kultur in Vietnamese

* danh từ
- (thường) viết hoa văn hoá
- (khinh miệt) văn hoá Đức (nhấn mạnh sự phục tùng của cá nhân đối với quốc gia)

Sentence patterns related to "kultur"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "kultur" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "kultur", or refer to the context using the word "kultur" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Kristiansand – Aviser, kultur, aktiviteter og opplevelser! Posted on March 20, 2019 March 22, 2019

2. Basker värnar om sitt nationella oberoende och har en egen kultur – arkitektur, musik, litteratur, folkdräkter – samt

3. Basilika podcasting espazio bat da, honako interesetik abiatzen dena: pentsamendu konparatuan, hausnarketa kritikoan eta gaur egungo kultur ekoizpenaren forma desberdinen gaurkotasun-harremanetan arakatzea

4. Medialisierung und Sexualisierung als Assemblagen gegenwärtiger Kultur – Herausforderungen für eine (Medien)- Pädagogik jenseits von „moral panic“ October 2015 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658

5. Fra… 4 Replies: kaputte Birne: Last post 15 Jul 09, 20:41: Is a defective bulb okay, or do you have any other suggestions? Thanks: 3 Replies: pear - die KulturBirne, auch: Kultur-Birne, Pl.: die KulturBirnen, wiss

6. In 1995, he received the first Deutsch-Französischer Journalistenpreis (DFJP) (aka Prix Franco-Allemand du Journalisme (PFAJ)) for a two-hour feature on migrants in the suburbs of Marseilles and Paris ("Rap, Rai, Ramadhan - arabische und westliche Kultur in Marseille und Paris").