incarceration in Vietnamese

@incarceration /in,kɑ:sə'reiʃn/
* danh từ
- sự bỏ tù, sự tống giam
- (nghĩa bóng) sự giam hãm, sự o bế
- (y học) sự bị nghẹt (thoát vị)
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
@Lĩnh vực: y học
-sự nghẹn, nghẽ

Sentence patterns related to "incarceration"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "incarceration" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "incarceration", or refer to the context using the word "incarceration" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Counterstory: After Incarceration



Bí dang Rottmayar, nghĩa là Nhà tù kiên cố nhất.

4. This led to her arrest and incarceration.

Điều này dẫn đến việc chị bị bắt và ở tù.

5. The judge also cited the incarceration of Mr. Fastow's wife, Lea.

6. There have been angry protests about his arrest and incarceration.

7. Mr Clarke disputes the simplistic link between rising incarceration and falling crime.

8. Has provided Alternatives to incarceration for federal, state, and local offenders.

9. California has one of the highest incarceration rates of all the 50 states.

California có mức độ đốt rác nhựa thuộc hàng cao nhất trong số 50 bang.

10. Her childhood was overshadowed by her mother's incarceration in a psychiatric hospital.

11. Alcatraz reveals stories of American incarceration, justice, and our common humanity

12. In Sierra Leone , by contrast, no one will mourn Mr Taylor's incarceration.

13. Prosecutors, through internal guidelines, prosecute only violations which will result in incarceration.

14. No, no, no, no, the brig is unsuitable for long-term incarceration.

Không, không, không, không phòng giam đang mất ổn định không thể ở lâu dài.

15. The United States now has the highest rate of incarceration in the world.

Nước Mỹ giờ đây có tỉ lệ phạt tù cao nhất trên thế giới

16. It is a bureaucracy of incarceration beyond the dreams of the bleakest writer.

17. The notebooks date from his incarceration on the infamous Robben Island penal colony.

18. • To help reduce crime and incarceration rates in the communities that administer justice programs.

19. The provision of alternatives to incarceration (halfway houses, community service programmes, parole, suspended sentences);

20. Thus adjudication and incarceration of the violator may occur many years after the commission the crime.

21. This stimulates the amygdala and may be a more effective rehabilitative practice than simple incarceration.

Điều này sẽ kích thích hạch hạnh nhân và có thể giúp ích cho việc phục thiện hơn là tống giam.

22. His erect pompadour stands as proof that his male vanity is unharmed despite his incarceration.

23. Counterstory: After Incarceration 1 year ago Upload, livestream, and create your own videos, all in HD.

24. • to help reduce the rates of crime and incarceration among Aboriginal people in communities with cost-shared programs.

25. The House Arrest Program is an alternative to incarceration for select, intermittent-sentenced offenders (weekend servers).

26. Butboth Fiennes and West imply that he is as much imprisoned by monarchy as by literal incarceration.

27. Not in sterile policy terms like "mass incarceration," or "sentencing of nonviolent offenders," but in human terms.

28. Funds for education, for training and for rehabilitation are declining, so this despairing cycle of incarceration continues.

Ngân sách cho giáo dục, đào tạo và cho các trại phục hồi nhân phẩm đang giảm dần.

29. The country's high rate of incarceration is largely due to changes in sentencing guidelines and drug policies.

Tỉ lệ bị cầm tù ngày càng cao của Hoa Kỳ phần lớn là do những thay đổi trong việc xử phạt và những chính sách chống chất ma túy.

30. Utilizing a holistic approach to wellness, Acure strives to enhance the communities we serve and reduce homelessness, incarceration, and …

31. Tim Robertson, director of the Koestler Trust, believes convicts should be encouraged to exhibit art made during their incarceration .

32. Incarceration in jails and prisons as a result of alcohol- and drug-related crime is also very high.24

Số tù nhân vì tội ác liên quan đến rượu chè và ma túy cũng rất đông.24

33. Incarceration as an inverse alternative to the closed residence is subject to the evaluation of the Superintendent of Residences.

34. And because of my activity, I landed in solitary confinement for seven and a half years out of my incarceration.

Và vì những hành vi của mình, tôi bị đưa vào khu biệt giam trong 7 năm rưỡi trong tổng thời gian chịu án phạt tù.

35. But of the crime that caused the incarceration and the means of paying the penalty this passage tells us nothing.

36. Boiling Point investigates instances of police brutality, voter suppression, school segregation, environmental racism and mass incarceration throughout American history, and the impact those

37. Asale Angel-Ajani is a writer, scholar and activist with expertise on Global Mass Incarceration, the African Diaspora, and the rights of women

38. Few people believe that insubordination is an important offence for street-sweepers and should be punished by incarceration or even death.

39. Pathologically, there was an unclosed eyeball caused by a poorly healed incision with incarceration of uvea tissue, besides the characteristics of SO.

40. Northeastern University criminologist Fox that the aging population and continued high rates of incarceration can be made to reduce the U. S. crime rate.

41. A detailed portrait of the routine of cellblock life, "The Shawshank Redemption" might change a few minds about the usefulness of incarceration in terms of rehabilitation.

42. Robert Young Books – Police brutality, Media Propaganda, Drug Addiction, Gangs, Mass Incarceration, Ghetto Angels, Cobwebbed Eyes To make gentrification a simple task, every black community …

43. Mr. Mandela spent 27 years in prison for opposing the apartheid administration. The notebooks date from his incarceration on the infamous Robben Island penal colony.

44. President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have come out very strongly on sentencing reform, on the need to address racial disparity in incarceration.

Tổng thống Obama và chánh án Eric Holder đã tuyên bố mạnh mẽ về cải cách tuyên án, trong việc xem xét sự chênh lệch chủng tộc trong tỉ lệ bắt giam.

45. The banning of Zanu in 1964 saw her husband detained and restricted for six years at Sikombela and other camps of incarceration across the country.

Lệnh cấm Zanu năm 1964 đã khiến chồng bà bị bắt và bị giam giữ sáu năm tại Sikombela và các trại giam khác trên toàn quốc gia.

46. Her platform focused on income inequality, renewable energy, establishing universal health care, stopping mass incarceration in the United States, and protecting undocumented children from deportation.

Cương lĩnh chiến dịch của cô được mô tả là tập trung vào bất bình đẳng thu nhập, năng lượng tái tạo, thiết lập chăm sóc sức khỏe toàn cầu, ngăn chặn việc giam giữ hàng loạt tại Hoa Kỳ và bảo vệ trẻ em không giấy tờ khỏi bị trục xuất....

47. Beaty’s spoken-word performance about a childhood lived in the shadow of incarceration is transformed into a gentler but equally affecting story for a younger audience

48. Clemency can come in the form of a pardon, which legally undoes a criminal conviction, or in the form of a commutation, which reduces or ends someone’s incarceration

49. These attacks took one of two forms: 1) drug use that led to a heightened sense of desperation to avoid arrest and incarceration, and 2) the Assailant’s desire for freedom.

50. Following an investigation and a court case, Ambash was convicted on 18 of the 20 charges against him in October 2013, including sexual offenses, abuse of minors, incarceration and sadistic violence.