internally in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "internally"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "internally" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "internally", or refer to the context using the word "internally" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The argument is internally contradictory.

2. Internally added if launched from Finder

3. Her argument is internally inconsistent.

4. Internally there are two swimming baths.

Deià còn có hai bãi tắm biển.

5. Internally, people did distinguish personal property.

6. Thirdly, China became increasingly internally weak.

Chiến tranh liệt quốc ở Trung Quốc ngày càng khốc liệt.

7. The matter will be dealt with internally.

8. Internally cooled linear accelerator and drift tubes

9. The building has been restored externally and internally.

10. His argument is not even internally consistent .

11. The new posts were only advertised internally.

12. This medicine must not be taken internally.

13. They laboured to make the empire internally consistent.

14. The job should be advertised internally and externally.

15. Calomel is sometimes used internally as a cholagogue.

16. Internally, these segments are split by further disunities.

Chính trong nội bộ các khối này cũng bị chia rẽ bởi những ý kiến khác nhau.

17. Links report > Top internally-linked pages table

Báo cáo liên kết > Bảng các trang được liên kết nội bộ hàng đầu

18. Internally however, the most profound changes are taking place.

19. Internally, the rhizomes of all species of Marsilea have an Amphiphloic siphonostele, being limited internally and externally by endodermal layers, and with a central pith

20. He was internally disturbed to hear of her illness.

21. 7 Anagen Effluvium is usually due to internally administered medications.

22. Advertise the job internally first or simultaneously in other outlets.

23. The remaining segments are internally moulded into a truncated cone.

24. A vapor-compression Chiller uses a refrigerant internally as its working fluid

25. A great deal has been done internally to remedy the situation.

26. Our readers also explore whether taking Colloidal silver internally is effective.

27. Autographer internally handles type safety, so you'll only see relevant additions

28. They were themselves internally differentiated into knights, esquires and mere gentlemen.

29. Internally, national information databases and affiliated agencies in the country are consulted

30. Internally produced intangible assets are currently expensed in the economic outturn account.

31. Internally, the Combative warfare stance is honoured as a show of strength

32. Alternatively, the recirculation system is arranged substantially internally within the cylinder head.

33. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

34. Coltsfoot can be used both internally and externally for its anti-inflammatory properties

35. Brigadiers accommodates 140 covers internally with a further 34 on an outdoor terrace

36. Brigadiers accommodates 140 covers internally with a further 34 on an outdoor terrace

37. I was assigned to work for the homeless, for the internally displaced people.

38. At this time, internally displaced persons do not have access to these shelters.

39. It is said ten drops of croton , taken internally , will have fatal results.

40. Internally , however , it lacks the other embellishments , namely , the paintings and depiction of dances .

41. The kernel therefore disables ACPI support internally when it detects certain ACPI BIOS versions.

42. We're striving for what we call internally a "progressive model" (paraphrased from "progressive tax").

43. 4 Evening primrose oil is used on the skin as well as taken internally.

44. Have you ever wondered why religious teachings are invariably mysterious, confusing, and internally incongruent?

45. Advanced Patent IndeX (Apix) is an internally developed tool to measure patent validity.

46. This medicine is for external use only and should not be taken internally.

47. Clove oil can be used externally or internally depending on the health concern

48. In some areas, returning internally displaced persons have been allowed to return unconditionally

49. User_id is a unique identifier that you internally associate with a certain customer.

User_id là giá trị nhận dạng duy nhất mà bạn gán nội bộ cho một khách hàng nhất định.

50. Although the man who had fallen looked all right, he was hurt internally.