leucite syenite in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-xienit leuxit
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: xây dựng
-xienit leuxit

Sentence patterns related to "leucite syenite"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "leucite syenite" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "leucite syenite", or refer to the context using the word "leucite syenite" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Holocene layers contain Augitite, leucite basanite, potassic hawaiite and leucite tephrite

2. Asymmetric differentiation in a Bathylith of Adirondack syenite* H

3. Voiles unfervently leucite-tephrite bongos hyperinsulinize Phoenixville Aggressivenesses furriers

4. The particles we found in the skull are pink syenite.

Các hạt chúng ta tìm thấy trong hộp sọ là Syenit màu hồng.

5. % ZnO, occurs in miarolitic cavities in peralkaline rhyolite which cuts the quartz syenite.

6. The Kipawa Syenite Complex, a thin, folded sheet of amphibole syenite, quartz syenite and minor nepheline syenite, lies along a west-vergent thrust separating a lower slice comprising the Kikwissi granodiorite and biotite tonalite dated at 2717 +15–11 Ma, and unconformably overlying metasedimentary rocks from an overlying slice containing the Red Pine Chute orthogneiss, an alkali granite gneiss, and the Mattawa Quartzite.

7. This altar is made of the same pink syenite we found embedded in Gavin Nichols'skull.

Altaris, Giống như Syenit hồng chúng tôi tìm thấy ở hộp sọ của Gavin Nichols.

8. Field relationships confirm the contemporaneity of the basic (anorthosite and gabbro) and acidic (syenite and granite) rocks.

9. Minerals such as alkali feldspar, leucite, nepheline, sodalite, phlogopite mica, and apatite may be present in the groundmass.

Các khoáng chất như fenspat kiềm, leucit, nephelin, sodalit, phlogopit mica, và apatit có thể có mặt trong chất nền.

10. Melanite garnet is an important accessory mineral of the syenite and is characteristic of silica-undersaturated alkaline intrusions.

11. Description: Baddeleyite is a rare zirconium oxide found in a variety of environments, including kimberlite, syenite and gabbro

12. (3) A late-tectonic quartz syenite – quartz monzonite – granite (SMG) series was emplaced from ~2685 to 2675 Ma, and is grossly similar to the TGGM but has lower CaO/(K2O + Na2O) and greater concentrations of Rb, Ba, Th, and U. (4) A late-tectonic to posttectonic alkali feldspar syenite – alkali feldspar quartz syenite (SS) series was emplaced from 2680 to 2670 Ma, and occurs along regional strike-slip structures.

13. Historically it was mined from deposits associated with dunites in North Carolina, US and from a nepheline syenite in Craigmont, Ontario.

Corundum từng được khai thác từ trầm tích phong hóa từ dunit ở Bắc Carolina và từ nephelin syenit ở Craigmont, Ontario.

14. The latter two are dark green minerals, which occur as original constituents of igneous rocks rich in sodium, such as nepheline-syenite and phonolite.

Hai khoáng vật sau có màu lục sẫm, là thành phần nguyên thủy trong các đá mácma giàu natri như nephelin-syenit và phonolit.

15. Gabbro composes 96% of the adumbration. Leucogranite and syenite make up the remainder and are confined to an uppermost layer no more than about 1 km thick.

16. Several mineralization types with economic potential were identified, including high-grade veins, carbonatite dikes, fenitic selvages of the carbonatite dikes, and altered syenite and other host rocks.

17. In contrast to current views on the genesis of potassic rocks, it is suggested that differentiated leucite tephrite suites may be derived from peralkaline liquids by alkali loss.

18. The post-kinematic intrusion comprises units with a wide compositional range from anorthositic gabbro to alkali-feldspar granite and syenite and widely exhibits megascopic fabrics recording magma comingling and mixing.

19. Lacroix (1922) described garnet occurrences in Madagascar, especially Andradite in igneous rocks, and reported the discovery of some crystals of pale green Andradite lining cavities in a nepheline-bearing syenite at Mount Bezavona.

20. This is the largest of five zones of mineralization and lies close to the apex of the Thor Lake Syenite, a region which was then subjected to albitization, microclinization, and, finally, rare-metal mineralization.

21. The formation of alunite from natural leucite, nepheline, sodalite, potassium-feldspar, oligoclase and sericite as well as from basaltic-glass, trachyandesite, nephelinebasanite and nephelinite was experimentally investigated at different H2SO4-concentrations in the temperature range from 90° to 180° C.

22. Leucite KAlSi 2 O 6, sylvine KCl, and Carnallite KCl·MgCl2 ·6H 2 O are major potassium minerals that are resistant to leaching processes. The majority of potassium ions in the environment are absorbed by the biosystem.

23. The first-generation monoblocks made of feldspathic ceramic material have largely been replaced by reinforced ceramic with silica (feldspar, leucite, and lithium disilicate), non-silica (alumina and zirconia), and Accombination of resin-ceramic–based materials resulting in a 3- to 11-fold increase in flexural strength

24. Texturally guided U–Pb spot analyses on partially metasomatised zircons from the alkali granite gneiss yield a cluster of 207Pb/206Pb ages at 1389 ± 8 Ma, interpreted as the time of igneous crystallization and four ages overlapping the time of syenite emplacement, interpreted as in situ, metasomatic growth.