lawfully in Vietnamese

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- hợp pháp, đúng luật

Sentence patterns related to "lawfully"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lawfully" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lawfully", or refer to the context using the word "lawfully" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. A competent witness is one who may lawfully testify while a Compellable witness is one can be lawfully compelled to testify/give evidence

2. Babroot Keep other personnel could lawfully use force and insight

3. And do you, Bob, take Gillian to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Bob, con có chấp nhận lấy Gillian làm người vợ duy nhất không?

4. Surrender lawfully and I will personally vouchsafe your fair treatment.

Hãy đầu hàng và đích thân tôi sẽ chiếu cố, đối xử với anh công bằng.

5. A witness is Compellable if he can be lawfully obliged to give evidence

6. Collectanea contains the rituals of various organizations lawfully deposited within our archives.

7. Beidasiman is affirmatory, will pay economy to compensate gold to all employee lawfully.

8. There are many privacy concerns surrounding Cybercrime when confidential information is intercepted or disclosed, lawfully or

9. A witness is Compellable if he or she may lawfully be required to give evidence

10. Should you do things lawfully and behave properly, no one can make a laughingstock of you.

11. When cases were Administratively closed, recalendared, and decided, most immigrants met the legal standard to remain in the country lawfully

12. Aliens seeking to lawfully enter into the United States must establish their Admissibility to the satisfaction of the CBP officer

13. A witness is Compellable if, being competent, he or she may be lawfully compelled by a court to give evidence

14. "Apprehensions refers to the physical control or temporary detainment of a person who is not lawfully in the U.S

15. The latter are Countenanced by no class of vows lawfully made, either in Old Testament times or in a later period

16. When lawfully used, the power of procreation will bless and will sanctify (see Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F.

Khi được sử dụng hợp pháp, khả năng sinh sản sẽ ban phước và sẽ thánh hoá (xin xem Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F.

17. To address this problem, experts in recent years have proposed a test to establish whether any particular speech can be lawfully limited.

18. Basements in a one-family home can be lawfully rented only if the following conditions are met: Compliance with the Housing Maintenance Code for minimum room size

19. South Dakota residents and nonresidents who may lawfully possess a pistol are not required to have a permit in order to carry a Concealed pistol in the state

20. This License is only valid for the individual who has purchased an unopened, new and lawfully made copy of Aethers 01 from a dealer or distributor authorized by Big Fish Audio

21. “If Her Majesty’s representative in Bermuda does not give Assent to something that has been passed lawfully and legally under this local government, this will destroy the relationship that we

22. Banns are just an announcement in the local parish church of your intention to marry and a chance for anyone to put forward a reason why the marriage may not lawfully take place

23. Any person who carries a firearm Concealed on or about his person except in his place of abode or fixed place of business without a valid and lawfully issued license commits a …

24. The Bridging visa a subclass 010 is fundamentally a temporary linking visa that allows the holder to remain lawfully in Australia till the decision of his or her application for a substantive visa comes through.

25. Consumptive use means the amount of water that is consumed under appropriate and reasonably efficient practices to accomplish without waste the purposes for which the appropriation or other legally permitted use is lawfully made (e.g

26. In order to facilitate the conversion of the analogue system to the digital system, the broadcasting of television programmes shall be carried on through installations lawfully operating on the date of the entry into force of this Law ...’

27. Bigamy is the act or condition of a person lawfully married under any law, religion or custom who during the continuance such marriage contract a marriage with a third person under any law, religion or custom

28. In accordance with the work A Dictionary of Law, this is a description of Compellable Witness : A person who may lawfully be required to give evidence.In principle every person who is competent to be a witness is Compellable (See competence).

29. The Belgian Government’s written observations state that the acquittal of the persons concerned was based on the finding that ‘the employment of the Bulgarian workers was fully covered by the E 101/A1 forms, which have been regularly and lawfully issued to date’.

30. The fact that the applicants produce an affidavit stating that they did not remove, or steal, or intercept any internal document produced by the secretariat of OLAF’s Supervisory Committee, which the Commission has never accused them of having done, does not show that they obtained the documents lawfully.

31. The Court has Analogized from the plain view doctrine to hold that, once officers have lawfully observed contraband, “the owner’s privacy interest in that item is lost,” and officers may reseal a container, trace its path through a controlled delivery, and seize and reopen the container without a warrant.348.

32. As adjectives the difference between Adequate and sufficient is that Adequate is equal to some requirement; proportionate, or correspondent; fully sufficient; as, powers Adequate to a great work; an Adequate definition lawfully and physically sufficient while sufficient is equal to the end proposed; Adequate to wants; enough; ample; competent; as,

33. Temporary Rule Addressing COVID-19 Workplace Risks Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division Oregon Administrative Rules AO 4-2020 Division 1 437-001-0744 (2)(f) 3 437-001-0744 (2)(i) (f) Employee – means any individual, including a minor whether lawfully or unlawfully employed, who engages to furnish services for a remuneration,