liable in Vietnamese

@liable /'laiəbl/
* tính từ
- có trách nhiệm về pháp lý, có nghĩa vụ về pháp lý, có bổn phận
=to be liable for a bebt+ có bổn phận trả một món nợ
- có khả năng bị; có khả năng xảy ra
=new difficulties are liable to occur+ khó khăn mới có khả năng xảy ra

Sentence patterns related to "liable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "liable" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "liable", or refer to the context using the word "liable" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Income: Liable to fluctuate wildly.

2. It is liable to rain.

3. The individual will be primarily liable and the health authority vicariously liable for its employees' negligence.

4. Liable to change; capricious: Changeable weather

5. Citizens are liable to jury duty.

6. This area is liable to flooding.

7. Children are liable to catch cold.

8. He is liable to get angry.

9. Liable to change; capricious: Changeable weather

10. Liable blow up in their faces.

11. Such substances are liable to spontaneous heating or to heating up in contact with air and then liable to catch fire.

12. What does Amissible mean? Liable to be lost

13. Doctors guilty of neglect are liable to prosecution.

14. Is a wife liable for her husband's debts?

15. Assessable: Capable of being assessed; liable to assessment

16. Contributory infringers are vicariously liable for their actions

17. What does Changeable mean? Liable to change; capricious

18. They were therefore liable for the profits earned.

19. At he was no longer liable for conscription.

20. “The sinner is liable to the death penalty.”

Người phạm tội có thể bị kết án tử hình”.

21. N.B. Charges are liable to be reviewed annually.

22. You are making yourselves liable for his crime.

Các người đang tự làm cho mình liên can tới tội lỗi của hắn đó.

23. Offenders may be liable to a heavy fine.

24. Can schools be held liable for educational malpractice?

25. Offenders will be liable to a heavy fine .

26. Amissible: Capable of being, or liable to be, lost

27. Offenders are liable to fines of up to £400.

28. To eat putrid food is liable to get sick.

29. The houses in this area are liable to subsidence.

30. He was liable to just show up without warning.

31. Tenants remain liable if they pass on their lease.

32. The car is liable to overheat on long trips.

33. The bridge is liable to collapse at any moment.

34. Concrete is liable to crack in very cold weather.

35. 1 N.B. Charges are liable to be reviewed annually.

36. He is liable to flare up at trivial things.

37. Statistics taken on their own are liable to mislead.

38. Failure to provide insurance rendered him liable to prosecution.

39. For 15 years, Awald was a non-liable bondswoman.

40. Concrete is liable to Crack in very cold weather

41. They could be found liable for the entire amount.

42. 15 Cog liable to mildew damage effect ins acidly.

43. Contingently liable beneficiary.8 We also found SSA could not collect 32 overpayments (16 percent) from Contingently liable beneficiaries because it had to wait certain amounts of time before it could take necessary actions to attempt collection from a Contingently liable

44. Algology Trades or its associates are not liable or responsible

45. As a rule they were held liable under Article 58.

Họ được xử theo luật hình sự điều 58.

46. 25 Concrete is liable to crack in very cold weather.

47. Not a single officer has been found Criminally liable: 3

48. He is liable to abrupt mood swings / swings of mood .

49. Advertisers masquerading as private individuals will be liable to prosecution.

50. Top salaries are liable for a higher rate of tax.