lamentable in Vietnamese

@lamentable /'læməntəbl/
* tính từ
- đáng thương, thảm thương, ai oán
- đáng tiếc, thảm hại
=a lamentable performance of a play+ một buổi diễn kịch thảm hại

Sentence patterns related to "lamentable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lamentable" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lamentable", or refer to the context using the word "lamentable" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. His examination results were lamentable.

2. His command of English was lamentable.

3. 2 Jehovah understands our lamentable situation.

2 Đức Giê-hô-va hiểu tình trạng đáng buồn của chúng ta.

4. His practice of inebriation was lamentable.

5. 27 What a lamentable failure Israel is!

27 Dân Y-sơ-ra-ên thất bại thảm thương thay!

6. She shows a lamentable lack of understanding.

7. Labour's record on capital spending was lamentable.

8. It is a lamentable state of affairs.

9. This lamentable state of affairs lasted until 19

10. Things were now come to a lamentable height.

11. However lamentable also is medical health care is tasted.

12. His death is a lamentable loss of our work.

13. Being aimless and irresolute and hesitant is lamentable mentality.

14. This is true, this is also a lamentable history!

15. The decision they made is a lamentable lack of foresight.

16. The local peasant press was in a lamentable condition still.

17. Three years after this lamentable affair, Colonel Smith was arrested.

18. It is lamentable that the officer failed to deal with the situation.

19. Witness , too, the lamentable failure to set up an EU - wide patent.

20. THE murder of Mr Lincoln is a very great and very lamentable event, perhaps the greatest and most lamentable which has occurred since the coup d'etat, if not since Waterloo.

21. Our knowledge of the basic natural history of some groups is still lamentable.

22. Father Fauchelevent was rattling in the throat in the most lamentable manner.

23. 8 THE murder of Mr Lincoln is a very great and very lamentable event, perhaps the greatest and most lamentable which has occurred since the coup d'etat, if not since Waterloo.

24. Bodkin supported the proposed legislation precisely to put a stop to this ' lamentable ' situation

25. Many of these Anarchists (especially those escaping Russia) introduced lamentable traits into American radicalism

26. It is lamentable that Cassidy will not get to coach his team next season.

27. She met Gerty's lamentable eyes, fixed on her in a despairing effort at consolation.

28. The lamentable weakness of the words roused a motion of pity in Lily's breast.

29. It is true but lamentable that Singaporeans generally respond well to stricter application of the laws.

30. A woman like lady Busshe, always prying for the lamentable , would have required no further enlightment.

31. A woman like lady Busshe, always prying for the lamentable, would have required no further enlightenment.

32. 9 reviews of Brigade "I only got to come in here once, which is truly lamentable

33. Bipartisanship The decline of Bipartisanship is lamentable; it is small consolation that fiscal imprudence is bipartisan.

34. All current affairs in the whole world of lamentable war and strife needed to be weighed in this balance.

35. Yet, the lamentable fact of life is that we still do not live in a world without war.

Tuy nhiên, đáng buồn thay, trên thực tế chúng ta vẫn chưa sống trong một thế giới không có chiến tranh.

36. People now hear only the reflexively anti-pesticide drumbeat of the environmental movement, the lamentable legacy of the benighted Rachel Carson and her acolytes.

37. Then they buried Cassim , and Morgiana his slave followed him to the grave , weeping and tearing her hair , while Cassim 's wife stayed at home uttering lamentable cries .

Rồi họ chôn Cassim , và Morgiana , người hầu , theo chủ xuống mồ , khóc lóc và vò đầu bứt tóc , trong khi vợ của Cassim thì ở nhà than khóc ai oán .

38. Significantly, the above description of lamentable human conduct is introduced in the Bible with the words: “In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.”

39. 8 Due to the lamentable state of German intelligence, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the commander of Army Group B, had no firm intelligence about where the Allied troops would come ashore.

40. In 2018, the Supreme Court observed that the Criminalisation of politics is an “extremely disastrous and lamentable situation” and that this “unsettlingly increasing trend” in the country has the propensity to “send shivers down the spine of constitutional democracy.”

41. Lately elders have advised preachers not to place so much emphasis on the ‘end of the world’ and the lamentable fate that will befall sinners, but rather that they explain to listeners that Jehovah is offering them the opportunity to have ‘eternal life in paradise on earth.’

42. Early writers on Americanisms were wont to stamp every odd or vulgar word and expression as American, with the lamentable result, as Richard Grant White complained, of creating a belief that there is a distinctive American language, “a barbarous, hybrid dialect, grafted upon English stock;” the truth being that most of the so-called

43. Papers relating to the lives and lamentable deaths of the late Lord Durisdeer, and his elder brother James, commonly called Master of Ballantrae, Attainted in the troubles: entrusted into the hands of John M'Brair in the Lawnmarket of Edinburgh, W.S.; this 20th day of September Anno Domini 1789; by him to be kept secret until the revolution of

44. On 12 June 1626, the Commons launched a direct protestation attacking Buckingham, stating, "We protest before your Majesty and the whole world that until this great person be removed from intermeddling with the great affairs of state, we are out of hope of any good success; and do fear that any money we shall or can give will, through his misemployment, be turned rather to the hurt and prejudice of this your kingdom than otherwise, as by lamentable experience we have found those large supplies formerly and lately given."

Ngày 12 tháng 6 năm 1626, Hạ viện tung ra một bản tố cáo trực tiếp vào Buckingham, nội dung là, "Chúng thần phản đối trước mặt Thánh thượng và cả thế giới rằng cái con người tuyệt vời kia không nên được để cho can thiệp vào những vấn đề đại sự của quốc gia, chúng thần đã không còn hi vọng vào bất kì thành công mĩ mãn nào; và thật sợ hãi khi tiền bạc, chúng thần sẽ hoặc là có thể cung cấp, sẽ bị ông ta sử dụng sai chỗ, và trở lại hây tổn thương và ảnh hưởng xấu đến vương quốc của thánh thượng và mặt khác, bởi những kinh nghiệm đáng tiếc, chúng thần thấy rằng những nguồn ngân sách trước đây hoặc gần đây đã bị xuất ra gần hết."