linga in Vietnamese

* danh từ
- cái linga

Sentence patterns related to "linga"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "linga" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "linga", or refer to the context using the word "linga" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Sometimes the linga are accompanied by Yoni (female genitalia).

Đôi khi các linga được đi kèm bởi Yoni (cơ quan sinh dục nữ).

2. It also commemorates the king's dedication of a monument, probably a linga, to Shiva.

Bia được khắc nhân dịp vua cho dựng tượng đài, có lẽ là linga, cho thần Shiva.

3. To activate Golden Wheel, you need to insert Linga... and recite the secret mantra.

Muốn khởi động Kim Cầu, phải dẫn nhập bằng Linga, kết hợp với khẩu quyết mật.

4. It can replace the idolatrous and immoral Hindu rites with its own imposing liturgy, and substitute the Cross for the abominable linga.

5. The summit of the temple housed a colossal linga, now disappeared, probably made of metal casing as high as almost 5 metres.

Trên đỉnh kim tự tháp có một đền thờ khổng lồ linga, hiện tại đã biến mất, có lẽ được làm bằng lồng kim loại cao khoảng 5 met.

6. The main sanctum has a Somaskanda relief panel inside a special niche high upon its rear wall and visible above the top of the fluted linga stele , planted without a pitha on the sanctum floor , unlike the other Rajasimha temples where the linga more or less hides the Somaskanda panel , set at the centre of the rear wall .

7. The remaining papers in this section include Bettina Baumer's essay, "Unmanifest and Manifest Forms According to the Saivagamas," in which the author analyzes the Agamic background of the three levels of meaning that Stella Kramrisch identified in her classic interpretation of the Elephanta cave: (1) avyakta (transcendent, unmanifest), linked with the linga; (2) vyaktavyakta (partly manifest