tử.

37. There was a clear link with past practices of fitting the ideology to the needs of the state rather than its constituent members.

38. The Singapore-Kuala Lumpur route is the world's Busiest international air link, with seven airlines that operate up to 84 flights a day

39. The recent ban last March of the ADEP party is also unacceptable, given that this party clearly rejects any link with armed combat.

40. Social media has been Awashed by calls for the minister’s alleged link with the terrorists groups over his comments in his early years.

41. In associating the symbolic link with the virtual pathname (234, 238), the present invention further defines a declaration within the virtual pathname (240, 242).

42. Download link (with and w/out subtitles!):, bookmark and spread

43. 37 synonyms for Adjoin: connect with or to, join, neighbour (on), link with, attach to, combine with, couple with, communicate with, touch on, border on, annex

44. The Basques of south-western France and northern Spain have an extremely ancient and distinctive culture that includes a language, Euskara, with no undisputed link with any other language

45. Creatine’s link with mental health is an interesting one and while any Creatine product will do the trick in that regard, CELL-TECH has an impressive variety of other cognitive enhancers, too

46. Today, however, the peoples of the territory value the airplane, not alone as a link with the outside world, but particularly as the workhorse that hauls their loads of produce to market.

47. I also interacted via a video-link with our scientists currently undertaking projects at India’s Research Station in the Arctic,‘Himadri’ as well as with our researchers at the Svalbard University Centre.

48. Impact in the Cultural and Social Fields Along with British rule also came a link with the West ; and modern ideas which were first developed in Western , Europe made their entry into India .

49. It should however be stressed that the reduction in wild salmonids abundance is certainly also linked to other factors such as over-fishing, pollution and climate changes, which have no link with fish farming activities.

50. Covenanted Reformation December 24, 2011 · Although some think that they can claim a historical link with the Second Reformation Church of Scotland without acknowledging the covenants of the seventeenth-century, this supposition is a-historical.