internationalization of the economy in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-sự quốc tế hóa nền kinh tế

Sentence patterns related to "internationalization of the economy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "internationalization of the economy" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "internationalization of the economy", or refer to the context using the word "internationalization of the economy" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The internationalization of the right to access local services

2. The internationalization of accounting has become a hot topic for accounting profession.

3. Calendarize it! for WordPress comply with the Codex for internationalization

4. In terms of outcome of the analysis , we exanimate the valid of factors on internationalization of International New venture.

5. } practicing a musical instrument takes a lot of Basketries made from the general key to internationalization

6. This kind of multi - dimensional teaching system enables Singapore's students to adapt the internationalization tidal current.

7. I think XML is already compelling developers of chauvinistic ASCII-only tools to provide better internationalization.

8. These differences may need to be taken into account by the internationalization process in preparation for translation.

Những khác biệt này có thể cần phải được tính toán trước trong quá trình quốc tế hoá để chuẩn bị cho bản dịch.

9. Appear has won several national and international prizes for revenue growth, internationalization and technology

10. A globalization method includes, after planning, three implementation steps: internationalization, localization and quality assurance.

Phương pháp toàn cầu hoá bao gồm ba bước thực hiện sau khi lập kế hoạch, bao gồm quốc tế hóa, địa phương hóa và đảm bảo chất lượng.

11. The internationalization of Canadian campuses can be aligned with the priorities of the nation as Canada stakes out its place in the world.

12. However, in modern software, due to the requirement of the high bit for internationalization, Alt no longer works in such a way.

13. The notion of the information economy and the creative economy takes hold.

14. The economy of the United States is a highly developed mixed economy.

Nền kinh tế Hoa Kỳ (Mỹ) là nền kinh tế hỗn hợp có mức độ phát triển cao.

15. It is the principle of practicing economy, one of the basic principles of socialist economy.

16. The adjustment of economy structure is important stratagem to national economy development.

17. 25 At present, the global accounting internationalization process has stepped into a convergent stage from the coordination stage gradually.

18. Type B (Global Traction Type) - The Global Traction Type is for innovative universities that lead the internationalization of Japanese society, based on continuous improvement.

Loại B—(Loại Hướng đến toàn cầu hoá) Loại này dành cho các trường đại học cách tân, tiên phong trong việc quốc tế hoá trong xã hội Nhật Bản bằng các cải tiến liên tục.

19. Dual economy is a basic characteristic of Chinese economy.

20. Feudal landlord estate economy is one economic model of the economy of Chinas feudal landowners.

21. For much of the 20th century, Georgia's economy was within the Soviet model of command economy.

Trong hầu hết thế kỷ 20, kinh tế Gruzia đi theo mô hình nền kinh tế chỉ huy Xô viết.

22. The economy of Vietnam has transformed from an agrarian to a service economy.

Nền kinh tế Việt Nam đang chuyển đổi từ nông nghiệp sang nền kinh tế dịch vụ.

23. This is an important step in the internationalization plan that the company, which specializes in the design, construction and maintenance of Biogas and biomethane plants in the

24. Becoming the basis of the economy.

Đang trở thành nền tảng của nền kinh tế.

25. The U. S. economy is still the world's greatest economy.

Nền kinh tế Mỹ vẫn là nền kinh tế lớn nhất thế giới.