inadequacy in Vietnamese

@inadequacy /in'ædikwəsi/
* danh từ ((cũng) inadequateness)
- sự không tương xứng, sự không xứng, sự không thích đáng, sự không thoả đáng
- sự không đủ, sự không đầy đủ, sự thiếu
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-không thích hợp
-sự không đẩy đủ
-sự không đủ
-sự thiếu
@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-thiểu năng
@Lĩnh vực: y học
-sự không đủ khả năng
@Lĩnh vực: điện lạnh
-sự không phù hợp
-sự không thích hợp

Sentence patterns related to "inadequacy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inadequacy" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inadequacy", or refer to the context using the word "inadequacy" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. He projected significant feelings of inadequacy.

2. Inadequacy of budget management and accountancy practices

3. An inadequacy often calls forth compensating forces.

4. 15 Feelings of inadequacy, of course, are normal.

15 Dĩ nhiên, cảm thấy không đủ khả năng đảm nhận trách nhiệm là chuyện bình thường.

5. Synonyms: acceptability, satisfactoriness, sufficiency… Antonyms: inAdequacy, inadequateness, insufficiency…

6. I now see the inadequacy of the explanation.

7. 3 Does cerebrum have method cure for hematic inadequacy?

8. Its inadequacy is manifested in at least two ways.

9. She rightly points to the inadequacy of the argument.

10. Seeing Dan revived all my old feelings of inadequacy.

11. The failure is due to the inadequacy of preparations.

12. He made several mocking asides about the inadequacy of women.

13. What can we do to overcome feelings of inadequacy?

Chúng ta có thể làm gì để khắc phục cảm giác thiếu khả năng?

14. An overwhelming feeling of inadequacy flushed through me again.

15. 5 She rightly points to the inadequacy of the argument.

16. 2 She rightly points to the inadequacy of the argument.

17. It's a marvellous catch-all alibi for failure and inadequacy.

18. Unemployment can cause feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

19. I always suffer from feelings of inadequacy when I'm with him.

20. His advice was to be defensive and never admit to any inadequacy.

21. Marasmus is the condition resulting from caloric inadequacy of the diet.

22. One is justifying behavior caused by perfectionism, inadequacy, and fear of discomfort.

23. 24 Current, the main feature of culture of country consumption is consumptive inadequacy.

24. The second ground: infringement of essential procedural requirements (absence or inadequacy of reasoning)

25. Antonyms for Conclusiveness include inConclusiveness, ineffectiveness, ineffectuality, ineffectualness, uncertainty, inadequacy, uselessness, powerlessness, impotence

26. But merely to recite examples of improvised education was to reveal their inadequacy.

27. How can feelings of inadequacy hold some back from getting involved in spiritual matters?

Làm sao cảm giác không đủ khả năng khiến một số người nam ngại tham gia các hoạt động về tâm linh?

28. The new policy only serves to accentuate the inadequacy of provision for the homeless.

29. Antonyms for Behoof include uselessness, inadequacy, futility, frivolity, incompetence, hopelessness, ineptness, pointlessness, ineffectiveness and ineffectuality

30. To them, it was a game, and those two had very large feelings of inadequacy.

31. Since reforming and opening, fujian economy success is brilliant, but development aftereffect highlights inadequacy.

32. Antonyms for Adroitness include artlessness, clumsiness, ineptitude, ineptness, malAdroitness, incompetence, ignorance, inability, stupidity and inadequacy

33. The answer lies in the inadequacy of current training provision to resource these imminent training requirements.

34. Antonyms for Bellyfuls include deficiency, deficits, insufficiencies, shortage, lacks, scarcity, dearths, want, inadequacy and paucity

35. The feeling of inadequacy, but of having to cope, is an example of a tension.

36. They are budgetary procedure, the inadequacy of resources, and the redistributive aspect of the budget.

37. They are budgetary procedure, the inadequacy of resources, and the redistributive aspect of the budget.sentence dictionary

38. I Thought It Was Just Me (But it isn’t) Telling the Truth about Perfectionism, Inadequacy, and Power

39. Perhaps not, but plenty of people have sought power as compensation for their own feelings of inadequacy.

40. The inadequacy of communications cut Nice off from its hinterland, and condemned the entire county to poverty.

41. The results expose the inadequacy of the voluntary measures to tackle the problem of alimentary iodine deficiency.

42. Although aviation accidents are fortunately rare, a substantial proportion are due to the inadequacy of conventional navigation aids.

43. The search for personal inadequacy and behavioural defects has been the key focus of such research and policy.

44. Avoidant Personality Disorder and Other Conditions Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by feelings of extreme social inhibition, inadequacy, …

45. Is this perhaps a comment on the inadequacy of the law and the difficulty of policing and getting convictions?

46. How does ability make up for the inadequacy of human protein, let live in tellurian has people had, satiate?

47. When Lee Kuan Yew later abolished Singapore's jury system (1969), he cited Marshall's record as an illustration of its "inadequacy".

Khi Lý Quang Diệu bãi bỏ hệ thống bồi thẩm đoàn vào năm 1969, ông ta trích dẫn danh tiếng của Marshall để minh họa cho "tính bất cập" của nó.

48. Essentially, all these blocks to communication and self-expression are to do with feelings of inadequacy, and poor self-image.

49. The inadequacy and treachery of the old leaderships of the working class have made the need all the more imperative.

50. 13 Analysis and calculation of parameters of core plane porosity make up the calculation inadequacy of porosity parameter in hetero...