isotopic in Vietnamese

@isotopic /,aisou'tɔpik/
* tính từ
- (hoá học) đồng vị
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-đẳng hướng
-đồng vị
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Sentence patterns related to "isotopic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "isotopic" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "isotopic", or refer to the context using the word "isotopic" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Isotopic Abundances Since 1931, the Commission regularly publishes the critical evaluation of isotopic Abundances of elements

2. Biometrics From the Isotopic Analysis of Amino Acids in Human Hair

3. 23 The problem was resolved using a trick called isotopic substitution.

4. 25 The authors collected systematic samples from the growth layers of Tridacna squasama in the Xisha Islands, determined Sr isotopic composition and obtained Sr isotopic growth curve of the mollusk.

5. One half of a period is a Marine isotopic stage (MIS).

Một nửa thời kỳ là giai đoạn đồng vị biển (MIS).

6. Isotopic analysis of hydroxyArchaeol can be informative about the environment and substrates for

7. 7 This supernatant was used for measurement of isotopic enrichment of free leucine.

8. Although isotopic Abundances are fairly constant throughout the solar system, variations do occur

9. 21 Deformation modes involving hydrogen also drop dramatically in frequency on isotopic substitution.

10. 14 As we have seen in Section isotopic substitution can lead to changes in vibration frequencies.

11. It can also be extracted to a high chemical and isotopic purity from radioactive waste.

Nó cũng có thể được chiết tách thành dạng có độ tinh khiết hóa học và đồng vị cao từ các chất thải phóng xạ.

12. (g) the isotopic composition of plutonium, including its decay isotope americium-241, and reference dates.

13. The separated isotopic molecule 35Cl2 and cooled absorption cells were used to simplify the spectrum.

14. Lead isotopic compositions of galena within the Spanish Mine metamorphic suite indicate additional Proterozoic activity and mineralization.

15. 30 As we have seen in Section isotopic substitution can lead to changes in vibration frequencies.

16. The isotopic compositions of barite and pyrite reflect a deposit-wide thermal equilibration at 504 °C.

17. Variations in stable isotopic Abundances are usually less than 1 percent, but they can be larger

18. The importance of the isotopic diagnosis and of the angiography for the diagnosis is mainly stressed.

19. Eastern Cherts are virtually isotopic (uniform in all directions) but can contain chalcedonized fossils and other impurities

20. Recent field, isotopic, and geophysical surveys provide insight on the nature, timing, and scale of this accretionary growth.

21. The results on hornblendes, plagioclases and zircons establish the isotopic age of intrusion and the mode of cooling.

22. Table of Isotopic Masses and Natural Abundances This table lists the mass and percent natural abundance for the stable nuclides

23. The atomic weights are available for elements 1 through 118 and isotopic compositions or Abundances are given when appropriate

24. The complexity of the isotopic patterns suggests that a dissimilatory sulfite reductase system may be induced by high concentrations of sulfite.

25. Scientists developed an isotopic standard for measuring absolute abundances of potassium-40 that are traceable to the International System of Units.

26. The absorption spectrum of cold NO gas has been photographed at high resolution between 1400 and 1250 Å for two isotopic species.

27. The four isotopes of strontium have isotopic mass numbers of 84, 86, 87, and 88, and relative Abundances of 0.56%, 9.86%, 7.00%, and 82.58%, respectively

28. The geochemical and isotopic data may also be subdivided into two groupings that primarily reflect varying contributions from accessory phases, clay minerals, or rock fragments.

29. If Theia had been a separate protoplanet, it probably would have had a different oxygen isotopic signature from Earth, as would the ejected mixed material.

Nếu Theia là một tiền hành tinh riêng biệt, nó sẽ có đặc tính về đồng vị oxy khác với Trái Đất, cũng như vật chất trộn lẫn bắn ra sau cú va chạm.

30. In this study, we employ a novel single cell Arraying technology for quantitative analysis and isotopic fingerprinting by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma time-of …

31. Consistence between isotopic model age of lead ore and intrusion age of quartz porphyry shows close relations among structure movements, magmatism and mineralization in Stage of Yenshan

32. Exact Masses of the Elements and Isotopic Abundances (This Page) The following data was collected from a compilation of data from the CRC Handbook and other references

33. Using isotope ratio mass spectroscopy and deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance, researchers at the Eurofins Scientific Analytics labs graphically observed the isotopic ratio patterns of widely available molecules.

34. The δ13C isotopic determinations performed in a single laboratory on all the distillates returned by the participants reveal neither abnormal values nor values significantly distinct from the mean values.

35. The within-plate basalts differ from those of MORB affinity by LREE-enriched patterns; higher TiO2, Nb, Ta, and Th abundances; lower eNd values; and correlatively higher isotopic Pb ratios.

36. Calorimetric assay is the determination of the mass of radioactive material through the combined measurement of its thermal power by calorimetry and its isotopic composition by gamma-ray spectroscopy or mass spectroscopy

37. Compared to those in an Anhydrously-prepared thick section (40–3800 ppm), while the H-isotopic compositions were affected by the isotopically light terrestrial water (δD values of –105–524 ‰ vs

38. Using a combined transmission-emission-scintigraphy it is possible for the first time by isotopic lymphography to get absolutely quantitative storage rates over the regional lymph nodes independent from measuring geometry.

39. 5 "We are currently undertaking osteological and forensics studies, but it will be some months before we have this information and we can compare it with the isotopic information, " he said.

40. Although isotopic compositions of methane have traditionally aided source identification, the abundance of its multiply substituted "Clumped" isotopologues (for example, (13)CH3D) has recently emerged as a proxy for determining methane-formation temperatures.

41. Unlike their arc-related counterparts, however, the Chinese magmas carry inherited Archaean zircons and have neodymium and strontium isotopic compositions overlapping those of eclogite xenoliths derived from the lower crust of the North China Craton.

42. Active IAEA Collaborating Centres sorted by topic Environment Country Topic National Food Chain Safety Office FFSD RRL HUNGARY Production and characterization of reference materials Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) KUWAIT Use of Nuclear and Isotopic Techniques to

43. Isotopic inferences of ancient Biochemistries - Carbon, sulfur, hydrogen, and nitrogen In processes of biological incorporation and subsequent biochemical processing sizable isotope effects occur as a result of both thermodynamic and kinetic fractionations which take place during metabolic and biosynthetic reactions

44. Advances in knowledge of accumulation, thickness, temperature, crystal fabric and surface mapping of ice sheets and of impurities, gas content and isotopic ratios of ice cores from these ice sheets are outlined before computer modelling work is discussed.

45. In a phylogenetic context, the isotopic evidence implies that woodcutting and consumption of woody plants can be traced back to a small-bodied, semiaquatic Miocene Castorid, suggesting that beavers have been consuming woody plants for over 20 million years.

46. The shift of the Carboxyl group was established rigorously by stable isotopic experiments with heterologously expressed phgABC, converting 2, 3, 5, 6-tetradeutero-PHB and [Carboxyl-13 C]-PHB to 3, 4, 6-trideutero-GA and [Carboxyl-13 C]-GA respectively

47. Sulfur isotope abundance data for minerals of the historically important alunite deposits of the Tolfa district indicate (1) compositional similarity between sulfates and sulfides (mean δS34 values of +5.54 and +6.34 permil respectively), (2) negligible fractionation factors (0.995 to 1.004) for sulfate-sulfide mineral pairs, (3) two distinct sulfide isotopic populations characterized by pyrite (+8.34 permil) and marcasite (−1.05 permil) and with associated alunite displaying a covariant isotopic shift, and (4) possible contamination of the hydrothermal system by evaporite sulfate (+25.1 permil) because hypogene pyrite, galena, and cinnabar are enriched in S34 (+6.1 to +10.3 permil).

48. The Pickle Crow assemblage consists of tholeiitic basalt with thin, but laterally extensive, oxide-facies iron formation overlain by alkalic basalts and minor calc-alkaline andesites to dacites with primitive Nd isotopic compositions (εNd2.89 Ga = +2.1 to +2.4) suggestive of deposition in a sediment-starved oceanic basin.

49. The isotopic compositions, ophiolite tectonostratigraphy, and correlation of the 40Ar/39Ar cooling (plagiogranite) and deformation (amphibolite) ages suggest emplacement of the Neyriz ophiolite either into an accretionary prism, through offscraping and subduction erosion, and (or) formation in a supra-subduction zone environment, around 82–96 Ma.

50. To indicate the extent of this phenomenon, on the south margin of the North Caribou terrane, the 2.8 and 2.7 Ga assemblages developed Autochthonously over a strike length of about 200 km, based on field and isotopic evidence (Rogers et al., 1999, Sanborn-Barrie et al., 2001).